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Kevin J Legg

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Everything posted by Kevin J Legg

  1. Thanks for a great story and one you'll never forget.
  2. Great story and I glad your perseverance paid off. I hit one earlier this year and unfortunately had a worse outcome. Had only 12" of penetration and found the arrow including broadhead after about 150 yards. Backed out and left him for the night. Picked up the blood trail the next day and after trailing another 500 yards the blood trail disappeared after he heading toward very high swamp grass. After several hours of blind searching we were unable to recover him. Just goes to show how tough they are. Hopefully mine made it.
  3. Pulled into a gas station in Heuvelton last night and a guy had a 10 pointer well over 200 lbs. with inside spread over 19". Definitely rutty.
  4. Started at Green's Point, then Thompsons Point, then out by the Bat Cave and back to Thompson's Point. We marked some bait and fish but didn't have a great deal of action.
  5. Not a lot to report on. Had three hits. One bite off (probably a pike) one dropped and one 6.5 lb. walleye caught. All off boards one on a Reef runner and other two on DT 11. Pretty slow and not many people fishing. We will be hitting Quinte a few more times this fall.
  6. I'll be fishing Quinte with Mike and Pete tomorrow.
  7. Headed for a day of fishing Quinte tomorrow I will post results after I return home.
  8. Nice bunch of ducks. We got 2 mallards and a black this morning.
  9. Nice, we got two mallards and a black this morning.
  10. Big Mac's comments are right on the money. I believe Landshark and Mr. Walleye are heading up next week and I may join them for a day.
  11. Great buck and you earned it!
  12. Actually I do take my wife fishing and hunting and she's pretty good but only likes to go on nice days. She really isn't very interested in the gear aspect and prefers me to outfit her, be her guide and sit with her. However, she has harvested 7 deer and 9 turkeys and caught a nice salmon last year! Very memorable days.
  13. Glad your doing well. I think many of us hope that it wouldn't be sold for what we told our wives we paid for it. I have some good friends that I hope would help her and my kids decide to do with what my family did not want. It's amazing what you accumulate over a lifetime.
  14. Hunted out of my friends boat blind and got a mixed bag on the Canadian side of the river.
  15. From now until ice up is generally the time we catch 10#+ trophies. Might want to check Quinte Fishing Forum for up to date information. Remember much of that area only allows one rod per person.
  16. Very nice time that you'll always remember. I can remember doing the same with my son who is now 28! He was actually a great help as I am somewhat red/green color blind. He helped me blood trail several times.
  17. I found this TC 240 grain shockwave under the skin of the far shoulder on a neck shot. I was using 3 power pellets(150 grains of powder. No wonder she dropped like a rock.)
  18. Although no trophy I shot a doe with my muzzleloader this evening. She will be great eating and will allow my family to partake in a 50 year family tradition, Venison for Christmas dinner.
  19. Nicer buck. The older I get the less I enjoy tree strands mostly use ladder stands or ground blinds now.
  20. Sounds like a great kid. My son (now 28) never really became passionate about hunting or fishing but we still have many great memories of days in the field and on the water. He occasionally makes it home from out of state for a day outdoors. I did buy him a lifetime license. Perhaps I'll get a chance with my new grandson. You might want to take him for a couple rounds of sporting clays. I bet it would really help his confidence and reactions.
  21. That must be an awesome. I probably would pay for a guided hunt if I could experience a show like that and I'd love to film it with my Go Pro. I've heard they can be so loud they don't even hear the shooting.
  22. Good luck with the snows. I've been seeing more of them in my area the last couple years but have never hunted them or shot one. I've already got to many toys to invest in a bunch of snow decoys. We hunt Canada's a lot so maybe I'll get a crack at one sometime. I saw hundreds votexing down in a corn field last spring and it was an awesome sight. Imagine it must be incredible to have them dropping into decoys like that.
  23. Blockhead, That will make it that much sweeter when he does connect. At least he's out in the field and not playing video games!
  24. There are always some ticks on the dog after hunting. The grouse had purple berries and green leaves in it's crop. Flushed the bird along an edge of thorn apples.
  25. Saw a scrape today here in Jefferson County.
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