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Everything posted by HOLY DIVER

  1. Sorry for the ****ty pix it was raining my lens was foggy got him on the 11/6 ratted him out of the brush from the ground on a windy nasty day! It left me with plenty of time to scout and let’s just say I have high hopes for tomorrow…. Good luck to all
  2. well I just watched my boat roll out of my driveway for the last time! yep I have owned a boat since I was 16 and there was actually times when I had a boat but didn’t have a vehicle to tow it, 14 years and 4 boats later I just gave it all up?!?! I think there are a lot of things that led to this but now that the boats gone I feel like someone just took a part of me and its hitting me pretty hard. I guess something hit me last fall when the farm I have hunted my whole life was bought up by the Amish I didn’t even know it was for sale but I guess they have deep pockets and made them a offer they couldn't turn down well 6 months later they bought 6 more farms in the area. this isn't a rant against the Amish I don’t blame them, it made me realize all this land that I took for granted and never paid a dime for was gone.. so I started to think about what if I had to go hunt the park or not have anywhere to hunt or even worst where are my kids going to hunt someday? I started to weight the odds and play the numbers game I found out what I could afford with a boat and without a boat well the more I thought about it the boat cost a lot of money and your lucky if a fishing boat is ever a good investment more like a money pit if you have the obsession like I do, so I decided its gone if I find the right land and so it goes I closed on my 80 acres last week. I have a lot of work to do up there to hopefully fill the void of not having a boat, an old timer told me a "they make boats every day but they stopped making land a long time ago" it kind of ring home for me... I sold the boat with every piece of tackle I own, someone got a good deal just not sure if it was me or him yet! fishing is a sport that can drive a man nuts, but trolling is a sport for nuts! I have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time on lake O and the finger lakes as a Guide, first mate , fisherman and a paying customer I have seen the good the bad and the ugly, I have a lot of respect for the captains on the lake that’s a tough job! thanks LOU I have burnt up countless hours researching the threads on this site it has definitely made me a better fisherman Tights lines Doug
  3. nice buck! what kind of camara is so i know not to buy one! looks like you tied your cell phone to a tree
  4. Well I can’t say it was my best year ever but it was steady managed a few every trip nothing over 10lb also put 4 tigers in the boat this year so I can’t complain. I would still be fishing over there but that cotton wood is nasty and makes for a lot of work to keep lines clean. so until we get some strong winds I will be elsewhere
  5. Nice catch good report. thats a strange looking fish what did you say it was? i will be fishing hemlock from here on out im sure i will see you over there!
  6. Nice catch, I actually found my first Sutton in the mouth of a 9lb brown I caught at hemlock so I took it out rusty and all i figured it must work so I put it on the DR and caught 2 more fish on it !
  7. well today went as planned! 40inch club! 12.5lbs i would say the stocking is working! 11.10lb 37in all fish were relased to get bigger!!!
  8. 20+west winds and the river crancking out the warm mud should set the ROC up for some good fishing i will be out monday in serch mode!
  9. Bill thanks for the twitter post I enjoy reading the real time reports from my blackberry. I was working up in Wilson the other day and seen a few boats out working the green water so I got on and seen the you were crushing them. It was cool but I would be a lot cooler if I had your job! You’re not suppose to text and drive but looks like the only thing you’re hurting is the salmon so Keep up the TW post thanks Doug
  10. Congrats, that’s a pig hope to see a pix soon! LOC...........
  11. Yea I guess It is a sea lion! I feel like dumb A** they have the video polar bear fishing and I didn’t even think twice when I seen it.. I does kinda look like a pb at first glance …….
  12. http://www.walleyecentral.com/wcvideo/? ... ideoID=296
  13. The secret is I run down riggers with a spin doctor and cow bells behind it and a white mr twister behind that I also put Velveeta cheese on the hook they are suckers for cheese this time of year! I call it the spin- cow – Mr. cheese rig And if that doesn’t work I just run spoons that look like alewife 50 ft off the ball I think Chowder said it best “don't get too hung up on a particular presentation depth, be flexible and work the water column†I very my speed by making S turns all the way down the lake most of the bites come on the turn! Good luck
  14. Fishing Report: fished out of I-bay stayed in the 15-40 fow east bound picked up 1 brown and 3 cohos nice day on the water
  15. Damm it!! I sent him all the leftover money from the check … i thought it was too good to be true he was going to pay me 1000 for a 6hr trip but he accidently sent a check for 2000 I’m sure he will show up to go fishing and pay for bounced check…lol These guys are scum bags I have ran into this a lot selling stuff on the internet they waste your time pretending they are interested going back and forth with e m asking questions and feeding you a line of bs I would love to find one of these guys and break all his fingers off so he has to type with his tongue!! I’m going to e-m this guy as I do all the others and let him know what I think about him…..
  16. I had no chance at getting out on the big O due to the winds but its never to nasty to get out on canidice! We fished for about 3 hr in the wind rain and snow only to net 2 small browns which were 2 of the maybe 10 fish we marked on the screen after trolling up and down the lake twice! both fish burping up alewife in the 2in range but I never seen schools of bait anywhere?
  17. I can’t get enough! this is another cool one http://www.shipwreckworld.com/articles/ ... nk-in-1977
  18. Found this web surfing thought it was interesting! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Ontario_(1780) more info on the HMS (HMS: "His" Majesty's Ship -- the ship of King George III) http://www.shipwreckworld.com/articles/ ... ke-ontario
  19. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp:hot Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: 44 Location:shipbuilders east LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 3 Total Boated:3 Species Breakdown:browns Hot Lure: NBK/W DR Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 10-20 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== it was a nice day to be out but the fishing was slow one good pix for the scrap book!
  20. I purchased a Marinco 12v Sealink Receptacle With Alligator Clips last fall so I could use my trolling motor battery to run my satellite radio I never got a chance to use it so when I got the boat out this spring I hooked it up my brother went to grab the plug and noticed it was HOT I jumped back in the boat ripped open the bow where the battery was buried and unhooked the leads as fast as I could but it wasn’t quick enough I burnt my hand and the boat carpet got burnt in the hull and the whole garage was filled with smoke… so the reason it shorted out was because the terminals inside the pre-manufactured plug came in contact with each other causing the short when the plug was jarred!~ ok now the question is should I blame myself for not installing a fuse that could have prevented the short? Should I blame Marinco for their poorly manufactured product and try to get them to at least refund my $35 and maybe suggest that they put a inline fuse on their hot so this doesn’t happen to someone else? Or should I just be happy I still have a boat and a garage and glad that it didn’t happen the next morning when I was out on lake O?
  21. is it true that you have to were a PFD until May 1 on any boat on any waters?
  22. Hemlock upper niagara otsego my all time favorite senic pix dont ask me to rub sun block on you
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