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Everything posted by jimski2

  1. Just make sure wherever you mount it, you can reach the cannonball easily so in rough weather there won't be a problem.
  2. Maybe a loose fan belt if you have one.
  3. Now is the time you have to search for waters in the 40's. Remember the densest water is 39 degrees and it is deep until the turnover. www.coastwatch.msu.edu/
  4. www.erh.noaa.gov/buf/lakeffect/ice0708/index_0708.htm April 8, 2008 Lake Erie ice cover
  5. For the browns in shallow water we use floating plugs like #9 Rapala's. They keep the snag hangups down.
  6. We replied to a query one day on Lake Erie on "how we are doing". Our reply was "we were just drinking beer". A few minutes later the Sheriff's Patrol pulled up along side and circled us carefully looking for our beer. These boats have Radio Direction Finders on board and anytime you broadcast they have a idea what direction you are at. So don't say something stupid. We didn't have any beer on board, thank God.
  7. US Border and Customs guys at the Hamburg Boat Show yesterday reminded me that if you trailer your boat to Canada, pick up a form at Canadian Customs at the bridge showing how you entered Canada, you could be charged with duties if you don't. They have a couple lists of the things you need to do, just for the US side, not the Canadian side. It's best to talk to them directly as they wanted to be helpful.
  8. A BWI in NY is the same as a DWI, you lose your diver's license. If your job requires possession of a driver's license, you lose your job. In Canada it is even worse, you lose your boat.
  9. The external antenna I have is for Wide Area AS. It is more accurate and will help you return to small spots.
  10. My old x16 paper graph would show a lot of fish in deeper water when I would change the ping speed from 200ms to 400ms. These fish were down to 200 feet and I never thought of trying that deep. I think they were that deep to escape the U/V rays from the high sun. Who knows if they were even deeper if I changed the ping speed to 800ms? If you see fish down to 110 feet, don't believe there are not fish deeper, it is just what your graph is set for.
  11. Check out these sites for more ways to get into your wallet. www.salmonuniversity.com www.steelheaduniversity.com www.pugetsoundanglers.org There are some videos and pictures that might help you waste your slack time and soothe the "Cabin Fever".
  12. I wouldn't get too excited. The ice is now packed deeper and will disappear slower.
  13. They are fishing for Kings in Alaska on Easter Sunday. Check out the story at www.adn.com outdoors column. We just don't have our act together compared to these guys.
  14. I watched the boats at Lewiston come in yesterday with all of them with Steelhead. Egg sacs and minnows were good.
  15. We use Nextel phones with the push to talk feature. No dead spots, gps locating, no place to hide.
  16. You only need a passport if you want to return to the USA. Otherwise they take you "inside" and work you over. If you have a "DWI" on your license, most likely you won't get into Canada.
  17. www.northofthefalls.com Lower river information
  18. www.Olcott-Newfane.com A lot of local information for Olcott Harbor including places to stay.
  19. Olcott has a private campground with a gas station and restaurant. It is near the Olcott launch ramp.
  20. FCC rules call for you to monitor channel 16 at all times for safety of yourself and others. I suppose if a nearby boat has a problem and you do not respond, there is some negligence and liability on your part.
  21. If they do work, what do I do with the five tackle boxes of spoons that I have acquired over the past 25 years?
  22. When the ice brdge lets go, don't be in the river.
  23. A UPS pilot who flies 747 airfreighters from Taiwan to Anchorage every night said the waters off Asia are lit up like a city every night with all the boats fishing to feed the masses over there. Our shores show little activity in comparison.
  24. There are big plans to build pipelines to send the petroleum to Texas, where else, for refining.
  25. There is a control structure for Lake Ontario. The other Lakes have had drops of several feet resulting in a lot of boat damage and loss of moorings. Still, they may drop the lake level to allow for wetland regeneration.
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