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Sandy Creek 8/9 Evening

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Fished yesterday and picked up a few steelhead and a low 20s king between 250 and 300. There wasn't a lot of action. Heard people were doing alright in 70-90 so I put that info in my pocket.  


Have a friend and his son up to visit from Mass this weekend. They were excited by the pictures of yesterdays fish. Now the pressure was on to catch them some fish. Thirteen year old who just spent 7 hours in a car, with no fish to reel in on a small boat is could be trouble. That would not be the case today. 


Found heavy 2 foot chop with white caps from the nw which switched to more west and got to be closer to 3s as the evening went on. Went straight out to 70 fow and set up and headed WNWish toward 90. I found 55 down ~60 at first but it seemed to change as the evening went on and get deeper. 80 fow down 65 to 70ish ended up being the best  Didnt even get the second rod set up and popped the first one but no one home. Second one fired and had a fish (seemed like a small king) swim under all the other rods and try to pass the boat but broke off above the leader swivel. I am guessing there was a nick I missed. It was a constant hits and fish from then on. Landed a smaller brown then a few steelies, missed a few more and then nice king in the high 20s closed the night.


Mag purples and mag glow white spoons as well as glow on white with green spots SD with purple A-tom-mik fly off the dipsy about 190 back on a 3 were what got the job done. Love that second hook in the A-tom-mik as it made sure the soft mouths didnt get away.  Everything took fish except my lead core with spinny. I probably should have pulled it and put down a second dipsy instead.  


I couldn't buy a hit going with the waves toward the east. All my hits and fish were going west into the waves which was frustrating a little but the n00bs handled it really well and were super excited about all the action. I was relieved and excited for them. The pic shows me holding the fish but my friend reeled it in he just didn't send me the pic with him in it yet.


Slob from 8/9 


Good fish from 8/8






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