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Everything posted by Starweld16

  1. I will take them , pay pal? Thanks John
  2. Will you be waiting for the 9am start or selling anything earlier?
  3. Give Bill a call - Slow Rolling 315-277-0813 he can give you help or will fix it if you want, good guy and mechanic
  4. I don’t plan on fishing the Niagara soon, If you haven’t sold it text or give me a call maybe we can meet or make this happen this week. Thanks John 607-227-3609
  5. What size are these? Length/width thanks
  6. Thanks for the replies, I have decent luck with the programs I have run in past years without adding 007 to the arsenal. Thanks again and good luck out there, COME ON SPRING! FISH-ON
  7. Anyone have any experience with churches 007 stern planner, pro/cons I use and like there in line side boards so thinking these might be worth the money. Thanks
  8. Where for a pick up if available, TKS JB
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