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Everything posted by orangediablo

  1. I'm aware of the capabilities, I was wondering if the added capabilities are worth an extra grand per rigger to you
  2. what benefit would the Optimum have to YOU that other models won't?
  3. If what suggested above doesn't work, and you have two of the same riggers, swap the spools and see what happens. If the same issue occurs on the other rigger, wire issue. Much cheaper and easier fix than a board.
  4. And if you are doubling through a bead, no need for a toothpick.
  5. Need to get a bunch more footage this year!
  6. some people use crimps, some use beads. I'm a fan of beads. Double the line through the bead, slide the small fly on, repeat for as many flies as you want. This will also allow you to adjust the distance between flies if you want. I use 50lb ANDE fkouro.
  7. List of e95 capabilities..https://www.raymarine.com/view/index-id=2966.html
  8. A Penn 330 will fit 300' 45# copper with 300yds 30# braid backer great. This weekend, I squeezed in 200yds 40# braid backer and 350' 45# copper on Penn 330. It's tight, but doable.
  9. Pure genius. That leaves two free hands!
  10. then why the 6ft rule? why not wear the masks anytime you are around people? False security.
  11. Totally agree with this, but I think people are being sent the wrong message and that's what I have a problem with. If the only way I can be on a boat and fish is with something over my mouth, count me it. It'll definitely slow my ass from eating all the munchies on board
  12. Where did I say I was an expert? But if you contracted covid and are asymptomatic, what would compel you to get tested for it?
  13. We had no immunity to H1N1 either, which is why it infected nearly 25% of the world's population. I don't remember being under quarantine for that pandemic. Do you? Unfortunately, we may never know the ACTUAL mortality rate since we can be infected without any symptoms. Currently, we are still under 2.3 million reported cases worldwide, but we all know the number is quite a bit higher, due to the previous statement.
  14. I'm going to write on my 'mask', 'All your masks don't work' lol
  15. I can understand that, but the mask is irrelevant unless contagious. If you're contagious, you shouldn't be out.
  16. The ONLY way it prevents infection is if they are infected, contagious, AND it's an N95 mask. Any lesser mask won't stop the virus. It doesn't protect anyone from getting it.
  17. we use a lot of the same lures the first and last hour, so when we come back, we leave things rigged, except for the dipsys, which we throw in a bucket or cooler if there's meat. Throw them in the rocket launchers so hooks are out or the way, or put the hooks halfway down the rod when in rod holders on the gunnels. When not tourney time, I don't care who sees what, I'll give info to anyone who wants it.
  18. Remember when the gov't said that wearing masks didn't help from contracting the virus. Now it does? Make sense.....
  19. Tohatsu manufactures Mercury. Seems like a good buy depending on year/condition.
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