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Everything posted by seeyawader

  1. Some funny posts, like I'm catching too many fish there is too many fish in the lake,,,lol,,,one thing Ive noticed this year is a lot more stable water and less wind pushing water and fish around. These winds this week should take care of that and you guys will get some less bite days, maybe even a skunk day,,,maybe that will make everyone happy 😁
  2. I've been a river fisherman for over 30 years now turned lake fisherman in the last 7 years. So I can't speak for the lake 20 years ago but I will say they were way bigger in the river back then. Now I don't really fish the river unless my brother makes me. I remember one fall fishing in Oswego river they were loaded in there and I caught a bunch. One king was a little bigger than the others so I figured I'd weigh it and it was 36 pounds. Never crossed my mind to put it on the wall because it was just a spawning fish and lots more that I would catch in the future.
  3. Guess I should have got my sister out of bed earlier.....,woke up with the sun in my eyes and that didn't help,,,lol,,,,great report thanks,,,,we saw the browns but wanted to go after the salmon,,,but after looking at the size of those browns!!!!!
  4. Oswego,,Went 3 for 6 for kings with a bunch of shakers throwbacks on Sunday morning. Fished 160-280 depth, green ladder back spoons worked best. If you put some time in you will catch a few. We found some marks east of port and kept trolling back and forth over them until we got some hits,,,was the only technique we could figure to catch some fish.
  5. Fished Oswego this evening(Saturday) caught 2 keeper salmon and a 5 small ones that tagged on our lines. Fish are spread out from what I can see, fished just east of port. Worked for them. Wasted time with hitchhikers on the lines a few times,, frustrating they were so small no way to know they were on.
  6. I'll be out of oz Saturday evening and Sunday morning,,,like crickets on reports for east end, even charter guys aren't posting many pics, hopefully I can find something
  7. I don't think you should be calling yourself a rookie if you drive a 30 foot Boston whaler conquest,,,that might be just a few steps above,,lol,,,wish I could join you but can't,,,good luck
  8. Fished Oswego this Saturday morning the 18th, east of port 180-230 fow. Went 3 for 5 with a small salmon thrown back. Good marks but couldn't get consistent bites, lost a nice one but was my friend's son's first time out on the lake and fighting salmon. He caught a bowfin off the dock waiting for me to get the boat going. Which didn't help much because he thought about all those fish waiting at the dock for him to catch...lol had a great time
  9. Speed N Temp - Lure Action with currents: https://youtu.be/Bt48EHwOa6c
  10. I made that same mistake last week,,,,( don't rot in dead water) says one of captain Pete's ten commandments,,,(or when in doubt troll out)
  11. Wife dropped me off at Mexico and trolled to oswego on Saturday. Good marks just east of Oswego at 180 foot in front of plant. Caught 5 salmon and a couple browns solo. Including a nice Atlantic maybe 23 inches long that I threw back. Picked my wife up and went back out. Special thanks to the guys that help me load my boat when the storm was rolling around, sorry I was stressed but my wife was yelling at me when she saw the spider lightning off in the distance...she pulled the throttle and I almost went off the back of the boat before we came in.
  12. Fished Friday afternoon in front of salmon river, caught one brown in 3 hours had a hard time moving a rod,,,,Saturday morning started out 30-50 feet fishing for browns to the high rocks in front of the plant, caught one brown until 9am... Saw some boats out in front of the plant at 9 am and picked up and moved out to see what was going on,,,that was the place to be, wish I went earlier,,, picked up a couple more browns, 3 salmon and around 8 lake trout. Around 160-200 fow....not sure what happened to shallow brown bite but was nonexistent for us..
  13. At 130 bucks a year is there is no reason not to buy it, looks like there is a boat in Oswego. The more people that buy into it the more ports they will be in.
  14. I'll reply to this for fun, I once asked a charter this same question and he laughed at me, took a couple years to get the joke. Location,time of year,depth, like recent post could be 40 ft could be 400 foot stagers could be caught right at river mouth. Right now they are catching them in 50 foot of water and sometimes less. So for you with a 17 foot boat probably now is the time to get out there because those salmon won't stay in shallow for long this time of year,,,and with a 17 foot boat no way I would go offshore with it but that's just me.
  15. Hey, did anyone see the kayakers out in front of the sandy ponds on Saturday fishing? They were pretty far out there in 80 fow,,like 4 of them. Maybe it was Sunday, my days blend together. Went 3 for 6 on Saturday and 1 for 3 on Sunday. Stager fishing was tuff for me. 80 ft in front of south dunes best for me I guess...look at the cherry belly on this one
  16. Are there any browns left over in Mexico Bay/ high rocks, or did the salmon chase them all outta there?
  17. The thought that "Lakers" are easy to catch is deceptive,,Mexico Bay for instance is great for Lakers but they move around, sometimes you see them in 120 fow but they are only active in 150 fow, or they migrated somewhere else. Salmon are way worse. The problem is finding active fish when you have a line in the water, I would suggest finding someone to network with when you are out there. I don't fish that area of the lake but if I did it would be a blast to see you hook into a 25 lb king and drag you around,,,,GOOD LUCK
  18. Thanks for the tip guys. Went 3 for about 10. Not counting a bunch of jacks we threw back. Maybe like 6 or so of them. Kids first time and kept ripping rods up and down. Was my son inlaws family from spain and they spoke spanish so a bit of a language barrier,.lol..,couldn't calm them down when they had fish on,,,Too funny..nothing big. Fished like 28 to 30 line. Was bumpy this morning starting out with 17 knot winds but calmed down to dead flat thru the day. Lots of bait out there couldn't get a consistent bite but picked away at them.
  19. Thanks for the report, that helps,,I'm in a 26 foot pennyann with some kids,,so was a little Leary going deep with possible north winds
  20. Any Intel on fishing out of olcott? Got skunked this morning fishing 160-200 feet,,thankz
  21. I was getting thermocline at 85 down over 140 fow straight out in front of Olcott .. good marks, caught one salmon and lost 2 in a mid day troll for 1.5 hours....I don't understand but temp was good where I was I thought
  22. This boat is currently in Montrose pa.
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