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UV Flys 4 part POLL?


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There’s a lot of intelligent fishermen on this board. And intelligent input could be a good thing


1. Do you feel that UV fly skirts caught you more fish than the non UV flies caught?

2. If you wanted the perfect UV fly, what color/colors would it be?

3. What color would the head be?

4. What is your favorite color beads?


I'm going to average out this poll and make a fly. I'll take pics when I'm done. I did this a few years ago on GLA and came up with a fly that looked like a Die Hard but I never caught anything on it. Maybe if it's UV, it will catch fish!


Thanks guys

Edited by Patriot
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IMO they have done about the same. If I had to build a fly combo that fit my best bites it would be, start with a white head with mirage,green UV with a bit of black in to break it up and use a white thread to tie it together.

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I haven't noticed any difference in the UV flies I make but the materials flies are made from themselves are important and maybe the color as well and the action of the fly which depends on several things such as size, weight, design, and length of leader and the particular material the leader is made from. After experimenting with different colored heads I've settled on black as it it what most insects heads look like and is pretty "neutral" yet contrasts compared with the bright colors of the flies. For body material I prefer Kelly green and white , just green or just white or pearl because I've had the most success with them but I also have done OK with purple or purple/green combo. I use a variety of colored beads with green and purple being the most frequently used along with a red, green, or a clear bead at the front of the fly head. The ones I use on the Finger Lakes are somewhat shorter bodied than the Lake O flies with a little less material in them aimed at landlocks and rainbows.  I also make mine with fuzzy heads and 3 D eyes mimicking some used in salt water on the west coast. I also use 50 lb Big Game mono instead of fluoro because I had some of the commercial fly leaders break. These flies are a little heavier than the commercial ones (on purpose) to slow the side to side action down after watching a lot of videos of salmon chasing flies and having difficulty actually grabbing them moving horizontally. 



Edited by Sk8man
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I haven't noticed any difference in the UV flies I make but the materials flies are made from themselves are important and maybe the color as well and the action of the fly which depends on several things such as size, weight, design, and length of leader and the particular material the leader is made from. After experimenting with different colored heads I've settled on black as it it what most insects heads look like and is pretty "neutral" yet contrasts compared with the bright colors of the flies. For body material I prefer Kelly green and white , just green or just white or pearl because I've had the most success with them but I also have done OK with purple or purple/green combo. I use a variety of colored beads with green and purple being the most frequently used along with a red, green, or a clear bead at the front of the fly head. The ones I use on the Finger Lakes are somewhat shorter bodied than the Lake O flies with a little less material in them aimed at landlocks and rainbows.  I also make mine with fuzzy heads and 3 D eyes mimicking some used in salt water on the west coast. I also use 50 lb Big Game mono instead of fluoro because I had some of the commercial fly leaders break. These flies are a little heavier than the commercial ones (on purpose) to slow the side to side action down after watching a lot of videos of salmon chasing flies and having difficulty actually grabbing them moving horizontally. 

I often thought about using a heavyer and longer leader to slow down the motion for those larger Kings. I like the eyes. It gives it a little more 3-D

Thanks for your input

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