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  1. Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow so spring will be here before you know it!! We're holding our annual Seager Marine spring perch tournament on Saturday, April 18, 2020. Same as last year - team of 1 to 3, $40 entry, and full payback. You can sign up right from our website if you'd like (www.seagermarine.com). This should be set up in the next few days. You can also stop in at 21 Parrish St anytime (Monday - Saturday). The pier building is undergoing renovations, but we'll still hold the weigh-in at that location. Hope to see you all again soon. Refreshments and lively chatter as always at the weigh-in!
  2. i'm hoping to get out Saturday. I'm guessing it's frozen over, but does anyone know for sure? thanks, dre
  3. UpstateToErie

    Canandaigua Winter

    Anyone fish Canandaigua this time of year? Also does the lake ever freeze up thick enough to ice fish?
  4. We had 7 teams tough it out on a cold and wet Saturday. All teams hung in there for the full day and weighed in their 5 fish over the pizza and wings. First place went to McGregor team with 4.41#, second to LaMagna team with 4.16#, third to Allen team with 3.71#, and fourth to Rogers team with 3.65#. Largest perch was 1.15# in the McGregor bag. Thanks to all who signed up and we'll see you in the spring!
  5. Yes - it's that time of year again! The Seager Marine Fall Perch Tournament will be held on Canandaigua Lake this year on Saturday, October 12, 2019. Same price, same rules, same payouts and plaques, and same fun weigh-in! Need to pre-register by 5;00PM on Friday, October 11th. Entry fee is $40 per team (1 - 3 persons), weigh-in 5 live perch for total weight. Fishing hours are 7:00am to 3:00pm, weigh-in at 3:30pm. We'll have reg forms and rules up on our website soon.
  6. I was thinking about going to Lake O solo this morning but my wife said " why don't you fish out here and I can go along". Of course I said "yes" (for a whole lot of reasons). We got a late start and were on the water about 10 AM (quit at 4PM) . I used 2 downriggers cheated and a 300 copper trolling first the east side down to Pelican Point then across by Wegman's and down the west side. Caught a total of 7 lakers despite fishing for rainbows. None was over 4 pounds. The interesting thing to me is that 6 came on the cheaters and one came on the 300 copper and my trolling speed was from 3.1 to 3.57 and nearly all came from 3.3 plus.....I couldn't get away from them; one even hit a magnum spoon No sign of rainbows today. Saw a lot of bait at the south end. I didn't run any deeper than about 6o feet over whatever (the 300 copper may have been running higher than usual too given the speed). Marked a lot of fish in the 40-60 ft range thinking they were probably rainbows but the ones that hit at least were lakers. I didn't put down the probe to check temps but surface was 74. Usually about now the rainbows are out in the middle portion of the lake so we fished mostly 140- 210 and most fish marked were in that range as was the bait. Strange day! Quite a few weeds out there, a lot of algae pooling up in long bands throughout the south end both sides and the fleas were there but "doable"
  7. Last 3 times out we've hit Canandaigua twice and Cayuga once. Trolling dipsys at both lakes, Canandaigua has produced 7 lake trout in both trips, almost all on copper backed michigan stingers in 40-50' down. Cayuga only produced one laker with a flasher fly. Still very new to trolling, so it's a learning in progress. I tried running one line at 45' down and another at 100' down ( deeper with a spin doctor and lake trout fly ) - bumped bottom and lost my spin doctor and fly. Damnit. Higher one up caught a laker. Go figure. Can't seem to find any rainbows, and as far as I can tell all my lake trout have seemed to be random pickups. I'll mark a huge school of bait, run up , down, around it several times/speeds, and not a single pickup, ever. What gives?! Launching in the South end of Canandaigua - speeds around 2.2-2.5. Anyone that fishes here regularly, is there a certain are that is better than others? Right now I'm just driving everywhere hoping to get bit. Look at this bait pod - how did I not get any action from that?!
  8. kempie

    Canandaigua canandaigua 8/26

    Fished Canandaigua for about 5 hrs on the south end. Not one hit. weeds and fleas were terrible could not get out of them. I had to clean lines constantly. it was the worst I have ever seen Canandaigua. the fleas were even all over my wire lines.
  9. Thinking about hitting Canadaigua at Woodville on Friday. Anyone know if the fleas are bad? Thanks. I'll post if I go.
  10. sawbelliesam

    Canandaigua Fleas

    Wondering if the fleas are still bad on Canadaigua and Cayuga. Thanks.
  11. Hey all , I have been wanting to start trolling a bit - tried going to Ontario this morning, but the water was a bit too rough for me at 100 FOW in my 16' Aluminum. Bummer, I wanted to try for salmon and trout. I fish Conesus alot for bass/pike/tigers, but have never tried Canandaigua. If I wanted to troll for trout, I assume I could use my size 1 dipsys? What kind of gear are you using out there as far as rods and reels? Besides my spinning setups (3000s and 4000s) the only bait casters that I could be trolling with right now are my 13Fishing Concept C with 30# braid on a 7'3 MH (pike and bass )and 13Fishing A3 with 50# braid on a 8' St Croix musky rod (H) - would those 2 setups work for that lake trolling for now? Overkill? Underkill? I wanted to see how I liked trolling before buying 2 setups just for trolling. Thanks in advance for the info! Pic below of my ugly ass boat
  12. Reeldrag

    Canandaigua Canandaigua

    I work in Canandaigua and I was thinking about hauling the boat down next week for some afternoon trolling. Never trolled the finger lakes and I'm looking for a little info. I know there are rainbows there and I think Lake Trout, how and where would be the best way to target them.
  13. Congratulations to Bob and Bob my long time fishing buddies They pulled off an 11th hour victory under less than optimal conditions while the rest of us were getting off the lake because of the wind and trouble controlling our setups etc. Once again the lesson: perseverance pays off
  14. My buddy and I fished out of Woodville Sunday for eight hours. We ran six lines the whole time and did everything I could think of… From Riggers to planer boards to Dipsy divers with flashers. We started out shallow, then we went deep. we went halfway down the lake. we worked both sides. We ran every color and every size of sticks and spoons and we never got a hit the entire day!. We marked a few scattered fish Throughout the column but could not find any concentrations. And we never saw any bait at all!. I was flabbergasted. I’m interested in your reactions and comments, thanks, Andre Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Spring will be here before you know it!! We're holding our annual spring perch tournament on Saturday, April 13, 2019. Same as last year - team of 1 to 3, $40 entry, and full payback. You can sign up right from our website if you'd like (www.seagermarine.com). You can also stop in at the pier anytime (Monday - Saturday). Hope to see you all again soon. Refreshments and lively chatter as always at the weigh-in! Registration form and rules are attached if you need them. Perch Registration April 13 2019.pdf Perch Rules Spring 2019.pdf
  16. I’m hoping to get out tomorrow. I would guess the ice is off… Correct? Thank you, Andre Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Rainbow fisherman I can use your help. It has been since the late 70's since I wade fished Naples Creek. To say I'm rusty is an understatement. I've got some med spinning rod combos with 4 and 10 # mono spooled up but I can't recall what baits other than some sponge or rubber imitation eggs to use. Don't get me wrong I've caught fish on this and other area creeks growing up in the area, but I'm getting foggy on the paticulars. For anybody wondering, yes I got some waders. Did ya laugh just a little? I am coming up from Tampa, Fl where I reside now. You helped me out alot when my brother and I went fishing on Conesus Lake and fishing near Seabreeze just off some park. We sure had a great bunch of days of fishing with your help. If you guys can give my brother and I some pointers on baits, line and terminal tackle for fishing the Naples trout derby in a couple weeks I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks again, Trapper K
  18. Happy New Year To all the Great fisherpersons who fish our beautiful finger lakes may 2019 see you with a record fish or personal best
  19. Had a few hours to kill this morning, so decided to pass-up Hemlock for the south end of Canandaigua. Got to the drop -off and was marking good sized bait balls and hooks from 45-55 FOW, so I set-up with the 7 color lead pulling a Rapala x-rap and the down rigger with a gold Sutton # 22 flutter soon with a custom bend on the tail end. The custom bend wasn't planned or engineered - it actually got created when the spoon got caught up in the fold-up rudder on the kayak - but it's proven itself to be pretty effective. Followed the drop off east-west weaving from 40-90 FOW and hit a nice 23" bow on the 2nd pass. Quick picture then released. Pulled up the lead core, and switched to a torpedo diver pulling a 4" silver steak (?) painted blue & purple to help out with the turns and make depth adjustments easier. A few more passes, then got another bow on the Sutton - this one shorter @ 19 " - again released to fight another day. Had a little problem reeling that one in, because I was using 12 lb mono and the fleas got so bad at the rod tip that the double-uni knot wouldn't pull through the last eyelet. As I was heading in, ended up getting a small 15" laker on the painted spoon, and this time had to deal with a big wad of weeds I picked up with the line. Overall, a nice relaxing morning - haven't been on Canandaigua with the yak all summer, so it was nice to out there. Off the lake by 11 AM, so missed most of the recreational boats. but did see a few others out mostly still fishing / jigging along the drop off. Want to try still fishing live bait, but It's been a long time since I've fished with saw bellies - If anyone has any pointers or thoughts on how to keep them fresh & alive while on a kayak, I'd appreciate any info. https://youtu.be/OCTwSzgplpw https://youtu.be/ZLu2Ioympig https://youtu.be/UxQfQAaQ-SQ
  20. Saw pictures of Lakers from the derby. I've been twice, no luck. Any help for a green horn. Second trip today, lower end by Naples. Thanks
  21. First year fishing in the canandaigua lake trout derby.. great time, trolling was steady most of Saturday with lakers from 2-5lbs range a couple small steel head around the 1-2lb range.. Sunday we bobber fished got 3 lakers 2 steel head 1 brown and a bullhead.. nothing that placed but fun time watching the bobber go under. Great time congrats to the guys on the board! those are some huge fish!
  22. It's almost that time of year again! We're only holding one perch tournament this spring and it'll be on Saturday, April 14, 2018. Same as last year - team of 1 to 3, $40 entry, and full payback. You can sign up right from our website if you'd like (www.seagermarine.com). You can also stop in at the pier anytime (Tuesday - Saturday). Hope to see you all again soon. Refreshments and chatter as always at the weigh-in!
  23. Seager Marine Fall Perch Tournament It's that time of year already!! The Seager Marine Fall Perch Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Same program: Team tournament, $40/team, 5 perch for total weight, hours 7:00AM to 3:00PM. Of course, we'll have the same weigh-in goodies. We'll have registration forms and rules up on our website soon (also attached to this post), or just stop in the marina and say hello and sign up. Hope to see all the familiar faces and some new ones as well. Perch Flyer Fall 2017.pdf Perch Registration Fall 2017.pdf Perch Rules Fall 2017.pdf
  24. Canandaigua 9/10 with some great kids Got a little bit of a late start due to the road being closed for a race. Started fishing just before 8. Water was much clearer as compared to last weekend. Only had two rods out and we lost the first one. Pretty steady fishing right to the end at noon with a total of 4 bows and 12 lakers. The 2 biggest bows we got right at the end and are not in the pics. The biggest one took a gambler rig on a turn off the rigger 75ft over 150. Ten color produced well as did the wires and rigs. Very nice day with the wind gradually picking up. Bait was stacked up North and the fish were on them. Fleas were non existent today.
  25. Canandaigua 8/25 Haven't been out in a long time so I took the day off. Headed out at 6:30 and lines in around 7. First rainbow at 7:30 next around 9. Both on gamblers on dipsy and jet divers out 230 over 200. First around 4 pounds next seemed around 7? No scale on board
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