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Kevin J Legg

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Everything posted by Kevin J Legg

  1. After a quick pass shoot this morning I cleaned and froze these 4 geese. I hate to waste anything so rather than simple breasting them I take the heart, liver, gizzards and leg meat. I ended up with a total of 11lb.10oz of meat. 7lb2oz of breast, 4lb1oz of legs, gizzards, and hearts (which I’m grind into sausage), and 8oz of liver (to make pate). You nearly double the total meat by utilizing it all and the ground meat can be turned into many different tasty treats.
  2. [emoji3]if I had been east of Stony my buddy wouldn’t have been seasick. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Fished east of Stony and went 4 for 5 with a break off. Ended with a double. 100-115 fow. Mostly on FF.
  4. It’s often been a bit of a struggle this summer putting a consistent pattern together. Last night we finally put two nice limits in the boat. Hope the bite continues through the fall.
  5. Another early morning on the river. Fished solo. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. I get that but sample size has to be pretty minimal on a big body of water. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Another late night on the river. Caught 4 and lost 3. Not great percentage! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. Prof T saw DEC checking fish netted at Grassy Point last week. I glad they are researching walleye movement as we need to protect our great fishery! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. I was in LBI two weeks ago and landed 7 cow nose rays one morning and s few more broke off. I too fished the surf and caught small fluke and kingfish casting fluke rigs and a few small bluefish. Nothing spectacular but those rays certainly can pull. Incidentally one day there re dozens of the Rays visa blue in the surf. Next morning is when I caught a bunch. Had to switch from 10-20 lb test to handle them[emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Nice limit again tonight. Two hit on longlines deepdivers. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Home from NJ and made a successful trip out this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Spent a week at the Jersey shore and got the boys into some small fluke. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. New York record is actually 18.2 lbs, 32", with 21" girth! It was caught last year by Brian Hartman in the St Lawrence River near Ogdensburg. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Caught a pair last night trolling deep divers. Fish I caught were suspended in 35 fow. It's still rather hit and miss for me as I'm having to work for my fish but have been able to boat 9 in the last 4 outings. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Another late night limit. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. I've been out a few times this week and been able to put fish in the boat each outing. Not a hot bite as fish are scattered but with some searching you can find some. Limited out last night in 3 hours of fishing. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. First time we've had our grandsons up north alone. Trying to give them as many experiences as possible. Gardening, boating, baseball, 4 wheeling and of course fishing. I snuck out this morning at 3:00 when they crawled into our bed. They were very interested in the nice walleye I brought home. We also took them to a Hearts For Youth fishing class I'm involved with. We have 22 kids signed up this year and meet weekly fishing off docks and shorelines. I cook a shore dinner for them on the last class which was a big success last year. Many students returned again this year! Today they caught bluegills, pumpkinseeds, perch and a bass. We put all fish in a cooler(live well) and release at the end of the outing. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. Very rare but I caught a brown years ago in 60 fow and know people that have caught lakers and even a few salmon have been caught. I fish in the Alex Bay Area. I've also heard some salmon may move into the Big Salmon River by Malone. Certainly not able to target them but there are some caught incidentally. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. With rain and high winds in the forecast combined with the high water and closed launches on the lake and River the spawning bass may get a break from angling pressure. With the early opener spawning bass should have been vulnerable this year. High water and less pressure due to weather conditions may lead to a good spawn this year as fish will be able to move into shallow spawning areas. Less hope conditions lead to favorable spawning even with the early opener. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. I generally use 4 or 5" green pumpkin. blue/black laminate or green with chartreuse tail.
  21. We put in at Stony and fished from 60-135 fow and screen was empty. Ran riggers, wire dipsys, and lead cores and nothing. Pulled boat and launched at Mexico with similar results. Marked almost nothing today and saw only 1 small pod of bait in 75 fow. At least we got out but it did get choppy this afternoon. First skunk of the year! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Beautiful photos and fish. Plan on delaying my trip a couple weeks after opener next year! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Fished again this morning. Not as much bait and worked hard for three kings. Two off rigger one off mini diver. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. Fished out of Stony this morning. Fished shallow for Browns early and only picked up 2 whitefish. Moved deeper to 50-60 fow and marked bait on bottom. Picked up a king and a laker down around 15-30 off 3 color leadcore and mini dipsy off boards on spoons. Also hit one brown in 35 fow. Only one whitefish off the riggers today. Two fish had 4-5 large alewives in there bellies. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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