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sherman brown

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Everything posted by sherman brown

  1. knew the boat would sell at that price, it was priced to sell. I would love to have had 3500.00 to spare. I would have bought the boat for a spare in case my boat died. congrats on the sale.
  2. you can get a new easy troller off ebay for 125.90. just make sure to get the standard and not the short one. at least check them out before you buy.
  3. if you have a choice the easy troll is the best of them all.
  4. yeah it sounds like you might be over correcting. I trolled for yrs with an I/0 before getting auto pilot. you do have to stay alert and not let the bow get to far over before making a small correction then wait to see if it was enough. try to always troll with the wind or at a angle with the wind. trolling against the wind is just asking for steering problems. I once fished by myself in pretty rough water. I angled the boat with the wind, tied a 6v flashlight to the bottom of the steering wheel. and it did most of the steering for me. I only had to adjust once in a while.
  5. mounted with a good antenna. something like the Shakespeare 5225 xt. the quality of the antenna is more important than the radio. just get a radio with the bells and whistles you want. but do not scrimp on the antenna. a hand held is good around the dock or in a group of boats. but a fixed with a good antenna is good for 15+ miles. I splurged and got a new radio with built in gps for my boat.
  6. I had my youngest son drain my 5.7 a few yrs ago. took the boat in to the marina for an oil change in the spring. all the freeze plugs on one side was out. very lucky the engine didnt crack. it turned out the drain was stopped up with sand and the motor hadn't drained. now I make sure the water drains and I leave the petcocks open until I use the boat in the spring. I wont venture to guess if the small amount of water in your motor would cause a crack. why didnt you leave the plugs out so any extra water could drain?
  7. I switched to the lite bite slide divers a few yrs ago and would never go back to std divers. I don't use the slide part but lace a piece of heavy braid through the back then attach my snubber then a 6' to 8' fluro leader. I tie to a split ring lace it through the back going in the lite bite arm. set the tension loose and the diver will trip on small fish. for walleye they are the best diver made.
  8. I would list them for 100.00 each. thats a fair price but not on the high end. you can always lower the price if they don't sell. but you cant raise the price once you list them and get flooded with buyers. i've seen them priced from 50.00 to 150.00. I sold the one I had for 60.00 shipped last summer.
  9. 12# balls are good for anyplace you fish erie. I used 10# on the western basin. but didnt like the blowback fishing 50' to 60' on the central basin so I switched to 13# pancake weights. 12# will work great either place. I run both harnesses and spoons in the summer depending on the fish. but mostly fish spoons on my riggers. for early trolling the westers basin (april early may) shallow diving cranks off riggers at 1.0 to 1.5 will catch fish. use bandits, reef runners, husky jerks, flatlined should catch fish. don't be afraid to try hot n tots as they was our staple back when I fished the western basin. there are so many eater eyes in erie right now you should be able to catch fish. we started fishing the western basin back in the early 80's. now is the only time i've seen fishing as good as it was then.
  10. i've been using the chamberlain almost since there inception. once I got them adjusted right I get very few false releases. but get releases on just about all small fish including white perch. the few false releases is much better than dragging small fish around. fishing erie you'll find the small sheep head and white perch are what you catch the most on some days. if the release doesn't trip on these fish you end up checking the rigger often or drag the little fish around all day. you wont catch walleye if your dragging a white perch around. it may be just me but 5 or 6 false releases per day is much better than checking the rigger ever 15 or 20 minutes. of course you can check them every 30 to 60 minutes. but it a small fish has been on most of that time your rigger is just dead weight. but to each there own. i've checked my riggers before going to the chamberlain release and had walleye of up to 2 1/2 lbs just swimming along with the lure and I never knew it was there until I brought the weight up to check the lure.
  11. fishusa.com has standard colors and custom colors. anything down to 60' the size 4 anything deeper size 5. the size 4 is the same as the 107's and the size 5 would be the 124's.
  12. if you use chamberlain releases you wont need the fish to pull the cable back. just set the lure tension right and small fish will trip the release most times.
  13. I use 13# pancake weights on the central basin. I fish 50' to 55' down and I don't get much blowback at all. I used 10# balls when I fished the western basin.
  14. I guess im X3 on the chamberlain. i've been trolling for some 30+ yrs. and used most releases including rubber bands. but what works good for salmon isn't always the best for walleye. in my opinion the chamberlain is a must for erie walleye. I have mine set where I can put a good bend in the rod then the lure tension loose enough to trip on most small fish, even white perch.
  15. there are so many eater eyes in erie right now you can catch them just about anywhere. I fish out of Geneva in july. but others fish it early but shallow. the best place to fish early is the western basin. but they can be caught to the east.
  16. have you talked to the DA about bringing some type of charges against him. the least I would do is file suit in small claims court against him. but if he took items thats theft. you need to man up and go after him to the full extent of the law.
  17. which part of erie are you fishing?
  18. i've fished erie since the late 70's. started out drift fishing the western basin. switched to trolling in the late 80's. started using manual riggers and flatlines then used big boards and riggers. moved to the central basin and started using divers but still used my riggers. I did switch to electric riggers and 13# weights for the central basin. the only bad thing about the electric is I didnt switch a lot sooner. some of my biggest eyes have came off my riggers. I think chamberlain releases are a must for erie. set them just tight enough the lure doesn't trip them. this does take some effort to get it right but its worth the effort. I use leads from 15' to 25' and never needed anything over 25' to catch fish. most times I run spoons on my riggers but have run harnesses. I have had great luck with both. if you have any questions feel free to message me.
  19. i'll take them if you'll ship them to me on my dime. I can do friends with pay pal or mail you a check. my shipping address is sherman brown 2715 e 29th st muncie in 47302
  20. still need 5 of the ratchet holders but would take up to 6 if the price is right.
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