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Everything posted by RUNNIN REBEL

  1. Amendment to local law "no vessel may be anchored,moored, ADRIFT, or joined together with any other vessel less than 450 ft from shore-- lake bluff rd to Iron. bay outlet" ALSO "no vessel may be operated within 300 ft of the shore,dock,pier,raft, ETC." OLD law states 200 ft from shore and the new 300 ft distance reflects CURRENT NAVIGATION LAW. "This law gives more substance for the marine patrol(Monroe county Sheriff's) This could make shoreline trolling/fishing Illegal along the the entire Lake shoreline under current navigation law!!!!!!!???????? WHEN IS ENUFF GOING TO BE ENUFF ??? WWW.irondequoit.org Jerry REBEL CHARTERS
  2. Bob, You may want to see if you can take your direct stocked bows also from D.E.C. if you can. And put them in your king pens for as long as possible. You may not see king frey for at least 1-2 MORE weeks and the size/quality this year is not going to be good. ANOTHER reason why D.E.C. is NOT fin clipping/tagging kings this year- UNDERSIZED !!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  3. THANKS for the Canadien report. We really appreciate it here. Hope to get alot of "spoon puller" Talent on here like yourself. Thanks AGAIN and hope to meet you guy,s at the dock someday when we come west for Scotty soon. Jerry REBEL CHARTERS
  4. Happy B-day Buddy !!!! I got you a little know-it-all guy who will fine tune EVERY THING on your boat that works ALREADY !!!! I am sending him up from Fla. as we speak. Also you and FX get invites to the 3rd annual FREE charter get together @ my marina AGAIN. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  5. Sandy Creek temp is in the 52-57 degree solid range now already. With no water flow and surface creek temps as high as 68 during high sun, I would bet on that we would not risk our alotment of fish this year put in pens. Genessee & Oak have a better chance of cooler temps still. Assuming the DEC gives us a bigger/better quality heartier fry this year. Sandy creek (East Fork marina ) is loaded with Large/Smallmouth bass and rock bass/sunfish on spawn beds already in the main creek channel. I have never seen a year like this before ALL in the month of March ! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  6. I guess he is just "Coal MUFFLERS" now. Back to your regularly scheduled clowns now - please continue Ray.............. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  7. Happy B-day Jay man...... Maybee me and you can celebrate with a ride in the back seat of your 1/2 of egg container miniiiiii van. Just like the T.V. Gerbils. (Rob did i spell Gerbils right) ?????? Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  8. Why can't i just ask my 50 gallon White/Rodgers hot water tank question now ? PLUS bonus question: How to get rust stains out of concrete (from old water tank leak) THAT MUST NOT be harmfull to 2 labs that stay in basement on that stained floor. Vince see if ya can give a brother a break. THANKS Tool time Vince LOVE Capt. REBEL
  9. Be prepared for the BEST EVER fishing report for 2011 season. Fishing sucess was the highest in ALL 27 year history of data collection. Realy??? The mid and late 1980's were not to shabby either. Some of the highest catch rates since survey was started in 1985: Catch rate of kings was 2nd HIGHEST in data history and 42.5 % increase from last 5 year average. Coho catch rate 6th HIGHEST on record. Brown trout catch rate also HIGHEST in data history and 63.5 % increase from last 5 year average. Rainbow catch rate 5th highest on record with 4th year in a row record/near record highs. Lake trout catch increased 4 years in a row to the HIGHEST level since 2002. EVEN Atlantic catch was the 2nd HIGHEST in data history! Then comes the stocking forcast for 2012 and it is NOT LOOKING GOOD. BUT since we purchased a fin clipping trailer. We can now with speed and ACCURACY --- quote"determine the proportions of WILD and hatchery Chinook salmon IN LAKE ONTARIO" preliminary trailer results show 38% of Chinooks caught in Lake Ontario last year were WILD stock. Salmon river caught Chinooks were 44% WILD stock. Conclusion: quote "staff are exploring opportunities for these loses"----- of Chinook salmon stocking to be below targets in 2012. By State & Federal math a 1.76 million/year Chinook stocking number PLUS a 38% Wild stock catch in THE BEST fishing EVER 2011 season. Lake Ontario models will not support future stocking quo numbers LET ALONE an increase in numbers. Heck our 1 and only hatchery had a near 50% catch rate of WILD chinooks. Most of the Pro-Ams we fished last year we had to leave the county it was held in to catch enuff fish to place. This will be a very forward looking process at this years State of the Lake meetings. PLEASE ATTEND if you can anyone of them. Thanks Jerry REBEL CHARTERS
  10. GREAT IDEA !!! Having it Sunday @ LOTSA event with you and others there to deal with Q & A . Sorry to break out with a comment a few days early BUT I really love the format proposed. Capt. Jerry REBEL CHARTERS
  11. KIDS LOVE TO FISH ! This young man was from GERMANY Girls Too Smiles say it all for kids My daughter Morgan Fishes EVERY WHERE !!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  12. Glad you guy's enjoyed the pics. Brian you seem like a lab guy BUT Marlene seems like she needs a dog with more "BITE" in em. Flashpoint I too have had that "numbered days" come and pass. He was the best teacher to my current "CLOWNS" CAMERA DATES/TIMES OFF He taught this guy every "pose" in the book at a very young age And his loyalty to the other labs, tried to show them were to hide when in trouble..... HA Ha ha never worked out so good This pic was taken out a side window an hour after the 1st pic. He would not leave the birds side.
  13. Congrats to your family. It is great and only gets better. But your dog looks like he is still trying to figure this out.
  14. Labs are very smart and extremely loyal What time & effort you put into them is the beginning of what you get out of them They will not only outlast your will to hunt "blue bird " days........ They will steal your bino's and hunt without you..... They really only want to please, and will take ANY or ALL credit for a good job done....... The black labs seem to have the sense of humor......... And they want the glory pictures...... The yellow labs are the "thinkers"........... BUT together.......... THE BEST times are had........... Raising labs living on the lake shore does create its own "situations".............. Like OPPORTUNITY !!!!!!!!!! OPPORTUNITY & a good plan....... My daughter "adopting" them...... Them "adopting" ME................ This defies ALL HUNTING instinct & logic to a hunting lab. BUT it shows the the obedience/Intelligence/patience & family qualities they can have. NO ANIMALS or DOGS or KIDS or WIVES were harmed in the making of this "DOG MARATHON" of pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  15. Shawn, GREAT story & Buck, thanks for sharing. Congrats & bring on DEER JERKY SEASON !!!!!!!! Jerry Runnin Rebel
  16. Hey thanks guy's for the birthday mentions. And to the "CLOWNS INCORPORATED" on here: a} 3 moderators on here and I know I PAID EXTRA to have the "find the old guy and display his age" calendar feature REMOVED from my yearly subscription ! b} THANKS FOR THE HATS c} Chad will ALWAYS be the "LITTLE GUY" i took fishing. d} THANKS to family And thanks to my "BIG" buddies and "BIGGER" buddies and my "SLOOOOOOOOWEST buddies" and thanks to my BUDDIES NOT FORGOTTEN !!!!
  17. A deer cam is a great learning tool and is ALOT of fun learning/collecting info. for YOUR hunting areas. EXAMPLE: time of day/nite they visit---what size bucks---how many---what week on average the does start hitting them AND WHEN DAYTIME bucks show & from what direction. Now the doe are slowly showing up....
  18. Thanks to ALL of you on here and to all the texts/phone messages/cards & visits etc. It REALLY means alot to people who go threw this (as most of you have ). BUT to a person like myself who tends to "humor" his way threw different situations. IT COULD NOT BE DONE this time, as we had a full week of Hospice w/no treatments or drugs for mom. Plus having my 6 year old daughter asking the most innocent/DIRECT questions lately was annother non-humorus task for me & my wife. THANKS AGAIN for the thoughts & prayers. PS: It is kind of was funny that my mom passed away the SAME DAY as Col. Momar Khadafi did, as Mom was a stern/no crap taking 100% GERMAN lady. That would make for an ugly "waiting room" that day i would bet. Thanks Jerry-Kristen-Morgan and my mom was also Chad's(Blue Eye) Grandma & Larry (Chad's dad- my Rebel Charter Partner) MOTHER-IN LAW.
  19. Ray very sorry to hear of your loss. Hope it gets better soon--IT WILL- BUT..................... Imagine what ole Riley is trying to tell up in dog heaven to all the other dogs right now ? you did what ? HE DID WHAY ?????????? Slowwwwwwww down Riley and start from the begining when Ray dressed you up like a WHAY................! You still have alot of 2 legged old-slow-overweight-snoring-food slopping etc. buddies on here ya know. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  20. Nice buck. Looks like split brow starting. Hope that pic was in July for ya. All my pics are still velvet. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL Keep the pics coming, makes for great anticipation for the season
  21. WHOA that is a nice buck. Hope he is local. Good luck on him. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  22. Good POINT Rob, Forgot about Bow season/bonus buck. That late muzzleloader deal is a short week/ shot in the dark for me usually. You know Rob there is barn slider door frame work i have to do soon that is very close to a 150' foot fallen tree that racoons live in and deer HAVE to walk around !!!!!!!!! Jerry
  23. Thanks Shawn. I guess what you are saying is that it comes down to rack score or rack with character. He had 1-2 inch knobs last year but they have grown this year (uneven though with more points on rt. side) different rack from last year. Will eye guards grow back each year or no way of telling year to year do to food /winter/health ? Rob JUST in case i come across a buck like this i will be ready to take or wait. And Ray the grass there is WAY TOO TALL for your safety there. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  24. Does eye guards on a buck make him non-typical ? And will they grow back next year ? Thanks Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  25. Nice bucks Tommy Boy. Hope it works out for you this year again. Keep pics coming. I am Finishing up fishing season soon THEN GET REAL SERIOUS with deploying all the trail cams. Can't wait to see this years Buck crop !!!! Talk soon Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
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