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Everything posted by RD9

  1. Well what a trip! Thursday arrived to Olcott put the boat in and started fishing. Landed our first King an hr after the trip started and that was it for Thursday with pretty bad rain storms moving in that afternoon. Upon returning to Olcott I got some great info from Kurt from Stalker charters. Which is much appreciated he promoted the fishery and pointed us west. Well west we went the next morning setting up around four mile creek to the east edge of the bar. Best king bite I have ever experienced. We boated 20 plus Kings and I would say had 35 bites with various doubles and triples. Maybe a quad along the way. We started with braid divers on the outside and wires on the inside and two riggers. All with spin doctors and flies. Braid divers were out 300 and wires 240. Riggers down around a 100ft. Color didn't really matter but a hammer time spiny with a crazy b flie on the rigger was the best but it didn't matter anything would of worked. Most fish came in bunches. Saturday we went back out with the same program and went 4/12 on kings and went in about 11am. We could not keep them hooked up and yes my hooks were sharp and each guy on the boat struggled. The amount of fish is awesome with good bait scattered. Nothing like a big king smashing a wire diver. I could not believe the fish on our graph there was times there might of been 30 plus hooks on our Helix graph on Friday. It seemed on Saturday a lot of the fish moved up in the water column. I am a walleye guy from Erie (Dunkirk area) and I love Lake Ontario. The Kings are such an amazing fish. I think I would of left area after college but the outdoor experience of fishing and hunting is phenomenal. Can't wait till May and Team Dances with Fish and our 2nd shot at the WHI. After last years event I need to learn how to target them kings deeper in the water column. Till next year folks. Ron
  2. when running flies behind a flasher is there any specific times when a piece of cut bait is added. I have run meat before but wondering if adding a strip off cut bait to you're favorite fly is a better options on certain days.
  3. Thanks for the responses.
  4. So today went and asked a nieghbor whom has a 140 acres which 85 acres is field rest is hardwoods I approached him about leasing the land for hunting. My folks land boarders the property and we have and harvest big bucks. Nieghbors lets lots of folks hunt there because honestly there are too many deer. I told him today I was drawing up a contract to lease his land and make him a fair offer. What is fair? He is open to it because honestly people don't even stop to ask him any more or drop off a case of beer. I'm allowed to hunt there as it is but would like to get exclusive rights. I'm in Chautauqua county.
  5. On this bud light bottle it says that it's possible that consuming two or more could cause health problems. Give away the lakers to friends and save the walleye for family and friends whom are less annoying and don't borrow things. If it don't taste good on the grill with a little butter and salt and pepper throw it in the garden.
  6. Whom ever told you to forget everything you know about walleye fishing on Erie and forget it I believe is wrong. Especially if you fish the central to eastern basin. We are good walleye fisherman and always are successful at the salmon fishing. Especially if the salmon are up in the top 60 ft or staging off creeks in late summer. If the fish are deep run you're riggers were the marks are along with your divers on each side. If you are a segmented lead core guy run you're lead cores on boards up high with spoons. Do exactly what you do walleye fishing just at a faster speed and with the correct baits. I fish Wilson in the spring and Olcott early September and our segmented leadcore progam catches fish. The offshore steel head love a 7 color and a super slim, so does a spring King. I have also found that being stealthy and running slower does well on stagging kings.
  7. Take a sea sick pill night before, one at 10 am. A vodka at lunch. Ask the captain to drive into them for an hr on the way out. Troll with em, catch fish and drink beers on the way back with em and enjoy the experience. Bad weather doesn't mean bad fishing, sometimes bad weather and good fishing go hand and hand. Embrace the bad weather and have fun.
  8. We have been catching multiple jumbo perch trolling off vanburen. Last time we caught 5 some are suspended.
  9. We have been catching them trolling out in 75 ft in front of Dunkirk.
  10. Has anybody else seen the pink salmon they are catching of Erie Pa and a guy I personally know caught one off the Brocton Shoals. Last year several salmon were taken out of Dunkirk harbor one 6lb coho off my boat. Any info on whom is sticking them? I have a hard time believing they are swiming in from connected rivers.
  11. Ten colors are the way to go on Erie if you only have a few rods. Ten color catches fish all year. Don't be scared to fish to deep. It's wrong to think that all the fish are up high because of temp. Dragging bottom with a ten core is a great technique.
  12. I have a used 300 copper combo. I bought it all set up with power pro backing and leader. I just put on brand new atomik copper and leader on it. Put in the water probably 15 times very little usuage. I seen them online for $209. I'll sell mine for a $170 not including shipping. I fish out of Dunkirk NY if you would like to pickup. Shipping would be like $25 I would have to check. Let me know. I could text pictures if you would like later today.
  13. Jigstix fishing was good all weekend out of Dunkirk. We got 10 Saturday afternoon. Plenty of fish 60 to 70 ft spread throughout water column. Did you fish east or west of Barcelona.
  14. Just rods. But I could pair them with some Accudepth plus reels with wire if interested. Pm if interested we can talk price.
  15. I have two 10ft ugly sticks. Paid $50 a month ago. I'll do $65 for both. No twili tips but used twice. New condition.
  16. I always liked "The Boat" and wanted it displayed on the boat like "The Bands" greatest hits album. My buddies said nobody would get it. There was a time in my life were I watched the last waltz every time we got screwed up. Turns out boat names is Dances with Fish. I tell everyone my buddies are huge Kevin Costner fans. I think it's funny telling people at the dock that my neck tattooed crew are huge Kevin Costner fans and have seen Bodyguard over twenty times.
  17. I fished the WHI and we ate at the Wilson Boat House restaurant. I looked at the menu and I thought I was going to get an over priced steak that would not meet my expectations. The place was expensive but four big (maybe even fat guys) filled ourselves and it was worth every penny. Not fishing related but while grilling a steak at home I was hoping it tasted like the one I had a month ago. I don't know anyone from Wilson or the owners but if you are in town you won't be dissapointed. Treat yourself there it's good.
  18. Only reason to run braid is it takes up less space on the reel. We run braid on longer cores and mono on sort cores.
  19. Yankee how did you guys do the days leading up to tourney? Just curios because we seen huge changes in all aspects lure and depth mainly. Congratulations on the win, you guys obviously make the right choices on game day.
  20. Well it did not go like I planned, but I had so much fun. Thursday morning I went out by myself and had yet to catch a king this year. At 6am a rigger at 42 ft went and I landed a 19.5 lb king. While admiring that fish the other rigger went and another 19 lb king. I was a little west of wilson with really no one around. I went in and weighed those at 9 am and picked up the rest of the crew. We went back out and had a great day with a bunch of coho and 5 kings all in the high teens. Friday came around and the fish went deep and we boated a few coho lost a king and boated another on a 300 copper. So now I am confused and a little uneasy for the next day. So the morning of the tourney we set up half way between Wilson and the bar and ten minutes in a king smokes a wire diver out 225 and we landed him. We made a few passes over that same spot with no results. We were pretty successful catching coho all week on two and three colors of lead core but because of were we were marking the fish we ran one braid diver, two wires and a 300 copper. Late in the day we took a coho off a rigger and a lot of lakers. All in All fishing after Thursday was tough for us and as it seemed to be for a lot of us. Congrats to the winners. Back humbly to Erie for us. No special colors I don't think we caught more then one king per spoon and everything came off spoons. We did try meat and spin doctors with flies with no results.
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