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Everything posted by lyteline

  1. Newer stuff Dale.Sad that he is out of business Was a great painter
  2. There is a guy that sells 30# on here and it works just fine...Look in the classified...
  3. I'd also want the 7 Alpena Diamonds in this lot too.TYVM
  4. lyteline

    for sale : usa Spoons

    I'll take em...thx
  5. Penn 209LC??? Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Stillness your PayPal addy...
  7. Hank wants to know what day and time is good for you?
  8. I'll take em...TY Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Got them Greg...TY... Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. One #1 One #2....Paid via PP Thx Greg
  11. 383.15 is just below the summer pool. Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Lake level is 383.15... Sent from my SM-G960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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