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fish whistle

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Everything posted by fish whistle

  1. If your willing to travel a bit look into Mallard Point Kennels in Pownal Maine. Top notch Labs. My boy Tuukka just turned 11 and he has been great. Before Tuukka we had Bruin and again he was an awesome dog, a little pricey but the Labs are quality. They have a spay/ neuter agreement so if your looking to breed your dog you will have to look elsewhere. I will try to put a link to the website.
  2. Pm sent
  3. We launch in the dark all the time and those lights would be a big help .. see them all the time in our boats but extra light around the truck and the launch area would be great. Pretty inexpensive and easy to install, great job.
  4. My bad……thought you were running 3/0 divers, 2 1/4” dia
  5. Those #3 divers are to small , especially with a FF/ Meat rig behind it. get a couple #1’s with rings and you will be able to get down 70-80’.
  6. I can’t speak for the 45lb but all I run is AFW 30lb copper and I have had zero issues. It’s not nearly as stiff as Bloodrun and have had very few kinks and never a break off. You can fit 300’ of 30lb copper ,800’ of 50lb braid and 40’ of leader all on a 50 size reel. Have reached 80’ down with a little backing out trolling mag spoons.
  7. Still available
  8. Yup, better oil pressure as well.
  9. Ttt
  10. Hard to beat a one handed Cannon……. Ford /Chevy argument though.
  11. The fish hawk TD has never been used, still in original package. I bought it new 2 1/2 years ago just never used it. Package is still sealed.
  12. 🎣
  13. Magda’s and mooching reel sold
  14. The 40’s with wire are sold
  15. Just sent you pm Melton
  16. 1 Fish hawk Td never opened…….. $ 100 Shipping included, PayPal preferred Pm with any questions.
  17. I got these spoons years ago at Narby’s tackle shop Pt Breeze….
  18. If you like these spoons just give me name and address and I will send them to ya…I have a few I already use so I don’t mind sharing . The browns around Point Breeze love this spoon…Send me a PM with your info and they are yours 🎣👍🏻
  19. I have a couple FLT Goby spoons, brand new in the package. They have copper backs and a glow eye … 3 3/4 “ long. And they actually have a very light sparkle that must of been mixed in with the clear coat, can only notice it when you turn the spoon …Not sure if the pic shows the paint job but they look just like a goby.
  20. That thermal video is amazing, you can see a couple pieces of the fox fly off into the brush after impact…….. wow
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