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Everything posted by rshubuck

  1. I might have to get part of this. Go team Cayuga!
  2. I ordered the Alternator conversion Kit. Thanks everyone! Thanks Sean! I know what ones you are talking about. I have a 60amp one to for my bow mount minnkota on my other boat. I don't know why I never thought about using one of those before.
  3. No, not yet. Trying to save up some more pennies School loans are kicking my butt. I really want to buy a Yamaha like yours but I am also hearing that they are getting harder to get due to the Japan incident. The other thing that has me held up a little is I am debating between the tiller and the remote options. If I get the tiller I am probably going to buy control king so I have fine tune throttle adjustment at the helm. I really like to get the remote setup but in order to do anything with the motor I would have to buy the remote controls with the cables which I want but it is another $800 addition I really like to have the option to shift and start the motor at the wheel for a number of reasons. I'm probably going to get the tiller though cause at anytime I can go and get the remote option. I did pick up a good deal on Garlicks kicker motor mounts for the heavy 4 strokes. The swim deck I am going to cut in half and custom fab. a brace for it. I love having the swim deck. It has proven to very use full. All though this time of year I have told my crew it is off limits cause of the cold water.
  4. Nice Job!. Those Browns and LL's sure have away of letting you know you have something on. I take it you got your motor all staightened out?
  5. Installed directly to the fuse box. I also left the factory inline fuse on too. Big Dave is right though. My Voltage Reg is Toast. Thanks
  6. Thanks guys. Big Dave is correct. Voltage Reg is toast and they are not cheap. Kind of a design flaw if you ask me. Sean I been wanting to wire my boat that way for some time now. I been disconnecting my batterys when not in use but I can be a little cheap some times Where did you get your breakers if you don't mind me asking?
  7. What Musky Sad! With the 2 rod per person law there usually always is a person out there looking for an extra man to run more rods and help out on the boat. Also, I'm sure they would appreciate some help with shortage of liquid gold (AKA) Gasoline
  8. I figured I had this problem but was not 100% sure until now. I just bought a new VHF Radio and when I turn it on ECESSIVE VOLTAGE pops up on the screen and it shut downs. My Lowrance will shut down if I turn that battery switch to just that battery. Nothing else is effected by this. I have an 85 Mercrusier 3.7 lt. Runs Great. It has the old stator charging system. Its pumping out 16 to 17 volts while trolling and little more while cruising. Its setup with a dual batterys and a dual battery switch. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks Rob!
  9. Thanks Dave That just got me all pumped up to go fishing! WTG!
  10. I will Second that! Its nice to have a place local that actually has what you want.
  11. They certainly are. Lucky I don't see too many on cayuga. I'm told they were really bad at one point. The Brown we caught yesterday did have a Lamprey mark on it.
  12. I love the first trip out at the start of a new year.
  13. Did ok all things considered. I wanted to flat line and hit spots that I don't usually hit. Only had one planer mast to work with Ran all spoons. 110 ft of line out on the planers and 60 to 80 ft out on the riggers. Only went 5 to 30 ft down on the riggers but riggers were dead except for some small LL's. We did manage to catch a couple of browns including a 7pounder. Bob landed a nice 5lb LL. It put on a H@ll of a show Between spots I decided to go after the Lakers for giggles. I ended up catching a 7 1/2lb Laker on the 400' copper among a few small Lakers. Sorry to all those who were trying to talk to me on those pass bys. I would have used my VHF radio but I put a new one in and it keeps telling me I have ECXESSIVE VOLTAGE problem. Not sure what to do about that Forgot to mention. This was my first trip out this year. Fishe South end all the way up past AES. South end Temps were 42-46 degrees but muddy. Temps in the clear water were 37 degrees. Hot spots were south end, myers and AES. We did hit some small LLs at the Boy scott camp but we left them alone. My hand is in the way but this lakers tail was messed up. Its tail sticks straight up. I think something was wrapped around it once apon a time.
  14. I run the same rods and I personally love them especially with the Triangler Grip. Much more comfortable to hold while battling those monsters They will work just fine. I run 10'ers though for wire. The other rod that I like to use is Diawa's AccuDepth.
  15. Hope everything works out. Especially with everything Japan is going through right now. Parts might be hard to come by.
  16. 1dogshy, I would start by checking all your connections to the battery and to the clynoid to the starter. Make sure the connections are clean and snug. If it is not this then next you should check your battery. If you can charge it on 2amps for a couple of days or until the meter reaches 0 amps or close to 0 amps. I'm hoping that your trim was not working well cause of the bad connection or low battery. Also, sounds like you should replace your winch. Make sure you have a safety chain hooked on the boat as well. First trip on the water usually always has some sort of hickups. Good luck. Bobber, Glad to see you and Kade are back on the Water! I bet Kade was Thrilled to be out on the water again
  17. I acually put about 50ft of powerpro backing on and use an albright knot to attach wire to braided line. I just use the backing to protect the spool and to eliminate any slipping. I hear others use electrical or duck tape instead of the backing. Overhand knot will work fine for putting wire on the spool thought.
  18. Looks good Nick! I see you got a kicker. Thats going to save on the gas bill
  19. Nice Job! Lakers seem to be getting bigger
  20. I usually run spin doctor and fly combo behind mine, but ocassionly put a spoon on. MT DEW spiny paired with Big Weenie Proctologist is my favorite combo on Cayuga
  21. Nice job! It was a beatiful day. I almost made it out for my first trip but did one final check of everthing and my heat exchanger end cap was cracked Cost me 35 dollars and another missed day on the lake. But I'm ready now!
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