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Everything posted by HB2

  1. Well it has been a Murphy's law year for me . After the last few years of I could do no wrong , this year I could do no right . My slice of humble pie I guess . Went out first light . Started close and worked out to 40 ft . Went 1 for 2 . Nice male king . Both hits on slide diver with my Gary D rig which kind of let me down this year . 100 ft lead . Did not see a whole lot out there . Nothing on my normal J plug set up . Was,a little sporty for me .
  2. I wanted to go out in my 16 ft but thought better about it after the forecast so I fished bass at the mouth of Sandy . It was a south west wind and it looked good close but you could see it was,choppy out farther . I saw 2 boats go out . A 17 ft v hull and a 17 ft low gunnel bass boat with makeshift manual riggers and 2 guys and a kid . The guy driving the boat had a big carefree smile on his face . This was about 45 min before the big blow . I could see the weather coming and almost said something like " it's going to get bad " as they drove by me but regrettably , did not . I was just back at my cottage when all of a sudden the house shook and the trees were going wild . I worried about those guys . The weather forecasts have gotten more and more accurate over the years. So you need to be aware . But more importantly , use your head .
  3. My brother in law had a double hip replacement and hiked the 46 peaks of the Adirondack mountains after . So you have a lot to look forward to if you keep yourself in shape . Nice fish . The water looks nice and green .
  4. I think it is a lot of factors I remember the very first ESLO Derbys We grabbed our spinning rods , a handful of Cleos and hit the piers . A 21 ft boat back then was big . Electric riggers were a luxury . There were not as many charter captains . And we really didn't know how to fish . 10$ to get in . And there was a lot of excitement. It has morphed into an expensive sport. 40$ to get in . The equipment is costly . You get excited and ready to go Sat and the lake is rough . Or you go out and get skunked. And go out the next day and get skunked, again . . My friends don't like salmon trolling , even if we catch fish . They would rather fish bass . It's,boring if rods are not going off regularly . If not ,it's a boat ride . Also the shine has worn off . It's not new any more . More guys are stream fishing because it's cheaper , and more hands on . Take a,charter and they sit there till the rod the mate picked the lure ands set goes off and hands it to him and reels the fish in . I really wish that 2 things would happen but I doubt they ever will because we like to step over a dollar to pick up a dime . A bulk price for like 150$ Or so to cover anyone on my boat. Probably more for charters . This one is a no brainer . As long as they have a licence I can pull someone off the street . , This Derby is to promote the fishery . So seemingly they would want as many people out there as possible ,esp first timers . . I am reluctant to ask guys to go because they have to get into the Derby . Had guys register for the day and got blown off . Waste of money . They get turned off . I can fish alone . If this would happen , I would buy a 18 ft center console , equip it and my wife would never see me Derby time Also , the best fishing of the year lake wide is 3 rd week in July to 2nd week in Aug . And there isn't a Derby . And I mean big fish Derby , not tourney . I
  5. Nice thought , but what do you do when all three points of a 2/0 treble are in there mouths ? I agree with you but unfortunately this is a contact sport .
  6. Spinnerbait over submerged weeds Tandem Colorodo chart 3/8 or 1/4 Texas rigged 5 or 6" Seiko style worm Scum frog of some sort . They have micro wire leaders at Wal-Mart
  7. I realize hard choices had to be made . But to me , it didn't have to go down this way . If they were worried about release survival , why not Add say 5% to each pen to compensate for that ? Instead all that was done was piss of and push away an enthusiastic volunteer base and piss them off . They say they want and need our support but it seems they thru Sandy guys under the bus . What happens when things get back to normal and they want to pen rear lake wide again ? Are the guys that were forgotten about suppose to step up ? This fact , and to me it is important , seemingly was not even considered .And that in itself is a problem . A lot of guys put a lot of time and money into making the project successful . After how this went down , will they ?
  8. I would be interested , Dave , but I be live their may be more qualified people than me . Brian to name one . But that being said , I have no agenda except for the betterment of the fishery as a whole while having shared sacrifice during lean times . And I would hope that the person who would do the job would feel the same . Both lake and trib.
  9. Not saying there will be no return , I'm worried there will be a weak return . And suppose it is ? It will take years to get it back to where it was . Why take the chance? Not just for me but for a lot of out of state angles that put a lot of money in NYS economy . It's risky .
  10. Well if that is the case , and I'm not saying it is not , then consider this . Year after year ,the Sandy pen reared fish were the strongest vitality wise of all pen reared fish lake wide . And also the Sandy project had support from an enthusiastic volunteer base and Brockport state student help . And I'm sure their data had some benefits . Add in the fact that pen reared fish still home in on the Salmon river or so we are told . With all those factors , if you truly want the best for the lake managed King salmon , why would you not pen rear all the kings at Sandy ?
  11. So we take one of the greatest South shore lake and trib streams and turn it into crap . These guys know what fish are where and when . When The discussions were being had at the tables , was Sandys hit not considered ? When they decided to cut stocking numbers they had to know they were going to hear it from business owners lake wide . At Sandy ,we really don't have any " infrastructure " so we were an easy target to keep those happy . As I see it we got bent over , plain and simple .
  12. The more I think about this , the more it grinds my gears . We got bent over because we were easy pickings IMO . I don't know about the rest of you Sandy guys , but I'm ready for a fight . They can give us 25 k+ salmon , some steelhead and Brown's .
  13. Nothin but love for you King Davy and the creel guy . But anybody with an IQ higher than a canary know its mostly about economics . So why don't these guys just come out and say it . I'm sick of the song and BS dance from these gov types. A lot of the reasoning I hear from these guys is contradictory . Which make them lose their credibility . Hey Whaler , what Brown's ? I guess I will see soon enough about the King return to Sandy . Last year I landed 72 after Labor day and the year before 73 . And lost a,whole bunch more . Both stagers and in the creek on plugs and eggs . But I did not get the domestics I have in the past . Which disappointed me . And not a lot of Brown's in the fall , but not bad after ice out .
  14. Well there you have it . We had a good thing going that benefited both lake and stream anglers and because we don't have a tackle shop or lodge we get thrown under the bus . I knew this and the creek survey guy adamantly denied it . Which is why I kept prodding him . Maybe he knew and wouldn't say or maybe this is what he has been told . He seemed like a good person . So I assume the best . If it's about economics , how can we be live anything we hear from these guys in the future after the reasons they gave ? I'm disappointed . But not surprised .
  15. Well there you have it . We had a good thing going that benefited both lake and stream anglers and because we don't have a tackle shop or lodge we get thrown under the bus . I knew this and the creek survey guy adamantly denied it . Which is why I kept prodding him . Maybe he knew and wouldn't say or maybe this is what he has been told . He seemed like a good person . So I assume the best . If it's about economics , how can we be live anything we hear from these guys in the future after the reasons they gave ? I'm disappointed . But not surprised .
  16. A lot I see and hear about this flies in the face of what we are taught about diversification or more simply put , what grandma told me about putting all my eggs in one basket . How is survival rate determined ? We can't tell what port penned what returning fish came from and if it's wild or not because they stopped marking the fish for some reason or another . I was told by a business owner that the reason for this is they are concentrating the penned fish at the stream sites that have the most pressure and the guys have fish to catch when they get here , plain and simple . Weather that's completely true or not ....... But I think it partly is . And I think there is some politics and arm bending . There is , and it all comes down to this , a lot of money to consider . I was told I'm a" stakeholder " as we all are . But it seams the Sandy folks stake ain't as big as some .
  17. Obviously smarter folks than me are making these decisions . But how do they know where the fish were penned to determine survival rates ? Many factors could influence that . Clear calm water for days and a huge flock of cormerants at the release site to name one .
  18. Have,used both braid and wire Now I use just braid . I catch just as,much and it is more forgiving . I use 65# power,pro but some guys use 80 or 100 .
  19. The decision to manage the kings for the lake and steelhead for the tribs , while controversial , was probably the best approach . But the reality of the situation is both are available to both fisheries and stakeholder to use his term depend on that both for fun and more importantly economics,. I have heard from those who worked on the Sandy pens that the Sandy fish exceeded in vitality all the south shore pen projects every year . So if that in fact is the case and the kings are managed for the lake , ALL the penned reared fish should be raised at Sandy . If you want the best results. But that ain't gunna happen . This guy was just regurgitating what the higher ups are saying . And believe me I applaud the results of how,good this fishery is . But sometimes , I wonder .
  20. So I went out in my row boat last evening for some bass action about 6 at Sandy . The creek survey boat was sitting there . I joking said to the guys that there aren't any boats out there so what are you guys doing ? He replied , " we go where they send us " . I then ask him why we don't get any pen kings anymore . He gives me a long winded answer that they look at the science , baitfish , etc to determine the amount of kings stocked so as not to crash the baitfish . And that stakeholders determine it was,best for the fishery to concentrate the pen efforts to the ports that now get them. I then asked who are the stakeholders . He replied all of us . This went on for about 20 min mind you and this is the readers digest version . I then said well I guess its " F" us . And because we don't have the business on this creek to make a stink . He said oh no that not how it is. We want the returning fish to go to the creeks with the most pressure . I strongly asked him if he came down here under the bridge salmon time . And if he ever checked all the bridges for the out of state plates all the way up to Holley ? I then said , I'm all good with the stocking numbers if thats what you guys determine it needs to be for the bait biomass but that has nothing to do with Sandy being cut out of the pen efforts. And that it was purely for economic reasons . He strongly defined that . I think he got sick of me questioning his reasoning so he,gave me his bosses number and said to call him . To which I replied I expect more of the same
  21. Get a few j plugs , size 3 or 4 glow green , pearl white and silver bullet red head. After labor day go to the Oak or Genny first light or just before dark . 12 to 60 ft generally out front FUN !
  22. Fishing has been bad this year in general Even seasoned guys are struggling . So don't feel to bad about it . I have been doubting myself this year also . In a few weeks the salmon will be staging That's a good time to go out and catch a few if they are around.
  23. Whaler stated tributary regs . For Sandy it is south of the parkway bridge. I believe they start Aug 15 but I'm not sure But it seem to matter less and less to people because they fish there after dark more and more . I reported to DEC last year . They got back to me about a week later and thanked me for my concern . Don't know what happened I was in my row boat this spring under the bridge and CEO called me over and checked my license . I told him of the antics down there at night salmon time . He told me he does not like to go down there at night alone because he has arrested some he checked that had warrants down there and it can become dangerous for him down there . Can't say I blame him. I thought of getting a paint ball gun and launching rounds at the offenders because I can see them from my Sun room and it kind of kisses me off .
  24. Yeah , well she better do what they say or she will get the same treatment . Look at how the Dems treat anyone in their way . They are ruthless. It's shamefull .
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