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  1. Launched at T.Falls this morning went north.Was running 10# test and the fleas were real bad.
  2. Have not had time to post about Bear's derby a few weeks ago. We got a fair number of fish but none the size we needed.. It was fun to play in the waves. Of interest to me was the fact that one of the fish I kept to eat had 4 smelt and a goby in its gut. Anyone else see the smelt returning? Wes
  3. A couple weeks since my last trip and boy what a difference in the weather. Was wishing Chowder was around with his little boat as that thing can keep you warm in the dead of Winter, (Note he's posted it for sale in the Classifieds) Went South out of Deans and for the first couple hours the fish were as cold as I was. Almost drained my coffee when the sun came out and game on. Silvers took the rigger spoons down around 60 and the Lakers went for flies on the dipsey down around 100. About to pick up about 11 when a decent rainbow hit a spoon doubled up with the biggest laker of the day at a bit over 28". No pics of the biggest ones as already had enough in the cooler for a few meals so quick releases at that point in the day. Still great fishing out there but I for one am hoping for a long Indian Summer.
  4. I have been trying to put together a spin n glo program after the morning bite for a few weeks and have absolutely no luck! Today out in front of taughannock falls my oldest and I decided to stay out until 11:30 working on said program and boy did it pay off! trolling slow around 1.8 really was the sweet spot and today the wonderbread flasher with a gambler chartreuse spin and glo picked up 2 laker right off the bat including this big boy!
  5. Bear will be holding a tournament on Saturday and Sunday September 12th and 13th. Attached is the entry form for Bear's 2020 Fall Trout and Bass Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Note: Please practice social distancing when visiting the park and marina area to protect all individuals using these areas. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. Bear's Fishing Flyer Fall Derby Sept 2020 Master.pdf
  6. Fished Cayuga this afternoon. Sea Fleas are back with a vengeance.. A dark brown variety that Ive never seen before. Real hard to clean off. I am wondering if some of those pods we think are bait might be sea fleas..
  7. I reached out to several of my LOU friends for some starting points to catch some fish for a coworkers kids. Thanks so much for the help guys. The kids had a great time and each one got a fish. We lost a few as well. Big fish was 10lbs 13 ozs and was caught on a spin-n-glo. Weeds were taking a toll on my fish count. every time a cleared a rod it was loaded with weeds. No fleas. See you at Bears fall derby! Wes ( Quality Time) .
  8. Launched at Dean’s around 7 AM and went a bit North. Was fishing with my father in law, brother in law, and a family friend and we were all jigging for Lakers. Didn’t catch a single trout nor have any hits. Also took a ride over to the east side of the lake and fished north of long point, in the Aurora area, and didn’t see much life there as well. Caught two small perch and snagged a sawbelly. Jigged from 40 ft to 90 ft, but saw the most life on the fish finder in the 40 to 60 ft depths. We were off the water by noon. Anyone else fish Cayuga today, and what was your report? Surprised to have not gotten a single hit or laker. I thought the fishing was supposed to be hot this time of year? Maybe the storm last night shut down the bite? Any advice?
  9. Attached is the entry form for the BARNEY BALDWIN 4th Annual One Day Fishing Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Note: Please practice social distancing when visiting the park and marina area to protect all individuals using these areas. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. 4th Barney Baldwin Fishing Flyer.pdf
  10. Hey all, Coming up to Cayuga from 9/14 to 9/20.. Normally fish in tournaments in VA for largemouth bass but want to fish for lake trout and other species on this trip. Will be staying on the west side of the lake at about the midpoint along the lake. Could you be so kind as to provide advice on what tackle/baits to bring and potential tactics and areas to target? Probably wont troll - considering jigging. Thank you in advance
  11. Beautiful weather so on the water Saturday and Sunday morning running solo then Sunday evening with my son and some old high school buddies. The pattern mid-lake seems to be changing a bit from the past few weeks so new challenges to search and entice some fish. Saturday had heavy boat traffic on the West side which really built up closer to Sheldrake. Slow picking primarily with spoons on the riggers. Picked up Lakers and a teen sized rainbow. Lost the fish of the day in a landlocked that was at the back of the boat until the net minder, (me), rather than net the fish, managed to knock the spoon out of his mouth with the edge of the net. This morning greeted with a beautiful sunrise and very little boat traffic. Cruised North out of Deans and dipsey action came early highlighted by the fish pictured as it fought like very few lakiers do. From hit to the net and all 200 feet in between this fish was a tiger. Expected to see a Landlocked or Brown when it finally came up behind the boat. Opposite of Saturday as 90% dipsey bite. This afternoon after swimming and wake boarding the boys wanted to fish for an hour. They went 1 for 2 and like the am, dipsey hits. Unfortunately the one who lost the fish was the only one of 6 teens who dropped a fish a few weeks back when the whole crew did a quick evening troll and managed to boat a nice mix of Lakers, landlocks and a rainbow . Nice to know the next generation knows how to give each other some lighthearted abuse for failures. All great stuff and a great weekend.
  12. Alright everyone who's in this year?!?! Let the trash talk begin and have fun! See you all Saturday! Two days left to register! Must be registered by Thursday 8/6!
  13. We have went ahead and secured a date and are planning on continuing the tournament as normal. We will in fact use social distancing precautions if it is still an issue by then. However the date is Saturday August 8th and with the race cancelled for fans it should allow for more entries this year. Follow this post for more information as it's provided to me I'll post more.
  14. If you see this boat on Cayuga try to avoid it. We tried today. We turned to avoid being a problem and he turned sharply in front of us while we’re dragging 300 feet of copper. It just goes to show that you cannot buy class. #Edited title after seeing more info from someone in here. A shame if it's Black Dog, they're a charter I had contemplated using.
  15. Great morning to be on the water and the fishing was great too. Started off with a rush as the first 45 minutes could hardly keep 1 rigger and 1 dypsey in the water! A nice landlocked and lake trout were the highlights but a group of smaller rainbows provided great entertainment. Kept a steady pick of fish over the next few hours with spoons outfishing flasher/flies by a wide margin. Picked up a nice rainbow later in the morning and completed the Slam with this stout Brown. Tried to get off the water before 11 but gridlock at Deans made it closer to 12. Hoping the great weather and great fishing both continue.
  16. Thinking some kayak bass fishing is in order this weekend, was pondering the thought of launching at Deans cove, would be my first trip to Cayuga, how is it this time of year? What time should I be in the lake? Any good tips would be appreciated. Thanks all in advance.
  17. anyone been out of long point lately, plan on making a trip up Friday 7/24. If so would appreciate any recent information that would be helpful.
  18. Hit Deans for sunrise but clouds to the East spoiled the show. Slow pick of good sized lake trout this morning mostly hitting green flasher/fly on the dypsey diver. A couple took spoons off the rigger. Couldn't get a sniff off leadcore today. Ran out in the middle for a spell to see if anything setting up but pretty barren out there. Really didnt see bait pods at any depth today compared to the past few weeks. Thinking it's about time for the thermocline to start dictating the action somewhat. Was quitting time and while pulling in the big boards the rigger fires with a nice lake trout and when it was 20 feet behind the boat the dypsey sings with the only silver of the morning but what a beauty. The picture really doesn't do it justice as no backdrop. I really need to teach the dog to take pics for me. Shoutout to GoneFitchin as I had a white shirt on today so fish id was a little easier for me. Didn't get bothered much by the fleas as made a point of checking lines frequently. Weeds were practically nonexistent compared to last weekend and not much boat traffic either. A great morning to be out on the water
  19. Anyone out fishing in Cayuga today and having any luck
  20. My spoon box apparently came out of my boat between Tauganock and Mexico this morning. It was a white maxi mate that was my grandfathers. Reward for its return. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10101224458298074&id=52300031
  21. Broke a downrigger cable and going to order new. Any suggestions on which would be best to fight fleas? Cannon, Mason, Power Pro or Big Jon 150, 200, or 250 lb.?
  22. Just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference between using 8" vs 11" pro troll flashers. Do you find one size more effective than the other? I only have the smaller size and have never tried the larger ones. Thanks for any insights.
  23. Out of Deans, crossed lake and trolled south into the wind. Happy my son came (brought lots of snacks, Lol), usually only my daughter is interested. He caught his first trout. Had a blast! Got 4 lakers all in 4 to 8 lb range. 60 feet down in 100 FOW. No silver.
  24. Two beautiful days on the water. Started Saturday launching from Deans before sunrise and ran South to Sheldrake and back. Rainbows and a decent landlocked were the action for the first hour taking spoons on the rigger and 5 color. Lakers slept in but by 7:30 they took over. Just North of Sheldrake was very hectic as the rigger down 60 with a glo frog kept firing. The 7 color had high fish honors with an 8lb 8oz Laker who was in a bad mood. Thanks to my family for the portable scale for Fathers Day. Now we can weigh the catch with ease. Sunday was a new day, new sunrise, still hungry fish. Headed North and found active fish in all varieties. Nothing huge today but steady pick of fun to catch, (and in some cases eat!) Fish. Riggers at 45 and 60 did most of the work while the 7 color sporting Steelie Dan made the landlocked and Rainbow happy. Off the water again at 10:30 with shorter lines at Deans. Had bonus water time both afternoons taking the kids and friends swimming. They wanted to fish a little this afternoon so we set some lines and they managed to land a couple Lakers in short order. The lake seems so healthy right now though a downer today was landing a laker with a lamprey attached. First lamprey I've seen in some time. Was happy to let that fish go after having made it lamprey free!!
  25. This morning started out On the east side of deans with some unexpected rain and loosing a favorite DW 2 face green / black while fighting a lake trout within 5 min of setting. We reset with a similar style Green and Yellow DW and got back into the bite! We caught everything on green colors with yellow accents with spin doctors on the bottom stack for lakers! I was marking cleaner water south of the Aurora point In 150 to 170 and was able stay away from the crowd picking 2 bows and 2 good size lakers! We had a bunch of missed releases and lost 2 super close to the boat. Pretty steady action all morning!
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