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Everything posted by RH93

  1. I can spend all day on that site. There's quite a few big fish caught on that camera, pretty neat!
  2. Yup, I only saw the survey boat on the little salmon river twice this year on my way back to the marina from the lake. Both times I had been skunked and reported zero fish. I fished 25 days this year, and caught fish 23 out of those 25 days. The state should look into a fish harvest reporting app to get a better idea of what people are harvesting out of the lake. I would have no problem logging in the fish I catch.
  3. Anyone happen to see the picture of the fish High Adventure charters caught this week on the river? I caught a glimpse of it on his Instagram story. Looked well over 30lbs. Wondering if anyone on here had the fish story?
  4. First off, this is the latest I've kept the boat in the water, so maybe what I'm seeing is normal. Was fishing in 100' of water last night just off of Sandy Creek. Every few minutes I would see kings surfacing. I'm used to seeing it in shallower water, and in the estuary. Just find it abnormal to see it that far from shore. The last few weeks I have been fishing in deeper water, and was regularly seeing marks on the sonar going from the bottom of the lake all the way to near surface, in an almost straight vertical line. What's the science behind kings coming to the surface and intentionally coming into warmer surface water temps, when cooler water is available?
  5. Currently fishing in front of the power plant. 140 FOW. Tons of coho. 2 in the cooler so far. One more and we're headed home. Quick and easy. Blue spoon and green flasher fly is getting it done pretty good.
  6. Just to close this up, in case anyone in the future is looking to do the same. Kept it simple, used a dual cable helm, one steering cable to the rudder, the other to the kicker. Kicker turns with the rudder all the time. Which is helpful because the kicker acts like a rudder angle indicator, helps when docking. No real increase in steering effort.
  7. Skunked yesterday. Had a really good fish on the 400 copper with a magnum spoon in 180 FOW. Guessing it was a big steelhead, saw the fish leap clear out of the water before I had a chance to start reeling some line in. Fought it for a minute before it shook the hook.
  8. I'm ready to move on from my old moor sub troll unit. I bought it used when I first got into salmon fishing, but its time for a upgrade. I cant seem to make it a whole season without the coated cable getting damaged, leaving a large clump of coating to get hung up in the antenna and then destroying it. I'm looking at the Fish Hawk Lithium Multi System, I believe it replaced the old X2 system? Although I don't need a portable unit, I really don't want to drill any more holes in the transom for another transducer, and the slip ducer seems like a good alternative. I'm looking for negative reviews of the unit. Any problems with the slip ducer losing signal with the probe? Any cons to the slip ducer set up?
  9. I had non stop action yesterday. 150 FOW just south of the islands. Kings, Lakers, browns. Tons of fish. I had to pull the lines out just to eat some lunch. Not a bad problem to have. Lost a big hen right at the boat. She was probably 20 plus. Struggling to get her in the net, started handlining her to the net and she gave one last tug and snapped the line. Lost my best spoon of the year. Heading back out tomorrow.
  10. Quick report. Still on the water. Lots of fish 8 miles south of stony Island (Jefferson County)140fow. Fish are tight to the bottom. Waters warm, but they'll bite if you get close enough. 2 in the boat so far. Caddy Shack seems to be the winning spoon today.
  11. Did you download the LiTime app? I have the same battery you have, the app is basic, but it will tell you if there are any issues with the bms. I have a DC to DC charger on my boat that is used to charge the Lithium battery from the starting battery while the engine is running.
  12. Cold water in mexico Bay today. Currently a touch south of the Salmon River. In 40 feet of water. Surface temp is 72. Water temp at 30 foot is 54.
  13. I fished between Mexico and Oswego today. First skunk of the year. Fish finder was blank all day. Did run into lots of bait around 80FOW, with lots of marks picking them off (probably browns) The kings are moving a lot. They weren't were I found them last week. Some chatter on the radio this morning that the Kings were far north of the salmon river. Going to make a run up there tomorrow morning. Not quite an Oswego report, sorry.
  14. If the population is too high, would it make sense to increase the daily limit?
  15. https://www.ebay.com/str/bigblueenterprises2015 You can still get new parts for them. Big blue enterprises is good to deal with.
  16. I love my penn 820. Im looking at buying two more. My only complaint is that its almost impossible to find the electrical sockets to plug them into. I had to alter mine to use your generic two pin trolling motor connector. They are built like tanks. Can still find parts for them. Except for the side cover gasket, new ones are impossible to find. Penn all the way.
  17. We caught a nice one this spring (I;m pretty confident that it was an atlantic) 29". By far my favorite fish of the year. This fish leaped totally out of the water 3 times. I'd love to see and catch more of them,
  18. I have a brand new 35 gallon tank that is taking up space if you need one. Not sure if it will fit your boat. It's for sale if you're interested.
  19. All, This was my first season running a single screw inboard (early 80's tunnel drive Penn Yan) I've been using the tiller for steering my 9.9 kicker. On my previous boat I used a tie bar connected to the main outboard, so I could steer from up front. Looking for suggestions to tie the kicker to my current rudder steering (that doesnt include drilling a hole in the rudder). I see alot of inboards in the marina that have the kicker tied to the main steering. So I know its being done. I did a quick search on here, did find a old post that mentioned a cable that could attach to the rudder cable, and then attach to the kicker. But I can find any part numbers online. Anyone feeling generous enough to give me a description of their system? I really dont want to buy one of those electro steering kits.
  20. Would be cheaper and definitely easier to just replace it with another ford.
  21. I haven't ran into a steelhead yet this year. And I'm still looking to catch my first one. Anyone willing on sharing some tips on location as far as steelhead go for this time of year? I'm on the eastern end of the lake (Mexico Point)
  22. 2 downriggers, one copper down the chute. If the water is calm and the winds are light I might run the copper on a planer board.
  23. Caught our biggest of the year yesterday as well. 20lb. I was working in 140 all day. Got frustrated and moved into 80 feet. Hooked into a angry male just west of the Salmon River. All spoon bites for me yesterday. They were hugging bottom yesterday. And I was having hard time with the currents keeping the downrigger ball where I wanted it. Caddy Shack has caught my best fish this year. That spoon got the job done every trip.
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