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Everything posted by wallysackett

  1. Set up in 80 feet of water and found temp at 75. Got hit almost immediately on a meat rig, the Kevin’s girlfriend spiny took a shot on the dipsy. Small steelhead on a 300 copper on a wonderbread UV superslim. 4 more real nice salmon on Carbon 14 on rigger to round out the morning.
  2. Beautiful markings on the fish you are holding
  3. Thank you all for the info and comments much appreciated
  4. I did call my insurance company and they do have good rates but you need to pay for tow then they reimburse you. My understanding is this may cost a couple thousand dollars. Also, who do you call for a tow if you go this route? Call 911, or coast guard?
  5. I was looking at the Boat US tow insurance and it looks pretty reasonable and that there are some boat locations near the Rochester area. Anyone have any experience with them or offer any recommendations or insight?
  6. Cant open this on my phone for some reason but I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing and educating me. I have seen the large bait schools on my graph but did not realize they were alewives I was looking at.
  7. DEC stocked walleyes for many years in conesus with the hope that it would turn into a self sustaining fishery , and as far as I know this has not been the case.
  8. There are no alewives in hemlock lake.
  9. Weren’t those Gary d rigs supposed to be available for purchase commercially by now??
  10. Slow pick this morning, best was around 180’, temp was down about 90’. These guys had some fun. Fleas were manageable, black flies were hungry. Beautiful morning on the water!!
  11. How is the channel right now? I read previously it was already very shallow?
  12. When does the coyote season end? Was it lengthened this season?
  13. My probe was reading a constant down temp of 96 degrees after only using 3 times. I sent the probe in and was told it is fine, it must be my 840 display that is the issue. Not sure how much for the new x4 display, or why all of a sudden it quit working.
  14. I thought they needed to treat these streams in the spring when the young were hatching?
  15. Thank you for the report, looking forward to getting out in the morning.
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