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Everything posted by hermit

  1. I'd be interested in bringing some jigs... sounds like fun.
  2. Those guys are nuts. In the video on the website some guy wipes out and flies at least 50 feet in the air! On a related note when taking my boat out Sunday afternoon some dude had a customized boat, looked like he did the work himself. Only 16-17 feet, a regular looking powerboat but it must've had an oversized motor in it. Huge dual exhaust tubes, he fired it up for some reason while just sitting at the dock and I had to put my earmuffs back on. ( I wear them while running my motor.) That thing was cranking out well over 100 dB, it was one of the loudest things I've ever heard. No muffler. Even louder than the time my truck exhaust came off at the manifold. The boat probably goes like the dickens but that amount of noise should be illegal. Just stupid loud.
  3. guff, that sounds good too, thanks. I've been fishing Cayuga all summer and am looking forward to some different water. After fishing both days the past two weekends the gf is having me take the week off to do stuff around the house but I'm game the rest of the season.
  4. Ed I see it's your birthday... have a good one! Maybe some fresh fish for dinner...
  5. Congratulations to uglyokuma for #1 and lunker, nice fish. Also to Kade for taking it home in the youth division. Biggest fish on the board! Another long weekend but today was a real nice day compared to yesterday. Nice talking to various folks both days and thanks to Barney and Bear for putting on the derby.
  6. Great pics, that's one adorable little boy. Getting him started early!
  7. Thanks Marty sounds good, let's try and do that sometime soon. My schedule is pretty variable so it's hard to plan a week ahead but I like Thursdays too. Trolling is cool, as long as it's fishing I'm happy.
  8. Don't know what they're doing over there but the DEC collects lake trout eggs and milt from Cayuga, they park the gill nets right in front of Taughannock in October. Maybe some other spots too. They don't shock them just net them, milk them, and release. Not sure if they get stock from other lakes as well. Feel like I used to know more about this but it's gotten kinda fuzzy... All you guys are making me miss Keuka, if anyone wants company jigging I can't justify trailering over but could drive a car. Anytime after this weekend is good. Just a thought.
  9. When the fish are short hitting I like to shorten up my baits too. Don't usually go 5" even on Cayuga, I like them 3-4". Also try some jigging spoons over on Keuka, I like Bomber Slabs, diamond spoons work well too. The tube trick certainly works but mostly over there I fish the Slabs and it's a little less work. A bare spoon will fall faster too, better in the wind. Sounds like fun, never made it to Keuka this year myself.
  10. Also a boat engaged in fishing does not mean any of us, at any time. Recreational fishermen, charters included, don't count as "fishing vessels". As far as the regs go this is exclusively for commercial fishing operations.
  11. I meant to take a pic of the leaderboard on Sunday but spent an hour shooting the breeze without even thinking of it, camera in my pocket the whole time. I did email Ron Seacord and he said he'll pass the results on when the list is ready. They never put 5 on the board for "B" but 5 names were called. I can offer these pics for now though. All pics were taken just in front of Taughannock as I was heading out or returning. Saturday AM was surprisingly calm... for an hour. Then I got pounded heading back south later. Red sky in morning and all. Saturday Morning: Saturday Evening: Sunday Morning:
  12. Nice to meet you Wes, good talking to all of you at the weigh in. Thanks to the Salvation Army and sponsors, it's a good cause for sure. Hope they keep it going.
  13. Today was the toughest day for lakers I've had all year. 8 hrs, 1 fish. Very glad to get that one, it was 15 minutes before I had to go.
  14. Sat night was a good change from the morning, that's for sure. Real nice fish! If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure that would have been 2nd or 3rd, the first place was a 9lb 15 oz rainbow. There was another fish around 5 lbs but I don't remember exactly what it weighed. Grand prize was a 10 lb 5 oz laker (think that's right.)
  15. Have to disagree here about the lakers- a properly cleaned, breaded, and fried laker can be some of the best fried fish there is. Done right it doesn't get any better. Just my opinion of course but I don't get it when guys knock them. Oh well this is the walleye forum!
  16. Hi all, Just an update to say I've added some new products this week: Minnow head jigs on heavy wire Mustad Ultrapoint 32786BLN black nickel hooks, in 1 and 1.5 oz. Ear Ball jigs, sizes 1 and (almost) 1.5 oz. These are stamped 40 grams or 1.44 oz. I want to weigh one to see if the eyes bring it to 1.5 oz. And I'm excited to say I now have a good selection of Lunker City brand soft plastics, all in great lake trout colors. Shakers, Swimfish, and Fin-S-Fish (Flukes). That's it for advertising from me this year, I'd like to keep pleasure separate from business even though they overlap a lot in this case! (I will of course be happy to answer any questions.) Thanks everyone for your support, it's highly appreciated! Can't say enough good things here so just "THANK YOU!"
  17. Nice man 10 lb is a nice fish. Always wanted to try Canandaigua, been trolling there but never jigging.
  18. hairbone, The ear balls work well, I think I remember Marty posting he caught a few with those dressed trebles. Personally I've only used them with single hooks, rigging them the same as a lead head jig. Might've tried with a treble a while back but can't really remember. I've had a few requests recently so will be pouring some as soon as I can find a rain free period. The 1.5's drop fast!
  19. It's been tougher recently that's for sure, hope it improves for the derby. Sounds like some quality fishing time though wish I could have gotten out this weekend. How was today?
  20. Do you have any tips on keeping sawbellies alive? The last time I bought some I put two fishtank bubblers in the bucket, changed the water three times over the course of a night, and kept it in the basement to stay cooler, and even added a chunk of ice at one point. They still all died by morning in less than 12 hours. Thanks.
  21. Whoooaa interesting handle name! I was going to ask about dropping the form off somewhere but now I see you've added an online registration form, that's great. Should be fun!
  22. Full moon fever... or something. Fairly slow morning, not hot but some action, it was fun. Took a buddy out and we managed 4 lakers between 6 and 11 with a break for bass about 1 1/2 hours. No bass. No surprise either! The lakers were a good size, one 4 lbs-ish, two 7 lb range and one probably 9+. Didn't go far from the park today due to strong SE wind early, my boat kicks up a lot of spray with 2 guys in it and it was too chilly this morning to get soaked. We were happy enough taking it easy and hanging out. A hot air balloon came over the western hill side and dropped down close for a peek at the lake. Pretty cool how it was a W / NW wind high up but that ripping SE down low. Found plenty of fish in 80-110 but they were lookers. This is the third trip he's been out with me this year and it's been slow every time, oops! For now he's still into it, can't wait to get him into a hot and heavy bite.
  23. vicarious, thanks for the hat tip. I don't like to pimp my stuff here often but next week I'll have minnow heads in 1 oz. and 1 1/2 oz. on Mustad Ultrapoint 32786BLN hooks. Unpainted for now and definitely no bucktails. Top shelf hooks. Not as fancy as Bfuller but lakers don't care too much.
  24. Beauty brown Ed, starting to kype up already! Time to tie some flies. Good to see you back out there with a running motor and hard to beat fishing with family.
  25. Sounds like potential trouble to me. How close a friend is he and how free is he with cash? Being a client makes it even harder. "Hey George, that's 2 grand for the work and another thousand for boat expenses..." Might be a tough sell. Every time I think about a larger boat I realize just how expensive they are and there is no way I could afford it and I'm not even talking a boat in that class. If you do this try and figure out how much it costs to run a boat like that, potential repairs, gas, etc, not to mention tackle. And figure anything you put in you may not get back either. I agree it sure sounds great but be careful. Who wouldn't want access to a nice ride. But if he's willing to spring for a slip like tcon said and outfit it upfront without you paying for it first then maybe go for it.
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