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Everything posted by Hookjaw

  1. You don't see fish like that everyday. Great job
  2. Great report, beautiful fish Wish I could have been out there. If you don't already own and use Tekota's I can promise you will love them
  3. Nice report, congrats on a super nice fish
  4. Nice report, great job out there
  5. As soon as we started chatting I looked up and could see that you were on a south troll off my port side. Recognized it from your LOU profile.. your boat looks sharp out on the water The last transmission I heard from you was that you had just pulled in a laker, great job, they were hard to come by today. Wanted you to know that I wasn't trying to be rude by not responding to that transmission, we ran into weed pods the size of my boat As you were landing your fish I was in the process of loosing one of my dipsy's I cleared weeds non stop the entire day, I guess thats one problem with letting the boat steer its own course
  6. Fished Cayuga today with a crew from PA. They wanted to catch landlocks so we ran most of our setup in the top 65' of water. Started south of Taughannock along the west shore in about 300' of water. Several hookups early but the weeds were terrible . Trolled north up the middle to just north of the stacks and put a few decent 7lb lakers in the boat After clearing weeds we decided to pull up and head north. Trolled the west side along Sheldrake, north towards Long Point. Several small salmon boated and one big laker lost on the 200' copper before we could get it to the net. Final tally for the morning put us at 11 short landlocks, and 3 6-7lb lakers in the box (5 hr charter, daylight til 1030). Riggers at 56-65', with DW spoons on long leads, 200', 225' copper paired with Stinger spoons, 200' wire dipsy's with DW spoons, and 225'/ 250' wire dipsy's with Spin Drs and flies all caught fish today. It was definitely more of a spoon bite, even for the lakers. More fish were marked on sonar down south than up north. Little slow going with the lakers, but all in all it was great to be out on the water
  7. Its always a great day when you can get a newbie out and on some fish. Great report, nice pics
  8. Lake O gear will work for the most part. Minor adjustments are all that are needed. You can pull copper along the bottom, but having done both myself I prefer to fish suspended fish with at least an 8 rod spread that covers the water column in the target range for a varied catch of landlocks and trout. (depending on how many anglers on board, 2 rods per person). PM me and I will he glad to fill you in on how I do things, and what colors have been putting fish in the boat for me. I'm sure most of the users of this site will do the same for you also. Great bunch of fishermen on this site.
  9. Great report Sean And as always....great job out there
  10. Great report Thanks for the Seneca update
  11. Congrats on your win, that young man will be hooked for life Great job out there
  12. Fished a charter on Keuka Lake today. Fished for about 8 hours and went 9 for 12 on 1 and 2 lb lakers We marked fish and worked our butts off to catch the few fish we did. No fleas or weeds, which was a much needed break from what I've been dealing with on Seneca and Cayuga Marked fish along the entire basin south of the bluff. Surface temp read 81-83 degrees. Fish were suspended from 80 down to the bottom. Green and silver colored super slims on riggers, 300 and 350 copper did best. We only took one laker on the wire dipsy's. To me this was an off day but my saving grace was that my clients had never caught fish other than sunfish before so they had a ball Smiling faces says it all Personally I'm glad the days over, lots of work for a few small fish Looking forward to a better day on Cayuga tomorrow.
  13. Don't feel bad. Had an 8 hour charter on Keuka Lake today and got my pride handed back to me also We went 9 for 12 with lakers. All fish were between 1 and 2 lbs I used to think I was having a bad day on this lake when I boated 15-20 fish of that size. Anyways Sunday is going to be interesting for everyone unless something changes quick. See you guys out there and good luck
  14. Divers are the first rods in the water and last out on my boat, at least when I can keep them in the water with all the fish they take
  15. Trust me, no secrets here Like Sean said "fill you in on Sunday" Looks like the best fisherman in the Finger Lakes are coming out for the LOU-ALL It's going to be a blast
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