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Capt Vince Pierleoni

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Everything posted by Capt Vince Pierleoni

  1. Wow Joey, I did not know you needed to be hospitalized! Praying for a full recovery for you bud.
  2. Awesome specimen Rob. Congrats!
  3. I usually use Pier Propellor just off South end Grand Island(RT 190). Guys who use the business in Canandaigua like it. If Spinellis in Rochester is still in business thats another option. Good luck.
  4. Not much to add as Rick is very astute with Humminbird electronics but I do run two Helix units connected by ethernet and it has been trouble free..
  5. Excitement is high for the ladies and boat owners! A big THANK YOU in advance to all participants and sponsors(who are still rolling in)! Steph is ecstatic to hit the 40 team milestone! See all team representatives at the meeting tmw nite (8/19) at Maxwell Station in Olcott, 6;30 pm. There will be a couple different Calcuttas for the boat Captains to get in to, various fundraising sales, and of course the rules will be gone over.
  6. 1 Big cat. 6 fish. 178.70 2 Legacy. 6 fish. 172.74 3 Vision quest. 6 fish. 168.35 4 Thrillseeker 6 fish 163.94 5 Dublin up 6 fish. 161.93 6 Tomahawk 6 fish. 156.30 7 Screamin reels 6 fish. 154.68 8 Maris sport fishing 6 fish. 152.73 9 Maverick 6 fish. 152.73 10 Screamer 6 fish. 148.44 11 Yankee troller 6 fish. 138.72 12 Richmond 5 6 fish. 137.72 13 Hound dog 6 fish. 136.46 14 BLT 3 6 fish. 132.46 15 Freespirt 6 fish. 127.08 16 Fish -fin addic 6 fish. 107.72 17 Locked up 4 fish 81.12 18 Outlaw 2 3 fish. 56.21 19 double A 0 fish. 0 Big fish Thrillseeker. 23.61 sponsors Lake breeze marina Big Ash stoves Jason Toomey Dreamweaver Narbys Above is final results from last Saturdays One day Shootout. Thanks to sponsors and all that participated. Save the dates for the 2 day Big Boy Sat/Sun of Labor day weekend. Same format, same location. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Same entry and format as last year. 6 best Kings or Coho, culling allowed(immediately and healthy only) 8 rods, shotgun Sat July 10 at 530am- be in weigh in line by 3pm at Lake Breeze marina. Boat inspections morning of, No communication, prize structure pays top 20%. Message Craig Hijecki or Lake Breeze marina for more details or come to meeting 6pm friday July 9 on Cafe deck at Lake Breeze marina. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. So Craig has informed me that Tommy Boddy will run "Big fish friday" on July 9th, so interested teams should see him to enter. Also, there will be a KOTO on Saturday July 10--the same day as the Big Boy Shootout. Competitors that want in on both can do so.
  9. I just heard Gatlen of Lake Breeze marina has booked a band( at weigh in site in marina} lot 6-9 pm, Friday night July 9. Burgers and hot dogs will be available. The one day shootout tournament is July 10th. Mandatory meeting is 6pm Friday July 9 on marina cafe' deck. Contact Craig Hijecki for tournament info/entry details.
  10. The Captains meeting for the July 10th Big Boy Shootout will be held at 6 pm July 9th on the Cafe deck at Lake Breeze marina. For details on this Tournament contact Craig Hijecki or stop in and see Lois at Lake Breeze marina.
  11. This time of year can be challenging on the Lower even for experienced river guides. There is lots of spawning bait and a plethora of moss coming down--particularly on a strong SW wind. The latest forecast I saw tonite says T storms most likely after 2 pm Saturday. Of course there's no guarantees but there are enough fish within a few miles of shore that it should be worthwhile to hit the lake for you.
  12. Yes on both. July 10th is a one day shootout. Sat/Sun of Labor day weekend is two dayer. Contact Craig for further details. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Updated Cup points after the first of 3 events: Cup points…. 1. Yankee 301 2. 5 more minutes 281 3. Oh baby 278 4. Legacy 276 5. Mister 274 6. Thrillseeker 270 7. Vision quest 248 8. Dublin 228. Everyone is still in it and this is what was envisioned. 4 more scoring days and 2 events. Thank you to Matt LeClair for the score keeping. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Come fish Niagara County and pop that damn Coho cherry! Or maybe you shouldn't as your family will send you out for more and you will be in your buddys ear asking for more yearling plants! Sadly, yes there is LOTS of "wasted fish flesh" as those bait pics Gill has been sending you are NOT the 1 yr olds. They are GIANT alewives--so big that even adult Kings could have a hard time choking them down. Should be ideal for pig Lakers though. They are rattling riggers and hitting spoons like they did in the 70s and 80s. The pressure on the Kings is insane. We never needed the cut--WE the anglers as well as the damn cormorants, and Walleyes were already instituting a cut. This fishery cannot be sustained waiting on a good King or Coho wild hatch every 4--6 years.
  15. As it was intended for 2021(before Covid threw a wrench in the plan) the Niagara Pro Am, Orleans County Open, and the Sodus Pro Am will be used for scoring the Challenge Cup Chase. Those interested in getting in will need to see Matt LeClair before or at the Niagara Pro Am Captains meeting. Matt will once again keep the scoring system for the series. Cup/Tourney Coordinators received questions about boat restrictions. It was decided that because it was allowed in the past that this year a max of two different vessels can be used per team. This may not be the case in the future if some other plans come to fruition. Teams using two different boats must have the same Captain throughout or two consistent team members at all 3 events. Good luck to all participants.
  16. Update to original question- new management for the Harbor resort restaurant is targeting Memorial weekend to open for breakfast. I am not connected in any way just passing this on. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. Yeah no, cooking onboard will never happen in my operation. The clients bring enough for 2 armies daily anyway. To end any speculation, Nick has retired as a professional cook- Ive seen him receive incredible offers and pass. He did his time. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. There is some chatter about someone new taking over the Harbor resort restaurant(campground across rt 18) and opening early for breakfast but I do not know the timeframe. For now Bills diner in Newfane is usually open by 530 am and Tim Hortons drive through in Newfane is open by 530 am. There is the East side market in Olcott that has opened early with breakfast sandwiches in the past during Summer and fall but you would need to inquire with them if they have started that yet.
  19. Its been over a year since US anglers have been welcome in Canada, and now there is yet another complete shutdown in your neck of the woods. The best advice I could give is to join the St Catherines Game and Fish association. Lots of great people and lots of knowledge in that group. If anglers are actually allowed to launch over there right now, your area has good Brown trout, Lake trout, and Salmon fishing for the entire Spring.
  20. Thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a great season!
  21. Join us LIVE at 5pm Eastern time on the Fish Hawk electronics facebook page. We will discuss Seasonal movements of Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. While the feasibility of windmills ANYWHERE is still being debated, the last place they belong is in the public GREAT Lakes.
  23. This years event is Friday, August 20th 2021. This is the 6th year of this annual event held to raise funds to benefit Ladies Cancer research/organizations. It is held in Niagara County from the ports of Olcott and Wilson. Last year despite a reduced field due to pandemic concerns, over 10K was raised for BCN(Breast Cancer Network) of Western NY--metastatic research. Teams of women consisting of 2 to 6 participate on their own boats, boats of friends, charter boat arrangements, and generous volunteer Captains who make their vessels available. Hours of competition are 6 am --12 noon with an optional after party w/ fundraising activity as well as an awards ceremony. Interested parties can print out a registration form on the website-- reelinforacure.com All rules are on this website as well. Please direct any questions or to volunteer your vessel for an existing team(without a boat), or for a ladies team without a boat to get on a list to be paired go to email-- [email protected] For more info check out website and facebook page-- Reelin' for a cure. PLEASE use these above sources for info and registration, NOT this forum. It will not be monitored for that purpose. Thank you!
  24. Going with the "yearling plus" Spring Coho stocking should put a few more fillets in your freezer. A great Sportfish. Hoping all goes well with the trawls and the powers that rule allow full access.
  25. Lake Breeze marina in Oak Orchard has stepped up to be the major sponsor and hosting venue of these Tournaments. Keep watching for updates but save the dates.
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