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Everything posted by BrokeOff

  1. wire on dipsys and 30# big game mono with flashers on riggers
  2. everyones got their favorites. i like 400 on high speed reel (clarion). the 600 is brutal ive only used mine one trip
  3. did you run the UV plate last year or the super glow plate? i remember you saying it was a hot rig tho
  4. eat breakfast on the boat. ill be at work this weekend good luck ill be reading
  5. was wondering if the full moon would shut them down this time of year. i guess not
  6. yea we have a mtn dew spinny on chart blade glow tape on the back that has been hot too. what flys are you pairing them with?
  7. green dots finally making a comeback for us in spinny and chip
  8. we saw salmon jumping in 300 FOW yesterday
  9. bobs_boy, on 10 Aug 2013 - 11:47 AM, said: if you're talking about this spoon. its a northern king 'firecracker' mag
  10. its ok for minor nicks. but if you have whole sections with no coating (1+ inches). it peels right off when your rigger ball comes back up.
  11. i have a depth raider. coated cable sux! its such a pain to not destroy it just from basic up and down rigger use..... just trying to make it last through the season. X4 or X4D next year
  12. i dont think you will even need the extra keels. i guess it depends what your pulling, but youre a walleye guy right? short leadcores, short coppers, and flatlines will pull fine with single keel and still get you pretty far to the sides
  13. fished the dunes yesterday. had 68-69 degrees 100 down everywhere we went except in <140 it was in the 70's. my probe cable has been shortened so I can't get temp much below that. we marked few fish all around 120 and below. (guessing thats were the temp was) fishing was not good
  14. guess it depends on setting too... we've been getting bit on 300 out 2.5 setting. i figured the dipsy planes out at some point and won't go any deeper. not sure if thats true or not
  15. my clamps are all bent out of shape now and the bracket is beyond fixable. thinking i will just have to get a new one
  16. no the bar is fine. its the actual bracket that wraps around the kicker that broke. so the black metal peice between the clamps that is spot welded to the elbow. that black peice broke in two and the elbow broke free as well.
  17. part # ez50010 need the whole assembly (kicker side)
  18. yep mer cruiser. everything is good on that end just need the bracket and the quick connect (on the kicker side) i believe its 4". im in central square and fish out of mexico bay
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