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Everything posted by Missdemeanor

  1. I have an Evinrude on my Duck Boat and the only place I will take it to is RAS outboards. The work they do is top notch.www.rasoutboard.com/
  2. Check out my post under " Reports" ....Lake Erie 05/10.......
  3. I know this is Lake Ontario...But I took a day off of salmon fishing and tried for some Lake Erie Bronze backs We ended the day with close to 60 Trophy small mouth with many of them being in the 4 to 5lb class......
  4. Ive been on the website and searched a lot of private sites....Does anyone have a clue as to where I can order some Diamond King spoons? Thanks for the help.....
  5. I tend to under-estimate the wave heights. The king took a Bomber Long A off the board with a split shot. The other fish were on the usual spring suspects....Red spoons, Natural plugs....
  6. A very nice 2-3 ft chop out of the north east. Started out front on the mud line and fished the inside stuff. Went 4 for 5. Cohos and one King that probably went 13 lbs. No real special rig today. We did fish off the boards and the riggers. Back at her on Sunday....Good luck guys
  7. Scott is right ...Sailboats always have the right of way in open water. I do know they are not allowed to tack back and fourth in the river channel. I was out today as well. We only did 4 fish, lost two more right out front. Cohos and rainbows. No size. What is up with this year. I remember having stellar bite this time of the year and now we get 4 fish? How about stocking more cohos and browns? The fish came off the boards and a slider diver 75 back 20 down #4 setting. Really nice green water and 47-48 degrees....Almost perfect. I saw the Grady you were talking about. I didn't have a run in with him, but I know of another boat out there did. I just give those guys all the room they think they need. Hopefully we get out a couple more times before the derby...........
  8. JV Try running those stick baits a little farther back. I usually run my outside rods 200-225 back and then a little shorter on each rod closer to the boat. If I'm running shallow riggers I tend to run them 100 back. Now One thing I use is Flourocarbon. I usually have around 50 ft of Flouro as a leader. If the water gets gin clear, the line makes a difference....
  9. I went to Buffalo Last Tuesday. The Coasties there were extremely friendly. No problems what so ever one I got there. It sure was a pain in the arse trying to find the place though. What I was relaying to Scott was, if there is a group of Rochester guys who need prints, they could get together and have the Buffalo Coasties come to Rochester for a day to print everyone. The Guy who printed me said if there were four or five guys that they could probably arrange for a Rochester day.
  10. Thanks guys.....Jax, If I never have to use a parallel or chart plotting equipment again I'll be happy. Holy smokes.....As far as the Pro Ams, I'm happy with just fishing. I really don't miss the days of fishing the Pro Ams. I'm not knocking the tournaments, Its just not financially beneficial for me to fish them. Especially at 4.50 a gallon......You know it will be that at the Marinas this year...... Hey Scott I'm sending you and Legacy the Info on the fingerprints...Good Luck. Hopefully you won't have to go to Buffalo...What a pain in the but it was Finding the station.......
  11. Are you kidding me..? I was sweatin like a snake in a belt factory......What a weight off my shoulders. All I can say is...." Set and Drift what? Break out the GPS." Now for the fun part............
  12. All I Keep thinking about is ...." Can I just put out some boards and high riggers for the Browns..."
  13. Ray thats funny.... The riggers are a little older, but they have worked great for me. I used to run 5 rigs off my boat, but in the recent years the most Ive been running is 3. Kinda upgraded to the new mag 10HS. I'm going to keep 2 out of the 5 for spare rigs. Good luck in the upcoming season..........
  14. Took a break for a minute Scott..... Seriously...When am I going to use Set and Drift? LOL......See you Monday night.
  15. Cannon mag 10A's. They are in great shape and have been taken care of. single rod holder.No bases....$250 each. I have 3 and will separate.
  16. Rob, I was thinking the same thing. Drop me an email with what you find....See you Monday night.
  17. The future of the lake is looking a little rough right now. The thing that guys have to remember is that mother nature is like a Marine....Improvises and adapts. A friend of mine reminded me of the gloom and doom predictions regarding the zebra mussels. I'm still waiting for those guys to be right...LOL.... Maybe a little more catch and release will help...... Good luck in the up coming season..... Nice catch....Eyes aren't as good as they used to be....
  18. Man....Great trip. It looks like you were in Islamorada...Am I right? I fed some Tarpon when I was down there a few years ago. Awesome fishing....Thanks for sharing my man.
  19. Oh boy.....Thats a tough one brother. Some guys excel at doing fish, other guys like Deer,Birds, and predators.... Heres a couple of Kings I had Done by Streeter's Taxidermy in Williamson NY.....The Fall King was 37# and the summer King was 40#. Good Luck with the upcoming season...........
  20. Went out at 0'dark 30 and blew past the combat trollers. We started in 80 ft and found the Temperature was down around 60-65 ft. We had 4 Kings (teens) and another rip. All 4 fish were on glow spoons(fishlander cotton candy, NK wonder bread). We picked up and headed North west out to around 200. Picked up 6 more kings. No real big ones, but the teenages put up nice fights. We ended up 10 for 11 and at the dock by 11:30. Now comes the fun part........Soteing all the stuff and yankin her out of the water. The one thing I'm convinced about is the " Less is more" concept. What I mean is, when the fish are diving out of your riggers and are refusing to hit, Try running less riggers. Today I ran 4 riggers, a wire dipsey and a 10 color. When I noticed the fish diving, I only ran 2 riggers with pinned cheaters. Thant was the ticket for me today. The mupped Wonder Bread NK was the cat's pajamas. Well its off to get ready for waterfowl season, and of course get ready to chase some Muskies. Have a great winter boys and I'm sure I'll see you in the spring............Matt French
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