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Everything posted by Fishtails

  1. Today we head home, so this is my last update from what I would consider the hidden jewel of the eastern basin of lake o. One last pic is of the lake front cottages. There are also campsites right next to the marina and you are steps away from your boat. Awesome place...can't wait to come back! [ Post made via Android ]
  2. I went out solo this morning....ran up the trench and set up by the lighthouse. Trolled around a bit but never got a. Bite. Just ran spoons off the riggers...a little snotty in a small boat running solo, but I gave it a shot! Nice area...hope to get back within a month. Thanks for the reports! [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Agree with ya Rick...lies are not even lies anymore.... Btw...to set the record strait, I never asked you how you did Chris, you just offered it up. Guess that is what struck me as a little odd. Like I told ya, I was fishing fair haven so it didn't much matter how the fishing was in Mexico Ain't no big thing...now I know [ Post made via Android ]
  4. I know, right jeff...lol. I am hoping the weather man is right. We go home tomorrow so I am getting up and hoping to hit the lake for some salmon and trout action Gonna be s solo trip. This is the clubhouse. There is a ping pong table, foosball, lounge with cable tv, and play are for small children. Here are the gulf carts you rent. The kids love them....except justin, who is mad because the wife is driving and not him...lol [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Went perch fishing...something I never really do but we found a school in the bay in 35 fow. I guess we caught 30 before we lost the fish. We couldn't find Them again, or maybe they just stopped biting? Either way we are having perch for dinner! We got the cheap site. Its in the center of the island but you still have a good view of the water. Here is our camp...30 bucks a night....I still can't believe that! Even at 50 it would be a reasonable price. Out site is nothing fancy, but the lakeside sites are nice! We have full hookups...that's all I need. The marina itself may be the nicest I have seen on the lake. The docks are fantastic. Really top of the line. So where is everyone? There is a boat launch, but its not very deep. Anything over 18 ft or so I think I would launch in henderson. The back tires of my van were in the water loading up my little 16... [ Post made via Android ]
  6. There are paddle boats and kayaks for rent. They also rent gulf carts to motor around. There is a really nice swimming pool to keep the family happy while you go fishing. The red building by the pool is the black catte. Right now it doesn't seem to get used much. Its open, and on the weekend there was a country band in the evening. The bar is byob There is a large screen tv you can watch anytime and a pool table too. The kids go in the pool...then play pool. The family is finally ready to go fishing....... [ Post made via Android ]
  7. When you arrive, there is a gated entrance. The office/ store staff have been great...very friendly. The store is well stocked with supplies. Time to go try and find some perch and do some boating....to be continued.... [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Association Island campground is located in Henderson Harbor on the eastern side on lake ontario. Access to the island is by this man made road. I have taken many pictures of this campground and will give a full review as time allows. I'm really loving it here, and will definitely give it a thumbs up!! It's really cheap, at least this season. Our campsite was int $30 a day.....or $180. A week. That is state park prices....but this ain't no state park facility...lol To be continued........ [ Post made via Android ]
  9. You sure about that Big Weenie...pretty sure that ain't a pole dancer
  10. Happy birthday Todd. Ya got a few months on me old timer...lol [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Awesome catch andy! Congrats. I was hoping to meet a few of you, but we didn't get fishing till noon thanks to a smoked trailer bearing so we stayed out fishing till 3 [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Great job todd! Congrats and I couldn't agree more on the Big Weenie flys. They have been awesome for us this year and gary & karen really are the best! Glad the mc rockets are working out for you. I keep telling people ya just gotta give them a chance. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Hey chris...nice fishing! I remember our conversation at jons friday...you said you only caught 1 king and lots of browns...interesting report. Nice! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Amen Brother When Paulie talk...Rodney listen
  15. No way Ray...my fish don't fit in small coolers. I was even thinkin I needed a bigger one Actually.....the big cooler is where I'm keeping tackle boxes. I don't really keep fish, so a small cooler will do me fine...but I got the big boy on board cuz ya just never know what may flop on the deck
  16. Awesome tournament Jeff. Strange actually reading a report from you Not bad fishing last week, I Hope you plan on doing a little better this weekend though Something tells me that Screamer team isn't gonna hand over that triple crown without a fight See ya this weekend
  17. I finally got around to finishing up my little boat for trolling. Thanks for all the rigging ideas...As you can see I put some of them to use We'll have her on Cayuga Sunday for the LOU-ALL . Thought I'd post some pics, maybe it will give someone else an idea on rigging their smaller boat. I still have two rod holders to mount yet behind the riggers, but other than that I think I'm done. I decided not to bother with the planer board mast for now, as I use in-line boards more than not anyway. I think the otter boats would just be in the way.
  18. There is plenty of info on this site about multiple diver setup if you take the time to search for it. One thing I will add....start with 3. Run two on one side and one on the other. It will lesson the learning curve and expense if you screw up (and most of us do ) Also makes turning easier, as you can turn into the side where you have the single dipsey deployed.
  19. A huge congrats to you guys....one of, if not the most consistant team on lake O.
  20. Nice day Rob...looks like you showed the crew a great time! See ya next weekend.
  21. Hey Everyone, just wanted to update you on the spook fly....It sucks and you should buy a different fly from Big Weenie until it stops sucking, or until I get more for myself (whichever comes first) Just got a call from my buddies fishing this weekend and I guess they are about out of spooks...and it's hot again. Ummmm, I mean it sucks but they want some more incase it gets hot (cause ya just never know, right?) I called Big Weenie's shipping department (Karen) and told them they need to ramp up production on this fly cause they only have a few left in stock and the kings are eatng them up! Karen promised me she won't feed Gary till he gets enough made. I think she's gonna give him a snack for like each 50 he ties....something like that So, I think I learned my lesson about reporting on a HOT fly before the end of tournament season
  22. Scott, I think the social aspect is in large what Twitter itself is about, but I do think LOU tweets has swayed heavily from how it was first marketed. When you market one product, but then deliver something different, you would expect a certain amount of unrest. It's fair to say some tweeters have gotten off track. For example, a tweet that just says "doubled up", with nothing else and no follow up? It's a pointless tweet that happens more than it should, so it's not an isolated case of forgetting or getting sidetracked, etc, etc. At the same time, I guess we need to keep in mind that tweeting has to to be fun and purposeful for the "tweeter" as well, if they are to be expected to continue their tweets. Marketing and socializing are part of it, and many of the tweeters have to promate their sponsors within their tweets. They should be allowed to market themselves, their port and their sponsors. However, while doing so some seem to forget the purpose of LOU tweets, which I thought was to give valuable real time fishing reports and water conditions....first and foremost. Personally, I don't read them very often because most all have the same sponsers and it's just become a big advertising format. IMO, To make it more useful, it shouldn't be so "clicky". A more diversified group of tweeters would be refreshing. I read one last time I looked and all the tweet said was "paddles and A-Tom-Miks doing the damage". Another said "custom DW blades and Siggs Flys". Those are just adds. At least include the pattern of the fly or paddle. I don't use either of those brands of flies, but It would be nice to know if it was green, blue, purple...something of value...lol OK...that's my rant for the month Guess I'm just grouchy because I'm here in my shop working and not fishing the Pro Am
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