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Big fat pike

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Everything posted by Big fat pike

  1. Worth split rings you can buy in bulk If you do decide to buy from them i would recommend in the filters for material base you pick steel and zinc for the finish as for trebles i have been trying to get on board with replacing them entirely with owner single inline replacement hooks it was a while ago but i remember reading something about single hook also having a better hook up ratio
  2. Doubt it it only froze Wednesday night with major cracks being visible from dock bubblers on thursday and it still being open water around those docks on friday (source working right out there on the lake)
  3. Anyone have any advice for conesus pike and tigers i got a lot of big pike last year and decent ones earlier this year and even my first tiger but after that i haven't even been able to get a bite would also love any advice on tigers
  4. Honestly my pike in the islands have all come on daredevle though i did lose one with a goby colored senko on a 1oz jig-head when i was experimenting Weeds at 15-30' in hot summer months Weeds at 8-12' in Spring & Fall when its cooler Weeds along drop offs are biggest key if from shore in clayton go right behind keybank is a spot That is what i know mostly good luck i dont live in the river or get to fish it a lot though i would love too
  5. Hope i am not too late but for my pike rod and medium sized lures i use a Cajun Rods Black BayouMedium Heavy 7ft be careful how you cast though as i was making ICBM like casts and broke it as i would slingshot it as i felt the weight of lure For a heavy duty rod or larger lures i use a Cashion Rods Icon Inshore Rod 7'4" Heavy Moderate Fast Rod Lure Weight 1/2oz-3oz Weight
  6. Went to the inlet and saw a lots of pike and rud and the very first walleyes starting to swim up but I couldn’t get clear pictures lots of 30”+ gives me hope for a 40” later this year
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  7. Size 1 or 2 gamakatsu splitshot /dropshot hook Bigger hook means less swallowing i did also get a 8" perch on a 3/4oz daredevle before
  8. True i dont have a boat so i dont have a fish board Accurate weight is either subtract net and/ or cradle i think besides documenting it does help show how the esox are doing
  9. Alright i guess documenting girth and weight is a personal thing of mine
  10. After reading what botulism is and how it affects birds & fish why is it other fish are able to eat gobies and only suffer morbid obesity
  11. I totally agree though the dec got it right for the kings and cohos weight classification also what about length classification
  12. I was wondering what the benchmark standard is that everyone would agree is trophy for Rainbows/Steelhead 18lbs Browns 15lbs Lakers 25lbs Kings 30lbs Cohos 15lbs Atlantic 15lbs i know for muskie its 50" 30lbs pike 40" 15 lbs and for bass 20" 5lbs
  13. Yes but with an nearly unlimited source of zebra muscles we are never going to get rid of them At least the browns and lakers are eating gobies also i came across a guy on the michigan sportsman forum who caught a coho salmon in huron and he found this in its stomach
  14. Just a thought if they had the place that makes pellets add the remains of gobies and put them in pellets the hatchery feeds them maybe they would eat the gobies along with the alewives and might do better
  15. Increased competition?
  16. Do you have recommendations for measuring girth i know to invest in a fish board & weigh the net if you have someone else to take a picture do you guys have any recommendations for calming them down while holding them I tried covering their eyes without touching them but it didn’t work ?
  17. Ok I will personally i was out with a guide and using his lures have you tried owner inline replacement single hooks?
  18. Ok I just thought that a much higher natural spawn then was is accounted for in stocking would result in more fish less bait smaller fish It would be great if they could get them to eat gobies
  19. I personally know very little about the salmon but does this indicate a far lower alewife population also dont they stock with a estimated 20% wild reproduction success and didnt a bunch of them starve and die off one year because the success rate was 80% instead of 20%
  20. Nice and glad to see the even with it flopping around the boat it managed to be released i had a 34" not make it after flopping around but its also great to see they are reaching the 40" range there
  21. I didnt vote for them but what is also happening up in blind bay in the islands shows they really either dont care about the fisheries which is upsetting because its a huge part of our economy
  22. Went with a buddy in the in Lowes Fishing Machine 1675 Boat in the islands last year and it held up fine and and maxed out with everything including the trailer the boat would come up to $37,000 maxed out and new and is also small enough you could get in hemlock though you could only use the trolling motor
  23. So i am going on a trip to Hastings in a couple weeks and was looking for a small spot nearby (within 20 minutes)to fish for pike from shore the area is near the sunoco by the saab parts store 1982 US-11 Hastings, NY 13076 United States
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