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Trolling Bible

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So the girlfriend had to go down to Binghampton to the Christmas Tree Shop down there. Being the incredibly fantastic boyfriend I am, I gave in and allowed her to drag me down there. At first I was quite depressed as I expected an evening of shopping for stuff I have absolutely no interest in. As we got close to the store, my mood was suddenly improved as I noticed a Gander Mountain just next door! :o

It was like a beacon of light in a dull gray landscape! So, after an hour or so of painful shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop, I managed to get over to Gander! :clap:

There I happened across the "trolling bible" I've heard about so much. Looking over it today though, I am quite dissapointed. I think I may be reading it wrong. For instance, for a mag dipsy, 0 setting, on wire, it says i will be 96ft down and 200 ft back from the boat. Doesn't say anything about how much line is out though. And it's the same for everything. Is there something I'm missing????

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I thought you would need a lot more line out to get down to 96'. I think they got copper backwards. Saying 100' down at 27' back. Think it's the other way around. 100' back 27' down. All in all it is pretty informative. Wish it had more info though. Like what about a doctor/fly on a mag wire diver... Definitely a good book to have but I hope they come out with another that covers a lot more areas.

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That's the one I have. Covers all size dipsys, jet divers, walker divers, and slide divers on 30lb mono/braid/wire. And a short blurb on copper and leadcore. Does not take into account if you are running any kind of a flasher or anything.

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Trolling 82,

You are never going to find any book with the exact science on trolling with dipsys. The books that are out there are all based on the most popular lines various dipsy's with a spoont at trolling speeds of 2.5mph. There are many variables like various flashers, water currents, wind direction, speeds and types of baits. The books have great information, I have one myself. What you need to do if want a better picture is to get on your boat and hook up your favorite rigs (remove hooks from flies and spoons). Start with mono line and set it back 150' and start in 50 fow and come in shallower until you bottom out. Continue doing the same thing with each of your lines, various size dipsy's at different speeds and that will tell you what info you need. It takes time but it is well worth the effort.


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Thanks Shade. Gotta love all the variables. I don't regret getting the book and the information there is going to be a huge help since this is the first year I'll be running wire divers. I just have to get out there and practice! Just trying to get as much information as I can before I go and leave a diver, doctor, and fly on the bottom of the lake! :D:D:D

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