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Everything posted by jimski2

  1. The Saint Lawrence River was the scene of docks rendered unusable due to high waters there. Property damage figures need to be adjusted to add the the Lake damages.
  2. The smelt in the Great Lakes were introduced into a small lake in the state of Michigan to provide a food source for the Lake Trout which was a commercial food fish in the 1800's.They entered Lake Ontario through the Welland Canal and Trent waterway systems and passed over the falls. I caught Golden Palamino Trout in the Lower River that were stocked in Pennsylvania years ago that only survived the falls or the power turbines.
  3. Finally the Federal charges were levied. They appear more intense than the New York laws where the slap on the wrist resulted.
  4. In the mid 50’s the smelt took over Lake Erie. The smelt were so thick it was almost impossible to reach the bottom ice fishing without the smelt taking your minnows. Then the cold water species like blue pike, lake trout, whitefish and ciscoes disappeared completely in Lake Erie. The true answer was the smelt wiped them out but it became popular to blame commercial fishermen for the situation. The Canadian Commercial Fishermen started trawling for the smelt. The smelt were packed in ice and air freighted to Asian markets. By the mid 60’s some walleyes and yellow perch returned. Then Coho and chinook salmon were stocked and the sportfishing catching returned. Lake Ontario had tremendous smelt and alewives because the PCB toxins did not allow commercial harvesting. The salmon and trout stocking boomed then and 40 pounders were caught. Lake Huron finally collapsed first after the bait collapse. Limited stocking numbers returned the salmon fishery now. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Watch the water temperatures near the shore line in the spring. There is a chart showing surface water temperatures and shoreline temperatures will be higher then unless there is an offshore wind. The bait and browns along with all the other fish will be there to feed.
  6. 39 degrees is the densest water below the ice. With Lake Ontario’s depths there is plenty of warmer water down there for the salmon and all the other fish. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. A different take is if you consider poundage produced instead of numbers produced.
  8. Wilson Harbor, twelve miles east of the lower Niagara River has docks available. The Niagara Bar is eight miles west and warm water river effluent from the river turns on the fish as soon as Lake Erie ice is gone. Shoreline waters are good to go here in the Spring. Port Dahlousie has early flow of warm Lake Erie water as soon as the ice leaves the Port Colborne area. Westerly winds on Lake Erie bring warm Ohio waters quickly as soon as the ice has gone. The spring fishing on the Bar and shoreline here is the most productive of the whole lake since the fertile Lake Erie planktons attract the bait here first.
  9. 10,000 years ago, the ice age, had ice 2,000 foot deep over the Great Lakes area. There was no human activity then but the ice melted. The oceans rose thirty foot since then and are still rising still. The oceans are now getting warmer with less glaciers melting and evaporation is increasing resulting in greater rainfall here. Expect this to be the new normal situation so deal with it.
  10. Cottage owners on the Cattaraugus Creek harbor on Lake Erie after several floods have installed cinder block basements under their homes there to deal with occasional flooding. They did not wait for government assistance and live with occasional flooding.
  11. Lake trout fishing has changed on Keuka Lake. Ice fishermen drop a spoon to the bottom and reel it up. At about forty foot from the bottom the lakers strike. This is called vertical trolling and possibly should work on Ontario with spoons and jigs.
  12. Rainfall on the west coast here and down to Peru has resulted in damaging flood waters but the California Reservoirs are returning to full levels. We must anticipate increased rainfall in the Great Lakes Basin watershed now. The present lands we stand on now were under 2,000 feet of ice 10,000 years ago so the climate crisis happened then while no human activities were around then. Today we have to change our way of life where we live as things will not get better even with all the "greenies" efforts.
  13. The rivers from and to Lake St. Clair have been dredged to allow 27 foot ships to pass through. This increased the water flow from Lake Huron/Michigan to flow here faster. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. The IJC needs to consider the St. Lawrence River Drainage Basin in its studies to prevent the Ottawa River flood conditions that affected Lake Ontario last season.
  15. With the density of water being densest about thirty nine degrees, the thirty two degree water becomes ice on the surface , the bottom water will remain at 38 degrees as that is where the fish survive and live. The thirty nine degree water is the beginning of the turnover. The water temperature is the same top to bottom except wind and currents have influence at times. In the spring the change over has surface water temperatures rising while bottom water temperatures will be lower. Mid summer causes the dissolved oxygen levels to be depleted on the bottom levels. Upwelling crystal clear water appear on the offshore waters when warm winds move nearshore water there downwind. Spring nearshore waters are influenced by inflow from warmer rivers, creeks, spring water, sewage plants and farm fields. Plankton blooms happen and baitfish are there. And good fisherman are there until maybe strong sunlight moves the gamefish deeper. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Panamax ships require a 54 foot deep channel to unload. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. I use the Panther bar connector for my 10 hp kicker. The main Motor needs to remain in the lowered position as it increases your steering control. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Go to the fishing job site Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Proving a well water source of warm ground water for early growth of fry to fingerlings during the winter months was the main requirement for locating the hatchery at Altman. Studies over a couple years located the warm water source. While a lot of interest in wild hatch fish is mentioned most the wild hatched fish are forage for the big guys out in the lake, their hatch time and growth are delayed by ice cold winter water temperatures.
  20. There is no fishing if you can not launch your boat or the docks are unusable. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. The Ontario Hydro people opened a new twelve foot tunnel under the city of Niagara Falls, ON a while back to supply its Power Plant. Since the tunnel is a above the the Falls control structures has its effect on Lake Ontario water level been calculated?
  22. The northern waters of the oceans have warmed considerably. Salmon on the west coast have lost spawning streams . Capelin in Iceland have moved hundreds of miles north . The evaporation rates of this water have increased rainfalls everywhere resulting in record floods and snowfalls . Things we have now will be the new normal so we must deal with things. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Today Lake Michigan Homes will be falling into the water as nine foot waves wash out the sand dunes the homes are built on. The demolition and cleanup costs are being burdened on the homeowners. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Seventy days opening all thirty two turbines at the Moses Saunders Dam caused an economic loss to US and Canadian economies of two million dollars a day. After watching flood insurance expenditures to allow seaside communities to rebuild as the oceans have risen is money flushed down the toilet. Property owners on waterfront homes will expect their decision to buy and improve their homes is a gamble they they have taken on their own and to expect the government and insurance companies to bail them out will soon come to the end. Local agencies that exist on property assessments will have to expect the loss of tax bases in their future on the gambles of their residents. For the past ten thousand years the two thousand foot high glacier that covered New York State has melted along with glacier ice and ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic. No environmental regulations will prevent this from happening. The rising ocean water has caused huge rainfall increases resulting in floods in lakes and rivers world wide. Pressures on financial aid are tremendous now.
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