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Everything posted by chowder

  1. For what it’s worth; in my experience with jigging during daylight hours ( I have never nor will I ever fish at night) it’s essential to find numerous bottom oriented salmonids for jigging to catch fish with any repeatability. The 2 scenarios that work for me are 1. The Niagara Bar, drifting from the channel up onto the alluvial fan,going from approximately 70 to 30 fow. Any number of species can be caught in this environment because the density of salmonids is predictably high though it does fluctuate considerably throughout the seasons. An easier way to learn this technique, which definitely requires an understanding of how potentially subtle a ‘strike’ can be is with lake trout in an environment where they are densely congregated in approximately 60 fow or less and the boat is stationary. Jigging exclusively for suspended kings in open water is a low probability scenario although I have managed a few using the Northwest technique called mooching with cutbait moving slowly to cover water .It’s my perception that mature staging salmon at least in Lake Ontario are not predictably active and actually feeding much if at all at this point in their life cycle making them a poor target . The fact that they are increasingly poor table fare makes them even less desirable IMHO.
  2. Statistically speaking ( different from single anecdotal accounts) a lot of ‘western’ eyes have begun to move back towards their offseason migrational home base and away from NY waters. Presque Isle PA area (Walnut Creek launch) usually continues to produce good catches for us until mid to late September.
  3. As a charter captain I am often asked; 1. What’s the right temp. 2. What’s the right speed. 3. What’s the right color 4. What’s better- meat, or spoons 5. When should I run copper. The answer to any and all these questions is fundamentally ‘Do what the fish want’. The box is my gauge of what to do so I make small changes until I get some feedback from the box and act accordingly.
  4. As a wise man once said “ Life is a matter of rational choice amidst a condition of scarcity”. There is no such thing as money not mattering. This is especially so for most of us wherein luxury purchases are pretty far down on the list of life’s money. spending priorities. Indeed I would argue that nothing is more important than making a decision about fishing equipment that provides the best rate of return while simultaneously providing an experience that reflects all concerned individual’s needs (others in the family)
  5. Left it in front of the office back at the time. Foam was missing - Edit = Ooops must have been another person’s mag inline, there was no info on it
  6. No matter what - you need to be mindful of the towline; all you need is for the wind to push a board boatward combined with a bit of a turn and ‘poink’ a rod gets plucked by the guides
  7. North end of the lake is overall shallow and weedy. Holds a lot of largemouth. You will just need to find active fish
  8. Great stories! - one more I guess: Customer brings a very large steelhead in, breaks off just out of net range due to an unnoticed abrasion. The steely is done, barely flopping. Customers are very dismayed. Of course we got 2 board lines on either side and we need fish to get a box. I drop a way point and begin a wide turn, after the 180 I aim for just down wind of the waypoint. Yar matey, came right up on and netted that steelhead to great applause from the guys
  9. Last week: 500 copper broke off at leader to copper (weighted steel), thinking quickly I slowed boat and could see that the Scotty release , which was deployed in the pulled out mode ( very tight position) was holding onto the copper with a 10” flasher and meat rig on the end. I brought the planer line in gingerly, grabbed the copper and proceeded to put a good crimp end swivel connector to the backing. Sent it back out, 20 minutes later a 18lb king smashed that meat rig.
  10. I’m looking for reports of actual experiences people have had with running the BR Sea Flea mono with Mag divers or divers with the big ring. Heavy flea accumulation ruins the diver rod experience for my customers on the wire rods when fleas are bad so I’m considering spooling up some spare reels with the blood run product I use on my rigger rods starting anytime now. I have been out with a friend who is a recreational angler and who only uses mono on his diver rods so I am well aware of the technique used to ‘release’ divers on mono.
  11. I typically run 2 wire divers per side on Ontario. Deep inside is a Mag on 1.5 or 2 and an outside High on 3.5 or 4. ‘IF’ fish seem negative, I will swap out 1 or both high divers for a braid slide diver on 4 with 40’ of 40lb mono for diver to slide on. For Erie walleye I usually run 3 divers per side. Deep inside mag on wire and then 2 regular dipsys. I hardly ever run slide divers for Wallye because of conflicts with the other divers /just too much more labor with typically fast fish action.
  12. I eat it every morning. We used to fish the Hudson out of Kingston In May. First we’d use Sabiki rigs on ultralights to catch Herring up in the Cree and then use them to target stripers in the main stem. If a herring kicked the bucket we used it for cut bait or, often enough, they went home to get filleted and pickled
  13. I’d appreciate answers from owners of this technology or persons very familiar with this specific technology. Looking to find out : 1.) - Is the transducer sold with this particular unit ( seems like it’s the XM 9 HW MSI T ) the best choice or is it worth considering getting a separate transducer? 2.) Am I likely to get interference if I attempt to use this at the same time as a Lowrance HDS and a Garmin PanOptix system? Thanks!
  14. Glad you read my post carefully LOL. I’ve had the PanOptix for 2 years.
  15. I have had the Garmin PanOptix system in the rear of my boat now for 2 years. I see things on it that I don’t see on my Lowrance HDS/ Airmar sonar system AND vice versa. ( very inconvenient to have customers ask “ if those are fish right now in your riggers, why aren’t we catching them “) ANYWAY: given I have the PanOptix + Lowrance HDS/ Airmar system facing essentially backwards what theoretical benefit is forward facing sonar for a trolling boat. Thanks for any experienced comments
  16. I still don’t understand this whole thread. I have no problem with anyone starting a business. I have a business too. What I do have a problem with is the disingenuous way this thread is being played. If someone is selling a product then answer a question about price. It’s as simple as that. Don’t post a bunch of pictures and get friends to do the same and throw out some smoke and mirrors about quality. This isn’t a Facebook page. It’s supposed to be a fishing forum. If someone wants to start a genuine thread to help others learn how to buy blanks and paint lures - right on, but don’t put up pictures of stuff that you are trying to sell while packaging it in BS and then not answer questions about what you’re product sells for.
  17. Are these baits for sale? It doesn’t say so. Why not just run an Ad?
  18. Apparently these finished baits are not for sale. Frankly IMHO this seems like a strange post due to the fact that very very few people on LOU have the technology or the very specific knowledge to paint baits. The price of blanks is really a moot point. Just saying
  19. I have 3 Cannon rod holders/ side for diver rods and an inexpensive triple tree for board rods. Rigger rods go in the Cannon rod holders on the riggers
  20. Are they priced through the roof like most custom musky baits ?
  21. I have had the PS 30/ PanOptix setup for 2 years . I see things on it I don’t see on my Lowrance HDS/ Airmar and vice versa. Thus far it has not been a ‘game changer’ for me but frankly I probably need to figure out why others claim it is.
  22. I’ll get on it in the AM - thanks!
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