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Everything posted by FISHINMAN

  1. Was hoping for a response from ya yesterday. How did you get that picture of Ray K with his new hair cut?
  2. Sorry guys couldn't make it out last night I had to work early this AM. How'd ya do?
  3. Lookwho'stakingshotsatsombodyeles'sspelling :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. I agree! To bad they(both parties) can't work together to get this country straightened out. We had better never ever forget that day and what they did because the day we do those dirty son of bit#@s will try something again :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: GOD BLESS AMERICA :!: Fishing side note: they ruined fishing in front of Ginnea for me too :x
  5. Friend went out Wednesday night. Nada! He said nothing jumping either and a lot of times that a tell tale sign of how things will be. I think after this rain it's gonna be time to get it on. I'll get out there one night this weekend maybe. Blueghost1 I'll PM if you I go.
  6. Musky I think I see part of your problem with the fishing. Get more than 1 rod in the water :roll: improves your chances
  7. Mike we (Jax, 2 of his friends and I) fished it yesterday (9-11 :evil: :evil: ) for about 5 hours and had only 1 stinking hit that was short on the wire in 70 fow down 50ft. We threw everything at them boards, wire, riggers and even the dreaded lead :roll: . Spoons, J plugs, flashers and flies. Nuttin :x :x :x :x Long leads, short leads and bottom to top. Fished from 10fow to 90 fow. I think your best bet might be the Genny or the Oak. Sandy may have it's day just not yet.
  8. Anybody know if the launch will be open on Thursday AM?
  9. My friends are heading out tonight and one of them had one break off last night. First cast :shock: :shock: and that was it
  10. I went from Manuals to the Powerful Scotty's a couple of years back and even though my Scotty's are an older version they work great That's my vote!
  11. Let me know when you huys might head out I'll try to meet ya some night.
  12. Billy where did you pick up the Walker divers. I'm looking to get a few new divers for next year.. Thanks,
  13. Opps! I moved it today in my photo bucket (pages were a mess :roll: )
  14. My friends went out last night and they caught 2 and another guy lost 1. Glow cleos and a moonshine lure was what they used.
  15. Looks like the 3rd answer is the right answer! Working? You? Don't be silly :roll:
  16. I have a 94' with that same motor and man that boat looks great for 17 years old :shock: (I have taken pretty good care of mine over the years but that is CLEAN :!: If you want a boat that you can trailer, load and unload easy and is great to fish out of even if your alone and an engine that trolls great and doesn't burn a lot of gas then I would look close at this!
  17. Here's the nice highlight film steelie I got last this past week. It was one of those perfect looking fish without a mark, perfect fins and tail. They are gorgeous fish!
  18. 99% is way way to high :shock: I would prefer to see that dropped to .9%. Please work on that I would talk with Gambler, Jax (or YT :shock: ) they are the experts
  19. If Ray uses any type of spell check his entire screen will be red. It might look like a giant cloud of bait on his screen :shock:
  20. Ditto what everyone has said, except Ray because I'm not sure what the "F" he said. Try typing with your fingers not your sweaty as@ cheeks! Chinook has a point too as to the platinum donors getting the pro membership with that type of donation. It might just get more people to go that route if they are getting more bang for the buck. Thanks Chad and the Moderators too that keep out most of the losers that screw with the site.
  21. I also like! Can I have yours Brian :?: As is of course
  22. A friend of mine was out last week with no luck. I'll keep ya posted as he's heading out again this week.
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