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Pike Hunter

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Everything posted by Pike Hunter

  1. Ahoy Captain Chris! I wanted to chime earlier however I just got back home last night after my trip to NYC and Long Island. After we fished last Saturday, my arms were so tired and I barely could keep my arms up on the steering wheel for a 6 hours drive. In a few words, I am very fortunate to share this exciting fishing experience with you and your bro Kevin. 20 plus catches is nothing to sneeze at. After covering the grounds way way east of I-Bay, we can verify that the fish were there indeed! Looking forward to catching more fish with you and your bro! Thank you for the great time on your boat. Anthony
  2. http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/339 ... gator+gar/ I am aware we have gar in our backyard but nothing as big as this one from Texas.
  3. Congratulations on the big king. What a way to start the year with your spanking new ride.
  4. Congratulations on the big browns! You ll never know what could end up in your cooler. Nevertheless, this is a moment to treasure in your family history with or without the derby tickets! Streeter's did a very nice job with the taxidermy fish for couple of my buddies. I am sure the other suggestions from the board will be helpful as well. Now, lets get the derby tickets...............
  5. Way to go Chris! Maybe the Crocs will help keep the laynard away from your sea legs. Im dying to get out there last weekend however my daughters basketball tournaments continue to take up my weekends. I am very glad to hear you nailed em yesterday.
  6. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: BRAVO ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 5/28/2012 Time on Water: 6 am - 10 am Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: flat calm before SW winds kicked in Surface Temp: Location: NE of I Bay to 9 mile point LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 3 Total Boated: 3 Species Breakdown: laker, brown, steelhead Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: 2.8-3.1 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 160-400 Lure Depth: 30-100 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== After getting skunked on Sunday fishing in between 90 to 200 FOW, I reviewed the recent postings to determine where the actions were. With thanks to a fellow I bay fisherman Chris for his report which indicated to head out for deeper water and I listened. The best screen actions were in 220 FOW. After the NE blow, the baits were scattered all over the lake. We started out NE of Ibay and trolled all the way to 9 mile point and then back to where we started in 200 FOW. The lake were flat calm with so many bugs on the surface. I knew this would be the prime time to put out the stickbaits. 2 riggers: deep with spin doc and upper with spoons, 2 divers 180 and 210 out, 2 on planer boards pulling stickbaits. First hit was lake trout from the deep rigger set at 95'. We had a double on the planer boards - one brown and one steelie. I do not know how did the brown ended up in 240 FOW with a surface bait - Puerto Rician Bomber. It was a very slow morning after we had 3 fish on board. Very little action beyond 275 FOW to 400 FOW. We headed back to 200 and saw more fish on the screen. The baits were sparse. After the storm blew past through in the middle of the lake, the winds picked up and the small ripple waves ensued. I need to get busy with replacing the rigger cables with the cable coated one so I can get the depth raider to help us find fish. Tight lines.
  7. Thanks for the great report. Did somebody forgot to bring the bow for the wet deer? Tight lines. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. Captain Vince, Great post as always! Here's a to the high 40 Kings!
  9. 20 fish into the net! Awesome! Rob, I am enlightened to learn more about the term "Blood Run". Thanks in advance.
  10. Good job out there! I hope to get out after my daughter is done with her basketball tournament this weekend. Best of luck.
  11. Join in as a PRO member and you will have quick access to the information on the sidebar. I check all of these reports each time before I head out. It is the best $20 I spent on fishing.
  12. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: BRAVO ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 4-18-12 Time on Water: 6 pm to 8 pm Weather/Temp: COLD with sunny sky Wind Speed/Direction: 5-15 mph/ NE Waves:2' Surface Temp: 48-49 Location:Webster LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 6 Total Boated:5 Species Breakdown: Browns and Atlantic Hot Lure: bright stickbaits & bright NK spoons Trolling Speed: 2.2-2.4 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 10-20 Lure Depth: riggers 4-6' ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== On a short notice, I read the weather report and I felt that wednesday evening would be the best chance to get out given the gloomy weather forecast for the weekend. Quickly, I gathered the boys and the three of us met at dock before 6 p.m. The forecast called for flat and calm lake however we met the lake with stiff NE wind with 2' wave pushing the boat. This is manageable only because I had 2 guys to work with. I would not have made it out easily solo. Started out slow and bites became steady once we covered the area in front of Webster Park. Surface temp was around 49 degrees. The graph looked good with so many marks in between 12 to 20 FOW. I was warning my buddies about lone salmon that may show up out of blue. 6 rods out - 5 on planer board and one on a rigger. My other rigger was inoperable after I lost the ball and the whole 250' of cable to the shallow water the other day. Smithwicks, Rebel stickbaits:' Orange, Firetiger, glow green and yellow took hits. Stickbaits were out between 100 to 140' off the planer board. Rigger down 4 to 6' with NK spoon yellow and orange behind the prop wash took hits. Lure was 30' out. Nice browns were taken in 6 # range. Of course, the captain has to catch the biggest fish. I landed in a decent 8-10# atlantic salmon after 10 minutes battle. All were released successfully to fight for another day. It was a fun evening as the lake calmed down slightly by the time the sun set. They are out there! Go get em!
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