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Everything posted by Fishtails

  1. You mean you guys actually read them I applaud you for putting your head on the chopping block and calling it the way it is Scott. I can count 10 guys that contribute next to nothing, why not replace them with people willing to report? I highly doubt any of them would care.
  2. Just don't loose em on the weekend Nick. Get it out of your system now....lol
  3. I can only say what I have expiereced, which is a lot less that Paul so he may have better insight. I just head out and keep my eyes peeled on the surface temp on my fish hawk. After a little, you will see it start to climb up slowly. Keep motoring out and at some point, you will see the temp start to raise at a much faster rate. That temp break is where I start and troll out from there. Some of the best fishing can be had on those days for those willing to run offshore. There are a couple guys on this board that fished last year with me late summer and we were greeted with 45 degree water in Oswego. We ran offshore and found better temp in 500 fow. We had a steady pick out there for two days all by ourselves, while all the boats inside got ones or zeros.
  4. Unless Sunday becomes a blow day for The Little Salmon River Challange, Justin and I will be in for the first time Now, you guys no I don't fish the finger lakes, so I will be giving free Big Weenie flies to anyone who puts us on fish This would be fun though, even though we probably won't catch a fish. We'll be in our little 16ft Brown/tan Starcraft.
  5. I will be up to Associated Island, Henderson Harbor next week...proly about mid week, but not sure yet? Only taking the little boat, but I will be motoring around fishing when the lake allows. I'll report anything I find....I know reports are always lacking from that area.
  6. What Paul said Motor out deep and keep your eye glued to that surface temp. It will start to climb fast at some point, but depending on the port and the conditions, it will vary as to how far you need to go. As soon as the begins to shoot up, stop and drop, trolling south (in Canada...north in the USA). Many times you can crush the fish in these conditions.....and have them mostly all to yourself
  7. Chrome green dot spinny, white green dot spinny, black with green halo tape spinny, gator and albino gator have all worked at different times. It has been the first fly down and last fly out for us on lake O. I am sure many other paddles would work well
  8. Great Job guys!! I felt bad that I couldn't talk to Jeff at the Awards, but I was kinda stuck in a conversation when you guys went up to collect your check. Congrats on a great finish....that AM division has some top notch teams and getting in the money is no easy task....
  9. lol....I hear ya, not for everyone but soooo much fun! In fact, the little ones are just for fun. There ain't nothin serious about the Challenges. Hey...good luck this weekend Nick
  10. Hey...if anybody wants to squeeze me on their team, I maybe could be talked into coming up...lol I had made plans this week, so Matt got a replacement for me, but those plans have changed. Guess you just need to invite me up to fish with you nick. You doing the lsrc? Woody.....that is at least a two beer story
  11. Hey Woody, nice job & congrats with the nice finish on Friday. I didn't realize that was you guys till Matt told me back at the truck....I could hardly see through my sleep deprived red eyes we were both absolutely beat! I am not fishing Sodus, but I think Matt is getting there sometime Tuesday. Good luck in Sodus
  12. Thanks Nick. Yeah, it stank cause we didn't get there to set up till about 6:30 with our long run. Oh Well...that's how it rolls some days. We ground out enough bites, but a couple just didn't want to die so they are still swimming around the lake with sore lips. Good luck in the Sodus pro am bud Hey Chris, I wish I could be there for the festivities. Hope you guys have a killer tourney!!
  13. BW....it's gonna have to wait bud, as Matt and I were so focused on what to do fishing wise, we forgot I know I am gonna get a bunch of crap about that, but it just slipped my mind....sorry ...lol I will be back up in a week, so Shhhhh
  14. Had a great time again fishing the Oswego Pro Am with my buddies on Team Oh Baby. What a fun year it has been fishing with you guys! Thank you for tolerating me for the entire season. Great job by the Sponsors and committee for putting together another great event. Participation was down, as I think we all expected in the Oswego event. It was too bad for those of you who missed it, as a good time was had by all. Competition was top notch, and the fishing was everything you could hope for....and then some! Friday: Fished from Fairhaven to the nuke plant trolling in 200-250 fow and just slammed the fish all day. I was going on no sleep and Matt was sick, so with Steve driving it was a busy day in the back of the boat for the two of us going at about 50%, but man was it a fun day! Steady action the entire troll, nothing fast and furious, but plenty of singles and doubles as you would hit many random pockets of fish. we lost track, but were at least 15+ for 25+ with quality fish. Out biggest was 21 and change, but couldn't put a second 20 in the boat to go with it so our 3 big fish for the Friday derby fell a little short at 52+ lbs. It took 54 lbs to get a check. I was blown away with the numbers of fish on the east end....this was gonna be a great tourney! It was an all flasher/ fly and meat rig bite. Our hot flys were the Big Weenie Spook, Oily Stool and Blue Weenie. Crazy Fish mag size MC Rocket got a good share of fish as well. Saturday: Left the chute to be greated with a stiff NNE wind...often times a kiss of death to the fishing, so we were not sure what to expect. As expected with a NE wind, the fishing slowed down and our fish vaporized. It was a grind, but we found a very small pocket of fish out front of Oswego and just worked that tight pocket all day, picking up one each troll through our marks. It was a slow grind, but we finally got our 12th legal fish around 1pm and headed in with our full box. The size was down a lot from Friday, and the fish were getting smaller as the day dragged on. We were happy to find we were one of only 4 or so Pro teams with a 12 fish limit so we were sitting in 4th place 25 lbs out of 1st. Sunday: Isn't tournament fishing awesome? We racked our brains Sat. evening trying to decide what to do Sunday. Even though we had a full box of fsh Saturday, we didn't know if our area would produce enough fish Sunday or not? We knew two friends killed the fish in Sodus on Saturday, and with a light S wind forecast we figured not much should change and we should get a good box pretty easily. Against the advice of a good friend who told us to stay put and work our Saturday marks, as the fish would return, we headed to Sodus based on some very good first hand reports with our no guts no glory attitude. The wind was much harder than forecasted, and it blew out of the S a good 15+ and screwed up the water in Sodus fast! We popped a few quick, and had 4 fish before 8am, but then the bite died as the water started changing and temp started coming up higher. With I think 6 in the box, we decided to go in BT fishing, knowing the bite was slow as the water was moving and we lost two hours of fishing time making the long run to Sodus. We ran to Afro point and set up in 75 fow and put a nice 9+ lb brown in the box real quick. Then an 11 lb brown comes aboard and we feel good, but don't have a lot of time. We dropped a couple and only boxed two more before the wind dies and the bite dies with it. As we head back to Oswego....our plan didn't work as we had hoped, but we had enough bites to box out and a few dropped fish came back to haunt us. We motor back with 9 fish, but with No Communication we had no idea what the others did ....Love the No Communication in tournaments !!!! I hate to sound like a broken record, and I am not trying to endorse any single fly....but once again The Big Weenie Spook fly was our top producer. This Fly just keeps catching our fish. It's as if the kings just pick it out of our spread. We also had some action on a Big Weenie Blue Weenie fly and the Crazy Fish MC Rocket got picked on. Other rigs took some fish, but those were our studs day in and day out. Our lack of a full box hurt us on day two, and we ended up dropping to 9th place, but we were able to cash a check with another top ten finish and had a great time in the process!! A special thanks has to go out to Jon at Jons Little Salmon Tackle in Mexico. We wanted a couple flashers we didn't have and called my buddy Jon, who was gracious enough to open up the shop after hours and meet us so that we could buy the stuff we needed. Jon is a first class guy and has a great assortment of anything you need. I would gladly make the drive from Oswego to Mexico to give him the business, and besides... he is the only shop on the east end of the lake who has Big Weenie products Fish were mostly deep for us, and the best set up by far was our 550 copper. Riggers were best from 80 to 130, depending on the day. The moral of the story...Get out and fish....the east end has not seen king action like this in years and who knows how long it will last? Don't wait, call in sick, hook up the boat and go fishing now
  15. Nice comeback there on day two Scott Hey, somedays you're the windshield, some days you're the bug. Like you told me at weigh in, you guys had a blast and that's the most important part of it all. Good fishing and it was nice seeing you again
  16. I know I started running them reversed this year and the fish seem to like them both ways. They look a little bigger in the water reversed, and our alewives have been huge this year. Like I said, both ways catch fish
  17. Great report, and it's really great you got your rod back....too funny!!
  18. Sure, by "shots", I simply mean quick hits where the pole throbs or bounces real quick and then the fish is gone. I didn't elaborate on the "bait" because it's a new product to us that we are just learning to use, and the short hits were more likely a bi-product of our unfamiliaraity with the bait. This is why I didn't mention the bait itself, I don't want to give a false report of bad hookups when It probably was user error In hindsight, it was not the best of time to practice something new, and i guess we should have played it safe with our normal program, but then again.... no guts, no glory, right ?
  19. Ron, if you are interested in Ontario, and why wouldn't you be A sweet spot is Association Island in Henderson Harbor NY. I am going there for a week starting July18th, so check my reports for pics, etc. It's the perfect spot on Lake O for a smaller boat. I am only taking my small boat on this trip, which like yours is 16 with walkthrough and a 60 4stroke. You can always fish henderson harbor, as it's a protected bay. On calmer days you can fish the big lake where you can enjoy world class fishing for trout, salmon, wallaye, bass, etc. Here is the website: http://www.associationislandresort.com/index.htm
  20. Mike, Here is the best I could do with my phone camera. Jons Little Salmon Tackle Shop in Mexico has a few of these in stock. He's the only one on the east end that has them
  21. Thanks for the explanation Tom. Can't say as I disagree with limiting the ports and counties. It makes it more fair for the majority. Looking forward to it
  22. I am suprised Jefferson County was left out. Isn't Henderson in Jefferson, or am I mistaken? With it being The Little Salmon River event, I would have thought Jefferson would have been chosen over Cayuga....who's idea was that and what would the reasoning be? Just curious...that's all.
  23. Very interesting....thanks for posting!! I have sent this video to AFW, because their wire seems to test incorrectly. They have to breaktest all their wire before spooling, so it almost makes you wonder if a batch of 20lb wire got labeled as 30lb, doesn't it?
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