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Everything posted by HB2

  1. You must be referring to my failed attempt at a rapala knot I use to tie my jig heads on with . So I came up with my own version . Want to guess what I call it ? I haven't tied a jig head on without it for 15 years . And I use a ton of jigs . No special knot on my rig .
  2. Do you really think it would make a difference ? I ran it this spring the 4 times I went out till I gave up trolling and did the creek thing . Never had a hit on it . We will see in a few weeks . I tell it like it is .
  3. I use to run deep diving Crankbaits off my boards till labor day long ago with good success . I had some spoonbill rebels , bombers , and a Lindy shading in lemon lime that was killer . A big king broke the tail off it . The Rapala tail dancers really look good to me for this . Those baits trolled go down 20 to 30 ft on 12# mono . I would think the coho and Steelhead would eat them up .
  4. Sounds like the fish are coming up off bottom and becoming active . I noticed Sunday morning the warm water fish were very aggressive first time this year . Most of my hits the last few weeks very soft takes . So it's sounds like the worst is over .
  5. I'm going to have a " wait and see " attitude on the season . Might turn out great king wise . We have had springs like this before and the summer fishing was lights out. If all the fish run up to the west end and go sit on bottom in 300 ft till the lake sets up , it won't matter a lot how many more they stock if you are in a bad area of the lake . It has traditionally been for salmon .... Spring west end Summer mid lake Late Aug on, east end . I'm not surprised by this except for the Brown's
  6. 5 dog fish this morning with this hog that swallowed my 9$ Crankbait and bit me as I tried to get it out .
  7. I hear it tastes like chicken
  8. Best game in town right now . Match the Bait fish .
  9. I talked to the Magnum Metalz downrigger guy at the shoe a few years back . He told me his riggers could crank up a 20# ball . I asked why he needed a 20# ball . He told me in Lake Michigan , he gets half his kings 300 ft down .
  10. They could be 30 pounders .......... Carp
  11. Don't assume every fish you mark on your screen is a trout or salmon . Especially in water less than 100 ft . We have had sustained east winds and bad temp/ water for most of the spring . Fish are scattered. All fish are scattered . They could be smallmouth bass / perch/ pike / sheephead , etc. .
  12. As I said , I want surface speed thru the water , not SOG , which I already have .
  13. Yeah , well they haven't been working so good lately . I'm pretty good at judging speed . In fact I have kind of perfected trolling in my small boat without having it . And I really don't want a fish hawk . A surface speed gauge will do just fine , and I'm apprehensive about that . And yes I know all about the sub surface currents. I have ways to compensate for that . I don't think some of you guys know what I want to accomplish when I'm out there in my small boat .
  14. Honestly , I'm probably going to do nothing , and just keep bringing my hand held GPS with me , which I only turn on once in a while . Or make one . I usually do pretty well out there . But this year I struggled so far . And from what I gather , I'm not alone . I have boxes full of lures in my basement that I ran out and bought when I struggled . It'll turn around . When I'm small boat`n , I try to stay as primitive as I can. And let my talents get me by . I get a lot of satisfaction from that . And it makes me a better fisherman .
  15. I'm just looking for a cheap way out to get some sort of gauge of speed to satisfy my doubts when I'm not hooking up in my small boat which has been a lot this spring . I think I'm going to buy a new depth finder for my big boat and put the old one on my little boat which has a surface speed probe. I've done very well in my small boat without having speed for years but this year has been tough . But that has been the norm this year .
  16. All good points And if your crew is inline waiting , help out the guy in front of you if he needs it . nothing grinds me worse than people that don't have their boat loaded and ready to launch .
  17. I have a fish hawk on my big boat so I know all about the speed difference top to bottom . I just want a reference point so I can feel better when I'm not getting hits . And SOG ain't the best . I fished for years not having anything on my small boat and did well . This year has been tough for everyone , so it not just me . I'm going to hold off and see what happens .
  18. Sounds like a Sutton 38 . Great spoon Zugo`s favorite . Or a 71 if you want it real thin . Hammered brass and silver .
  19. Agree 100% I have learned that there is an optimum time to fish for all species during the year . Got some hog perch this morning and a few of these
  20. Went out first light till 8 Saw a lot of bait in 50 ft Moved out and fish 50 to 100 No hits I'm done for a while till I see some good reports on here . It's like beating a dead horse. I Ican't bring myself to target lake trout . I don't figure things will get good where I can fish out to 120 max till the lake stratifies .
  21. Yes, they are great motors when they are running . But everything breaks down eventually. And these are my experiences with them . We went thru my friends 70s 60 hp and we would get it running good and it would do just as you described . He finally wound up selling it . After that I found out from someone who had the same problems what his fix was . The part was like 400$ .
  22. The OMC outboards of that era are prone to those issues . I had a 55 Johnson that did the same thing . I would change the coil and it would last a,trip or 2 . I think what happens is it runs fine till it gets hot then it shuts down and runs on 1 cylinder . It wound up being the spark amplifier or power pack . This happened to 3 other motors of that era I know about . Question .. Is it running on all cylinders ?
  23. I saw three bait fish schools,this morning . Dawn to 8 . I ran out to 70 ft and set down in bait and fish . Put them down , rod goes off , drop it , and that was it. Not a lot of marks today . I may go back to fishing for warm water species .
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