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I am new to the area and need some help. I relocated after 25 years from Canandigiua Lake last summer and have found a whole different type of fishing.

I now fish out of Iron Bay and am close enough to get out into the Lake.

I have been trolling in 15-25 fow and been trying everything from spoons, stickbaits, plugs and spinners to no avail. I have been using both downriggers and top lines. For years all I have been hearing how great the fishing is on Lake Ontario and now that I am trying I have gotten nothing - not even a hit!!. Any help/suggestions for a beginner would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to the board Fratman...Here are some of my suggestions and i'm sure other's will add on...

I would suggest trying in shallower water's than you have been especially if you want browns...I would fish the 5-15 range with emphasis on keeping the boat in 6-8, dirtier water I get closer, clearer waters will have me stray out a little deeper if I dont pull anything out of the shallows...

Since your fishing out of Irondequoit, Shipbuilders is a good area and further down past Hedges, around the Genesee River and pier heads, and the pink house on the hill west of Russell Station to Crescent Beach are all good areas to focus on but there are fish here and there along the entire shore-line...I've had some great days just circling the west corner of the Irondequoit Bay pier...

Run your riggers an average of 3-5 down if your trolling in-tight to shore with a lead length of an average of 50 feet and lengthen depending on water clarity and fish spookiness...Also, when running a full spread where I have 3-4 riggers in the water, one will always be the "17" rig...Meaning down 7 back 10, or down 10 back 7...Some fish dont spook from the boat and i've caught fish that hit a lure next to the boat while I was watching the action with less than 10 feet of line out...Dirty water you can get away with a larger, brighter spoon but the clearer it becomes you usually have to go to natural colors and smaller baits...

Top-Lines...I'm not sure if your running planer boards and if you are'nt your cutting your success by a huge margin...The boards just pull your lines out to the side where the fish that have been spooked by the boat will be...For these lines I will start them 100' back if the water has a decent color to it...If its clear, i'll start with 150' back...I am not a rattle fan, and if the water is dirty I like jointed baits as they put out more vibration...Again you can use bigger, brighter, jointed baits when the water is dirty...If its clear, I prefer straight sticks as they make less noise in the water and try them in natural colors...

These are just some simple guide-lines that i hope will help you connect with a few fish the next time your out...Good Luck...

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