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Capt Vince Pierleoni

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Everything posted by Capt Vince Pierleoni

  1. Absolutely. There are several different strains planted, although in recent years they have narrowed it down to the ones they feel give the best shot for natural restoration. I know strains from the upper Great lakes tend to be fatter in general. They love the Seneca strain in Ontario, and they tend to be slightly more slender with vivid coloration. The Lakers we encounter in the Niagara definitely tend to be more streamlined in general. There is also a tremendous difference in body shapes between a male or female laker, regardless of strain. Your 36" laker could have very easily went in the mid-20lb range. Some of the older ones look like they couldn't get out of their own way.
  2. The Niagara is one of the few rivers in the world that gets a Lake trout run, probably because of the depth at the mouth. Yes, they do actively spawn in the river and on "the bar". This is one of those historical sites that used to produce many of the naturally reproduced Lake trout before their demise in the 50's. It is not known if they are successful with any hatching in the river, but they do produce some fry that survives while spawning on the bar. Watch for the annoucements of the "state of the lake" meetings, both on this forum and in newspapers. They have them annually in March, 2 locations that would work for you would be Lockport and Rochester. They usually give reports on Lake trout survival. That was a giant. I have only boated a couple like that over the years. I believe the lake Ontario record was 41'' long. I'm sure you are aware, but because of their fall spawning and the restoration goal of the species, the season is closed in Lake Ontario and its tributaries from Oct 1st and reopens on Jan 1st.
  3. Congrats on getting into a very exciting fishery. I spent some time around your home port this past Spring, as I bought a boat there. Be prepared to run Red, Red, and some more Red, the end of March through early June there. The hardcore anglers there obliterate Cohos there early, and then mix in King and Laker stuff towards mid Summer, about the time you got started. Walk around the docks and you will see productive combos dangling everywhere. The red pertains to the flashers, dodgers, and Spin doctors. The flies vary, but greens are a staple.
  4. Where did you catch it? A L. Ontario laker that long would be a minimum of 23lbs, and could push high twenties, unless it was a spawned out Niagara river fish. Some of the finger lakes guys on here could probably give you a better estimate if it was from those waters. Congrats!
  5. Good for you, Stan. We have been through lots of this here. Former Region 8 DEC Biologist Carl Widmar re-wrote stocking policy regarding Chinooks 20+ years ago for NYS. More important than water temp at plant site, is water temp in relation to temp of water in stocking truck. 10 degrees or more either way is likely lethal.
  6. Good news, Scotty manufacturing is pleased to launch it's new HP series of downriggers. They will be shipping in December. I had the pleasure of field testing these the last 2 months of the season. Only minor bugs were discovered. They have been rectified and are now ready for World-wide launch. The 3 biggest features that appeal to me are MUCH faster, HUGE digital display/ counter that is lighted, improved rod holder design. Other features the company is touting: Kevlar drive belt, same material used in high-end vehicle drive belts, sealed/lighted counters w/ 5yr battery, marinco corrosion resistant plugs, and World-class weight retrieval speeds: 20lb ball-- 260'/min, 15lb ball--295'/min, 12lb ball--304'/min, 10lb ball--312'/min. The riggers come with a limited lifetime warranty for original purchaser. More info and details [email protected] http://www.scotty.com/
  7. Ray, interesting that you posted this. Is it the coyotes or unlimited tags? The guys I bow hunt with and talk with in Niagara co, Naples area, and Jasper area have all experienced the same thing. The worst year for deer sightings ever. Yes there are some Giants being taken in all of these areas, but the joy of observing undisturbed deer from your stand/blind is what keeps you going until you get your shot. The coyote population is exploding, and they are practically throwing tags at everyone around here. We found a fawn coyotee kill on top of a mountain in Naples just this past Wed. We know everyone there who bowhunts, and it was too far away from a road to be a car collision. On top of it, here in Niagara county, nuisance permits are basically unlimited. All Summer long they are shot at night with rifles. It doesn't have to be the landowner, they can give them out to whomever. You may be on to something Ray. I have passed young deer early, but we are primarily archers who enjoy venison. Hope this "trickle" rut brings my bro and I some backstraps before the booming starts. Good Luck to all, and congrats to those who have harvested.
  8. Unfortunately, just too much voter apathy. Oklahoma had a far better voter turnout. Thank you to those that made the time to vote, and those that fought for our Country. I'm afraid "fear of lost hand-outs", spoke the loudest.
  9. Voter apathy got us again. Less than a million total votes cast for the two leading players? C'mon, pathetic.
  10. Although this is a wonderful time of year for trib fishermen and bowhunters, please rally all of your friends and relatives to vote tues, Nov 2nd. It does make a difference.
  11. No mistake at all. Awesome places to fish as well, and hopefully there are young guys in "yaks" or on bikes enjoying Sandy Ponds year 'round too. Once we got our drivers licenses, we covered Sandy Ponds with tip ups in the late 70's and enjoyed the great pike fishing there.
  12. Guys like you can help "police" things down there. BTW, absolutely beautiful pic you posted on twitter. The way you framed tht Bow was perfect.
  13. jKarol, those ponds have provided so many good times and memories for so many. My dad tells me about how good they were for Walleyes before the Alewives invaded. I grew up in Greece, and made many an 8 mile bike ride down there to cast for Pike and Bass. Later, trapped muskrats and ice fished for Pike, as drivers licenses allowed greater adventure. You are very lucky to live where you do, as I don't think you drive yet. I enjoy your posts, brings back many memories.
  14. Has Been, I have been asking myself that exact question about many of the candidates, and NYPA reps as well. Carl may be crazy, but he's real. He won't cut winning, money making programs like State parks and stocking programs in favor of deluxe downstate prison visits.
  15. Has Been, I have been asking myself that exact question about many of the candidates, and NYPA reps as well. Carl may be crazy, but he's real. He won't cut winning, money making programs like State parks and stocking programs in favor of deluxe downstate prison visits.
  16. Thanks for the post, Tim. You are exactly right, they will attack stream and perch fishermen's offerings, and need to be handled with care. For whatever reason, perhaps ample food available, the Coho population has exploded in the lake since they started planting them in the fall. Thanks to all that help out with the plantings.
  17. They are talking about your area, the ponds in Greece. Round pond, Buck pond, Long pond, and Cranberry pond where so many of us cut our teeth. In this post they are talking about fishing Lake Ontario off "the ponds" as they have been referred to for many years.
  18. Jerry, do you ever look in the mirror and say, "wow, it's great to be me!" ? Geez, and I thought you only had fun bashing BTs and eating lobster! Seriously, congrats on joining the Bow hunting addiction. I finally found this part of LOU and now I know where everyone is hiding. Knowing you, you will get one-eyed jack. Hopefully with your new bow. It's incredible, no BOOM! Good Luck!
  19. I read a very interesting article that you won't find on a front page anywhere. Guess which state has the fastest growing economy in the country? UTAH. Seems the relatively new Republican governor there used this really complicated formula for success-----SMALLER GOVERNMENT. "I wanted to get off peoples backs and lower taxes, and I knew the businesses and jobs would come" was his quote. Hmmm, sounds a little bit like, can you say, REAGANOMICS!
  20. Exactly right Jimski. This is yet another sign that every program that we love, that makes sense and lots of money for the state,is in jeopardy. As for the windmills, I have found it eerily odd that the DEC has been so silent on the GLOW proposals. The proponents go about their business as if there are no environmental hammers that could come down on them. Please, please, lets shock the world and put the businessman in Albany.
  21. Actually, I've never respected Grannis more than I do now. Just another example of the dysfunction of NY government. All the guy did was simply share how these cuts would "gut" an already thin dept, one that he is held accountable for. Yes, it has become a very socialist state. And another career politician leads the polls in NY. I'm gonna go hang a couple tree stands.
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