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Spring Thermal Bars

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Are there certain conditions to look for when these set up? Is it dependent on wind direction? Surface temp? Hoping to catch a surface bite this spring. Not sure how much longer the browns will be in tight with the upcoming forecast.


Also when do you usually start running flasher/fly combos? Is spring typically a spoon bite?

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Use the satellite temperature images from noaa and look for very tight bands which shows more drastic water temp changes...northerly, or west winds will help push the bands together and are often accompanied by slicks on the surface...off shore thermal bars dont all have fish, but if you find the right one, you can pull lots of steelies and sometimes the kings are mixed in...many years ago in June, i found a thermal bar 22 miles off of i bay over 600+ fow and had my way with steelies from surface down to 20 feet, and kings were mixed in...one side had 56 degree water and the other 49, and the fish were on the warm side...

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You can use flasher flies right now...myself, dont typically start using them until im fishing 40 fow or more in the spring, but in the fall have taken kings inside rivers trolling flasher flies...sometimes they are a little wary and finicky in the spring while they wake up from the winter, especially in under 20 fow, but as soon as you start fishing out a touch deeper, or if you find some kings off shore, dropem a flasher...

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