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Everything posted by rshubuck

  1. It depends on how much line you let out. Obvously the more you let out the farther down it goes and the farther from the side of the boat it goes. Also, speed is a factor. I don't know the formula too it but I would say with a mag dipsy on a 1.5 setting. Target depth being 50ft. You would have to let out a little more then a 125' out to hit 50ft. I would say the dipsy probably 15 to 25 ft off the side of your boat not including rod length if you lay your rod flat off the boat. Just an estimate and I'm probably wrong
  2. I been meaning to ask if the roller rod was worth it or not! By the sounds of it I will take that as a yes.
  3. Islamorada King, you obviously don't know these guys very well. I see you only posted 1 post and joined today. So I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your not some one from this site trying to hide your normal screen name or trying to cause trouble. Every one of these guys who comented on this post including Chowder who started this post gives info, tips, strategies and reports all year long to new and experienced fisherman a like. They are well respected for what they post. The point to this post is to protect the Juvenile salmon. Guys who troll run into small salmon by the dozens that are not legal to keep. Being aware of this we are asking guys if they run into this move deeper or to another spot and fish for more quality areas. They are very vulnerable and the mortality rate is very high when they are caught. We all are here to educate others and do our part in conservation. With todays budget cuts it is just that more important to be aware of this. Next year they may not stock landlock salmon and from what I understand the salmon population is almost completely dependent on stocking.
  4. I like using dreamweavers snubbers myself. They seem to be a little more stiff. I have found by running them it seems that I don't loose as many fish for some reason. I mainly run flasher fly combos but ocassionally I like to put a spoon on and go for browns. I then use flurocarbon leaders and I don't think you can run this setup with out the snubber.
  5. Braided line attracks water fleas more so then Mono line but braided line does not have the stretch and runs a little deeper then mono. I understand your delima but really can't stress enough how wire is just that much more effective. I probably catch more fish on wire/dipsy combos then any other line on my boat. Probably somewhere 70 to 90% of my fish are caught on the wire rods. I mainly run 2 wire rods, 3 riggers and leadcore or copper. Its a great investment. If you don't like it or something changes in money department there are a lot of guys on this site that will take it of your hands for a reasonable price.
  6. Seasausage! Banana? Not on my boat
  7. Amen too that. Last year when I got my boat I ran 30# mono untill I was able to afford wire. I can't say I want to go back. You can not go as deep and you must let out just that much more line causing even more stretch. One of the biggest reasons you should switch to wire is the water fleas. They build up on the mono line BAD and at certain peaks of the year you will be stopping to pull the fleas off during a battle! Not fun. Wire just cut right through the stuff. No stretch. Run deeper with less line. Quick snap and your dipsy's release. I just set up a wire rod for my dad and he wanted it cheap. I bought him the 10' ft diawa accudepth rod for $40. OKuma Magna pro 30LC for $43. 1000' 30#wire for $41. Twillie tip for $8. That will last you for years. The only thing you may want to upgrade is the reel but magna pros are a good reel for the money. I prefer Okuma's convectors my self. Mainly cause of the anti reverse feature. Twice the price though!
  8. LOL! We were just talking about what food to restock on the boat! Tootsie pops, PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS, chili cheese fritos and Doritos!. Bottled water, cheese sausage, italine sausage, hotdogs and hamburgers. I'm planning on putting a new grill on the boat too Tip of the year, Listen close, if the fish aren't biting you must sacrifice a couple hand fulls of chili cheese fritos to the fish gods and you WILL CATCH FISH! Guarented! I'm definetly planning on hitting all the tourneys on Cayuga! Both B&B's Redcross and 2nd annual one on Myers. I like to do at least one on Lake Ontario but not sure which one yet. I will take you up on that bet now that my secret is out!
  9. Yep! The rear end in my truck is all rebuilt! I though it went bad from towing my boat. It started making noise when I towed it up to Ontario with you! But it turns out I bought it that way. Some one put these homemade chims in to hold everything good and tight but they worked there way out causing all the bearings to go bad. Still lasted 36,000 miles. New bearings and seals! And factory chims! I'm all set Mayble I will start the year out like you with a 10lb Laker
  10. Nice Job! That is a real nice Laker you have there! I hope it not the biggest fish you catch this year
  11. Sorry to hear the bad news Lakebound. Hope everything works out for you. I will have to invite you out on my boat as much as possible.
  12. 600 ft of copper on the first trip out! Your Brave! Sounds like a great day on the water. Especially with the 10lb laker I won't lie, but I am a bit jealous Good Job! I spent most of my day in my boat scrubbing But I got all the wood trim back on and the gas tank floor cover resealed! Now I just need to put all my gear back in the boat and I am ready for splash down! Can't wait!
  13. The only thing I can add to this post is to check your lines often! The small LL's are very agressive and usually strike often at the lines hooking themselves but on the surface we might not notice it everytime and could potentially be dragging them for miles. This usually kills the fish! When your dragging them you are not catching any more fish so it pays to check your lines often. I do not think I'm off on this estimate but checking your lines every ten to twenty minutes should be routine! Also, follow the regulations. I'm certainly not going to bust on any one who takes a salmon that is 18 inches as long you follow DEC's regs. Now personally I do not like to keep salmon any less then 22 or 23" nor do I like to keep too many trophys. I do keep my far share of fish that do not go wasted. I tend to throw all wild fish back when I can. Anyway's there are a lot of personal views out there and we should respect them. We all need to do are part in connservation. Have fun and enjoy your time on the water! I will be posting Pictures and detailed reports when I get on the water. Good luck to all! Rob
  14. Good boat. My dad has a very similar but older boat. Most of his tackle sits in the bow. Really is no better place for it. He has 2 hand crank downriggers that I am trying to get him to replace with electric downriggers. Anyways if it was my boat. I would put 2 down riggers exactly where you have the dual rod holders at. I would move the dual rod holders half way between the windshield and where there at now. Dual plannerboard mast mounted in the bow or singles behind the windshied. Electronics are still a big must. Good fish finder with GPS. I would put what ever you prefer depth raider, fish hawk or what ever. VHF radio would be nice too. Pretty much the same set up as you big boat just on a smaller package but much cheaper to run. I would def replace the seats and go with pedistal seats. That will free up a lot for room. You probably could get decent money for them. Only too problems with these smaller boats. Weather is always a factor and room to house more guys. 2 people fit in this boat just fine but you can only run the 4 rod setup. 3 people gets a little crowed but doable. I have taken dads boat out in some rough fingerlakes water and it does fine! The great thing about fingerlakes is that there always is a fishable spot. west wind you stay on the west sure. South wind stay on the south end. Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps. Rob
  15. Great Job! Thanks again for the great reports you post each time! They really help give us a great starting point! I guess I'm going to have to make a few trips to seneca soon!
  16. Sams Club for sure. I got a 150qt cooler from them last year for $69 plus tax! I throw a few gallon gatoraide bottles in mine and by the time I get home from a 12 to 15 hrs trip the fish are near frozen Its not a Yeti but it does a nice job. Highly recommend it.
  17. Nice job! I can't wait till splash down. Boat is ready but the truck needs a new rear end Maybe next weekend.
  18. I pretty much follow Mowers routine Big Weenie Proctologist and ATomMiks Blue spatter flies are my favorites for lakers. I generally use spoons on my riggers but occassionally put a spindoctor combos on!
  19. This was my setup for 3 riggers! I changed it a little bit. My outside riggers are now at a 45 degree angle off the back instead of the 90. I heard a lot of guys on this site last year talking about how many downriggers to have on their boats and I think a lot of guys are going to 5 to 3. Personally if I had a wider boat I would be using 4. I'm hoping to upgrade my rod holders to Cisco's. Dual Cisco rodholder in place of the single big jon holders on each side for the dipsy rods and 4 single Cisco rod holders on the transom for the downriggers. I'm also hoping upgrade my planerboard mast to great lake planers 5' single planer mast on each side behind the windshield. I currently have an old cannon single mast that pretty chimpsy. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  20. This is my varmit gun. Built it my self in the 223. I also have the Wildlife technologies predator light on it for my night hunting adventures! I absolutely love the AR platform. 223 does the job fine. I'm not a fan of the 204 for coyotes. I had a 204 bolt action last winter and lost 2 yotes with it. Dont get me wrong though. I killed some yotes with the 204 and it did a great job. Both yotes I lost I nailed in the front shoulder and tracked them for hours just to give up after pulling both groin muscles trenching through the snow I also had the 22-250 and it was a great round and have no complaints about it. I ended up trading it for a boat motor Probably my favorite round is the 243. Its fast and great knock down power for yotes. Mayble a little too much if your saving the hides, but its just a great all around round from woodchucks to deer. I chose the 223 cause I like to shoot and being semi I can go through some rounds Its a military and law enforcement round so its readly available. Also, got the T/C Encore pistol in the 308. Another fantastic round. Would not be one bit afraid to buy and AR in the 308. Hope this helps. To add on to this post. Ammo. FMJs are a target round! They don't expand. This being said I think they work great for fox. 204 alone destroys the pelts. I think using FMJs help reduce this but I wouldn't dare use them for coyotes. Just my opinion. I prefer Hornadys VMax bullets for all varmits!
  21. Thanks but I'm looking for a long shaft or I would jump on it for sure.
  22. Looking for a 9.9 or 15hp 4stoke Kicker motor. Prefer 2006 or newere yamaha or Mercury. Thank you
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