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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Always open in Ohio
  2. Love it! Wish I was heading to Ohio myself! Love that area.
  3. Stock is running out quickly, anyone looking for birds act now.
  4. As of today i will also have Pheasant and Chukar eggs!
  5. Not sure how many guys run bird dogs, but i have flight conditioned Chukar and Bobwhites for sale for training, if anyone is interested. Not to mention they are great eating! Pm me for more details.
  6. I contacted the DEC and fire dept. this past summer because we were planning on doing Burns for the same reason as you. But was told that I was not allowed to by the Brockport fire chief. In talking with him could tell that he truly didn't know what I was looking to do, so I contacted the DEC to get a better understanding why I was not allowed to burn. After talking with them they said that you can you prescribed burns but it would be very expensive as you need to have licensed personal on sight, the fire dept. on sight even though they told me I was not allowed to. The DEC them selfs do prescribed burns throughout the state every year. All I can say is good luck. I had 6ft fire breaks around every perimeter I planned on burning and the right tools to do it and was still told no, really screwed up our plans.
  7. As of yesterday it was frozen as far south as Union Springs. Did not try going any further south.
  8. Well, the Woodcock season unfortunately has come to a close! We pounded hard for them covering alot of ground in search of a wild bird. Unfortunately we never flushed a single bird but that's just the way it goes. We will continue to chase pheasants here and there, then once the gun season begins to wind down we will be in hot pursuit of Grouse, can't wait!
  9. As a matter of fact yes! It's really a very simple process and science....... Ozone is an extremely unstable molecule. With that being said it attaches itself to anything and everything around it, in this case our scent. When I say everything I'm referring to your dander, breathe, azzhole, armpits, leg pits, hell even cigarette smoke and your cell phone that everyone plays on while sitting there that probably has more scent on it then anything. Personally I think it kind of helps on your clothes maybe a little, when it's truly working is when you are running it while in the tree or on the ground doesn't matter. It has to be ran properly also, swirling winds are tough as the ozone will go in a direction and your scents go in another. The ONLY way to say whether or not it works is to try it..... to say it something does or doesn't work when never experimenting with it is absurd.
  10. Yes, I run ozone on my clothes and in the tree. Without a doubt it works, the number of deer you see that come from a down wind area after I started running ozone is truly hard to believe. Put their nose in the air to check you, flicker their tail and they simply just keep walking. Like you i always play the wind no matter what, but if I forget my ozone heading to the tree, I'm turning around and going home!
  11. Was wondering if there is anyone else out there chasing these birds? I have pounded a ton of ground with my dog is search of our first Woodcock, and have flat out come out empty handed! I'm thinking it may be due to the lack of rain and how dry it is? Anyway I would like to try and possibly go after some Grouse ( another bird on our hit list) next week before the orange army hits the woods and shuts us down until they are gone. Anyone that has Grouse experience, would you target the Southern Tier area or Tug Hill area? I know both should have some sort of bird action, but with this is all completely new to me its alot to figure out! Any help would be great appreciated.
  12. I was hunting Tonawanda yesterday and had 6 on me in the first 10 mins and the dog probably had more.
  13. I tried Woodcock hunting today with no luck, but I had more ticks on me then I've ever seen total in my life. Dog had just as many, felt violated!
  14. Congrats Joe! Way to get done AGAIN!!
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