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Everything posted by HB2

  1. I guess it's about how much of a feel you have and how well you are in tune with what you are doing . I fished without down speed for 30 years,and now that I have it , things got a whole lot easier . On my big boat it's out past 40 ft .inside that , the surface speed is enough. Why risk losing 300$ . Deeper than that , it's hard to judge sub surface currents . On my little boat I have no speed at all and I seem to do pretty well . There are ways to compensate for it to draw,hits . I keep saying to myself I'm going to get a probe add on for my depth finder, and might , but I like the challenge of using my expertise . Makes me better .
  2. Sure is fun when they are biting . I told Rich he pulled his boat out to early .
  3. Sometimes For Zombies , those fish sure do fight hard .
  4. I wore the guy I had with me out , he had to go home and take a nap. #4 glow green florescent , silver bullet
  5. Finally got good sustained winds for some days in a row to straighten things out. Solo Sat morning 20 to 35 ft J plugs and my rig 3 for 5 Sun had a partner . Same water . First hr was crazy . Same lures . Went 7 for 8
  6. When I drive from Holley to my Sandy cottage , which is a lot , I drive by all the bridges on the way down on propose to see how many guys are fishing . If the water is at all decent , some of the bridges are packed from Oct till spring if the creek is fishable . There were cars parked today on 2 of the lower bridges And half or more are from out of state .
  7. So let's say the DEC decides to close the tribs from Sept 15 to Nov 15 . Basically no fishing as most pull their boats by then . For every action there is a reaction . And there is the law of unintended consequences . If I owned a lodge or was a river guide or tackle shop owner my new position would be this : seeing how we can't fish for trib kings anymore and financially benefit from it we fully expect the DEC to triple the amount of steelhead, Brown's, and advance the Atlantic Salmon program we have been asking for . Kings are Nat reproducing at higher rates so why are we wasting valuable hatchery space and lake bait biomass on something we do not benefit from . We feel this is the fair and equitable thing to do . So watch out what you wish for .
  8. I'm not worried . I'm quite sure there will be kings to catch . And besides , there are always the fat chicks.
  9. So " F " Pulaski and the entire region around it and the people who have invested a whole lot into it ? I see a whole lot Me , Me ,Me on here . We have some of the best fishing opportunities in the world for all styles of angling in this state and some complain about it . Kudos to the DEC for consistently providing it for us . Met Dave and his wife once . They both seem like nice level headed folks with experience who care about the fishery as a whole . And realize all facets are important going forward . Sounds like we might have a few leaner king years for a while because of the bait situation . Can't wait to see how that goes over .
  10. Lol With the recent mortality study on them , I have a hard time targeting them . But if that's what floats your boat , have fun . But to me any king that takes is better than a Laker .
  11. Staggers and creek fish can be very challenging to get to bite . And on a fly rod or reasonable tackle , they put up a good fight . It may be the only chance some guys get a shot at them . Still better than lake trout .
  12. But I would bet the,fishing rights to that property are leased to the DSR and are in the deed somehow .
  13. Went out yesterday afternoon for 45 min and again this morning . Cold water , no hits Fished from 10 to 30 ft . Saw a few on the screen and some jumpers .
  14. No protection . You are right out there in front of God and everybody . Sure it's fishable , but I Like my comfort.
  15. I heard the waves crashing on the beach this morning from my cottage .
  16. There was a guy on here a,while back who suggested that there was a lot more Nat repro of kings on the south shore than most thought . And as,I recall he got pretty beat up over it . Can't remember who that was .
  17. After talking with the guy at the show , magnums Metalz will be my choice if I go new .
  18. Fishing was as,good as I could hope it would be and continues to be good . Lots of kings which seem to be average size a little bigger . The last 3 years have been awesome ..
  19. Those dying fish are put in the lake for the sole purpose to generate money for the region and tax dollars for the state . We took a ride up that way to the hatchery last Fall and could not believe the amount of cars / people all the,way up the river from Pulaski to Altmar . And no doubt dropping a lot of cash . And that area depends on it . So if you think they are going to shut it down , that ain't going to happen .
  20. Lovin me some Nat repro of kings Will assure we will always have at least some in the lake .
  21. Back out late afternoon Tues . Did my Small boat tactics j plug program . Wasn't out there 5 min and #3 glow green takes a nice hook jaw king. I'm like yea , its going to be a good day . No more hits . Yes Dickey , I his the motor with a,hammer and it worked so I figure I'm all good .
  22. Save the money and Get a speed probe / surface temp add on for your depth finder . 40 to 70$ . It's not a fish hawk but will be a huge help. I love my buckets . Would not be without them . I attribute a,lot of my fish to them. And they are free.
  23. That s crazy . A lot of ,in fact most of the hits I get are going into the wave .Mostly because I head west out of port and head to my fishing grounds which are farther than I drop lines . Learn how to do it . Without speed you should be using speed forgiving lures and turning a lot . SOG is pretty much worthless unless you note the direction of troll on the hit and duplicate the direction . Even that is hit and miss because a few degrees either way can seriously affect your down speed .
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