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Everything posted by troubles

  1. Congrats on the new boat Glen. Good luck with it. I'm sure you'll slay the spring browns in 2014. Hanks the guy I use also. He's just the Best!!!! thats all. Don't let that get out though.
  2. Did anyone see Bill Hilts there either day? I don't recall him being there. He probably won't reveal his sources though. I didn't hear of any violations!!!
  3. Raymarine has a few reasonable combination units. I have a 24 Thompson and use a 6" combination for my GPS with that as my backup fishfinder. My main fishfinfder is a Furuno 620. Furuno is the best IMO. http://www.thegpsstore.com/Raymarine-a67-Silver-Touchscreen-GPS-Fishfinder-P3659.aspx http://www.furunousa.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx?product=FCV620&category=Products+%3a+Depth+%26+Fish+Finders+%3a+Fish+Finders
  4. Hey Paul How bout gallons of water in the engine compartment? Or was it Bilge?LOL to you too. My Bad!!!
  5. Beautifull Boat Guys -Be sure to check this one out!!!!
  6. Didn't see or hear about any of the Horsin'Around guys steppin up to help the Cold Steel guys save the Oswego Pro Am. That says a whole lot about Tom and his team!!!!!!
  7. Looks like a false apoligy to me as. The Horsin' Around name just showed up on 8/30. Whats that all about? Guys didn't want to use their real screen names? Just sounds like some real sore losers to me. I believe apoligies in person would be a much better way to correct their mistake!!!
  8. Thanks Rob. Big Smile -Big fish. Highlight for me this year. Her Dad Tom Wojslaw was all Smile too. Thanks guys.
  9. Great day Saturday. Best for us all on Trouble Shooter Boat was getting this 9 year old her first King Salmon
  10. Way to go Guys. Good Job. Glen's lucky to have you guys as friends!!!! Oh yea -last years autopilot would have been a litle more difficult to get out.LOL.
  11. There also were at least 10 pro teams from Mexico and Oswego who did not come back, Perhaps there are more reasons that haven't been discussed. All we can do is promote for next year.
  12. Eliminating the observers for Am teams as Sodus is doing this year would help alot. An observer is going to cost between $100 and $200 for 2 days and is a big expense for them. We'll se how it works out there. I'll talk with some of the Ams fishing it. Also an extra guy on a 18 ft. boat for a team of three can be an issue.Tom Allen has the right idea I think in the use of Lie Detector (random tests). Used to do it before and could start it again for the Pro-Am for both Pro and Am. Just my thoughts.
  13. Am 1. Second Nature 352.50 2. Hook N Up 303.29 3. Trouble Shooters 294.41 4. Horsin Around 236.65 5. Warship 228.88 6.Blue Eyed Lady 126.91 7. Addiction II 126.66 8.Hotline 46.11 9. Tangled 0 10. Lucky enough 0
  14. I agree Pete and can only hope that getting the word out about this years event will draw more Am teams for next year. I for one am going to talk with as many possible old Am teams in an attempt to find out the answer to your question.Also, I'm going to promote entry by as many new teams as I can find for next year. I remember years where there were between 20 and 25 Am teams.And perhaps thru response to this, maybe some will jump in and help us improve attendance for next year.What do you think guys?Let us know? Thanks Pete.
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