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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Jerry please press them on the state of the Salmon River run and potential lack of much natural reproduction this year and the effect on the salmon stocking cut figures.
  2. Skipper, bowhunters are made not born. There is a process we all go thru. Thru that process comes a discipline. You will learn from your mistakes and be better for the next deer. We would all take a woods full of hunters like you over anyone else because you have a soul and respect for the animal you hunt.
  3. Point your buddy to a hind sight for his bow. It will help him immensely. Great discipline on your wallhanger.
  4. Always good to remember if you need to have your old boat worked on.....take it to an old marine mechanic like Hank!! Happy birthday Hank.
  5. As others have stated, rattles, bright colors, erratic moving baits, go big (giant spoons). I put rattle traps on the back of my downrigger balls and run flasher flies behind them in September. THE NUMBER ONE IMPORTANT TRIGGER THIS TIME OF YEAR IS FISH WITH AN APPROACHING FRONT OR WEATHER. Your welcome.
  6. There are fish at the bar but this late in the game I would say 2/3rds of the usual numbers have run the river.
  7. If you have ever had a bearing go bad so the hub heated up you may have a hub get out of round deformed. Look at the spindle also.
  8. When you gain more experience on Lake Ontario you will change your tune. Kings fight 10xs harder than Atlantics.
  9. Gill-T


    Because they were heavy last year.
  10. They run the Salmon river in May and again in September. People who target them are very secretive and protective of them. Cayuga and Seneca Lakes have fishable numbers. You may be waiting another decade before you catch another one in Lake Ontario.
  11. Fort Niagara or Youngstown launches should be open
  12. I didn't find any real holes in their methodology of this massive/expensive study. The fact that they pulled king samples in June/July when fish populations are mixed lakewide was smart.
  13. Jerry, the numbers have been out for awhile. I was hoping to get a view of the published study to see how it was conducted. Any ideas who produced the study?
  14. Jerry are you privy to the published study the DEC conducted on pen vs non-pen reared fish? I would love to take a look at it.
  15. Agreed. A number of years back there was a charter vessel next to my slip in Wilson. I could not help but notice his rods in his rod holders all had fluorescent orange line stren spooled on (probably from the 80's). Upon returning from his charter he would be in a good mood because he was able to catch a few Lake Trout for his long time clients (April season). I never had the heart to tell him how many fish came over my gunnels. Never stop learning in the face of a changing environment......or just take up golf
  16. Here is a problem with your problem Jerry.......if we keep showing proof that PEN rearing works, they will use the success of the program against us by refering (inaccurately) to the pen-rearing allotment of fish like having a "stocking increase" due to better survivability. It is a slap to the face of common sense that you punish due to success. With the exception of the Salmon River, pen-rearing should reach 100% for all other locations if everyone wants a slice of the pie come August-October
  17. Yes deer move in the wind but can you spot them without being able to hear them? Do you know how wind drift effects arrow flight on your rig? Last Saturday I decided to check how much a 25 mph wind would laterally displace my arrow at thirty yards I found my lighter arrows displaced 8". Interestingly my 500 grain arrows displaced about 1/2 " less so not much difference although the heavier arrows flew better and entered into the target more true. 8" is the difference between a good shot and a gut shot. That is why I don't shoot past 30 yards on a twitchy whitetail. If you are going to hunt in the wind I would deplore every bow hunter to practice in the wind.
  18. Esgdirect.com. They have the parts and are continuing to make probes. Guys who worked at Moor in Buffalo are servicing them
  19. Beech yes, black walnut yes, apples poor from what I have seen.
  20. Chuck, typically they start catching early runners after the first week in August on the Salmon River. Little different world than pier fishing
  21. Lethal temps in Harbors right now. Lake will have to turn over or cooler temps for 5 days in a row to bring them into pier chucking range.
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