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Everything posted by troutman10

  1. 2 downrigger rod combos for sale. Eagle claw rods with Penn 209 reels. $120 for both.
  2. Congrats on that bow and to a successful trip! Sounds like fun. I spent quite a bit of my time fishing down there when I went to KC. John Gaulke recently posted some info regarding Keuka on his website...thought it would be of interest... Here’s what I’ve heard from DEC (any mistakes or inaccuracies below are mine): Ciscoes: Cornell and DEC have been working hard trying to determine the success of this program. Evidence from implanted transmitters (in some of the ciscoes) suggests that many of them are dying when first stocked. Whether this is because of predation or something else is unclear, but most are not living past 90 days. A few yearlings have managed to survive past a year. Ciscoes will still be stocked in the near future. There has been some talk about raising them to a larger size and then releasing them (e.g., as yearlings) but no determination has been made yet. One cisco was found in laker nets this summer. That fish survived over 90 days in the lake. Alewives: Thus far zero alewives have been encountered either in lake trout stomachs or in nets. Forage netting will be conducted in September. I would guess that some will turn up then. My friends catching trout in Keuka Lake have not seen any alewives in trout stomachs either. Yellow Perch: Some anglers have complained about poorer perch fishing on this lake. DEC is doing some netting for perch this coming week. Perch are now the main forage species in this lake for lake trout. Lake trout: Numbers of lake trout appear to be 4 to 5 fish per net lower than in prior years, although I don’t think all the numbers have been calculated yet. This is a bit of a mystery, since numbers were high just a few years ago. Some cannibalism is likely taking place here amongst the lake trout population. In Skaneateles Lake forage is scarce and once a lake trout gets big enough to be able to eat larger forage, they can get to be trophy sized. We may see something like this happen here (those are my thoughts) -numerous small 15″ to 18″ lake trout, a few slightly larger specimens and then every so often somebody catches a 15lber or better. Another reason lake trout numbers might be down is that they could be feeding a bit out-of-temperature, due to the lack of food in the colder parts of the lake. Fish may be suspended higher in the water column and avoiding the nets. Lake trout are surviving on eating mysis shrimp, occasional sculpins and perch fry. Mysis numbers are good in Keuka Lake. The condition (aka “plumpness”) of smaller lake trout is surprisingly good here. Larger 4 to 5lb specimens appear to be skinny. Bass: Spring electro-fishing data suggests that Keuka Lake is amongst the top 90% of bass fisheries in NYS. DEC found some big largemouths here as well. Walleye: As many of you know, this species has turned up in this lake (likely as a result of an illegal introduction) at times over the past decade. No walleyes were found in lake trout nets this summer. DEC is receiving more and more angler reports of walleyes showing up in Keuka Lake. As a comparison, walleye numbers were relatively low in Skaneateles Lake for decades before finally increasing exponentially. A large walleye population in this lake would really put a lot of pressure on the forage base here. What would they eat? Probably panfish, perch fry, young bass and whatever else they could eat. Stocked and wild rainbow trout would certainly suffer even more than they already do here. Stay tuned!
  3. I've got limited dr experience and have been using the chamberlain releases. Similar description to what Cody says above is how I've been running them. Missed few fish and haven't found myself pulling any smalls without releasing yet. Like the chamberlains but might try blacks and scottys as I have them as well.
  4. Was able to get after them again on the annual trip. Didn't catch many but they were nice.
  5. Can someone tell me the correct position for my outboard during travel? Just curious if I need some sort of brace or do I just tilt it up and call it good?
  6. Thanks alot for your help guys
  7. Do they still make them? I emailed and waiting to hear back
  8. How long are the crazy ivan spoons? Couldn't find a length anywhere.
  9. That's what I remembered them maybe being but didn't see anything like them on their website. Thanks
  10. Bought these 10 years ago or more. Do they look familiar? Can anyone Id them?
  11. Does anyone use them to target rainbows, browns, landlocked salmon? Saw some in bright colors that silver fish might like. Recently picked up a few and maybe gonna try them unless I'm wasting my time. Looking to run small howie fly around 16-18" behind.
  12. I caught my first fish, hopefully many more to come, on a wire diver rod over the weekend. I was running a 6' leader with a spoon behind the dipsy. I've been thinking of running a flasher fly behind the chinook diver at some point. Will the depth charts change because of the drag of the flasher or should I expect similar depths compared to when I just run a spoon behind the dipsy?
  13. Looking for 2 berts ratcheting rod holders. I see them on here occasionally.
  14. Grew up in the tug hill area. Don't forget the great inland trout streams as well. No shortage of places to wet a line
  15. Great report adesalvo! My son and I were able to make it out Sunday. I started solo around 6 something and picked him up later. Newer to my riggers and making a conscious effort at trolling. Put out a spin dr and atomic fly mostly just off bottom around 90 down, reel rage electric muffin at 50 (both on riggers) and a black widow stinger on 5 color. Changed spoons thoughout the morning. Fished till noonish. Fished ne side from Christian camp to ne Park area most of the morning. Fished a 3 color and 5 color with riggers once the boy joined me. Went 3 for 3 which I was happy about eventhough that's probably slow for alot of you. 9 lb laker just missed the board, a 3-4 lb laker and the boy caught a rainbow that was just barely legal. Big laker came on spin dr w/ fly was a challenge solo, smaller laker came on a rr electric muffin, and bow came on a dreamweaver ss confusion with 3 color. Hoping to improve just like you're saying adesalvo. Life is good!
  16. I know you say to stay with brand exclusitivity but how would I know to connect a Minnkota tm to a garmin fishfinder?
  17. I'll most likely be out there Sunday depending on youth sports sat. Good luck to all!
  18. Appreciate the help guys. I'll keep all that in mind when I'm using the downriggers next. I have a feeling I'll get into the fish sooner or later.
  19. Thanks for the quick responses. I'll keep those things in mind. Will have to throw out a spin dr and fly next time. Also, forgot to add this one in there.
  20. I have limited experience with downriggers. My boy and I have been out a couple times trying them out for the first time. We've been out on one of the fingerlakes trying different depths and lures. We've set one rigger low for Lakers and one higher just to see what we can get. Can someone decode what's going on in some of the pictures? I'm assuming I'm having some fish checkout my deep set as I go by but they're not committing. Maybe i'm scaring them away with the ball? My speed has been around 1.8-2.0 mph. Should I slow down? Try shorter/longer distance behind the ball? Been using gambler rigs with cowbells, and stingray sized spoons down deep.
  21. I searched all over for the traxtech and got no where. Finally was able to order some at rodtrees.com. Took a bit but have worked great.
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