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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. It turns into a mess. If you get a fish on the cheater, it slides down and tangles in the flasher/ fly.
  2. My brother works in the plastics industry and they are having trouble getting certain resins.
  3. Hamlin Beach bridges and the more western bridges are steel beamed and used to hold a lot of pigeons.
  4. Parkway bridges after dark with a net and a flash light. They are free!!
  5. I am looking to put an autopilot on my 245 Penn Yan Contender. Is there a way to put one autopilot on for both the big motor and the kicker that will not kill the autopilot when the big motor is off? It had an autopilot on it but it was shot from the previous owner using the autopilot while the big motor was off. Will hydraulic steering fix this issue?
  6. BW customs in Sodus. I had them redo a hatch in my floor and they did awesome work!
  7. It’s been a staple for years for us! It catches everything.
  8. If you want eater kings in late August or September, run offshore and catch juvenile kings. They will be chrome and the meat will look great. Once stagers darken up, they are still ok but I don't keep them anymore. I have a buddy that takes them and smokes them and he says you cant notice the difference.
  9. As staging starts, fish the marks on the screen and throw temp out the window. Saturday, we took a couple matures in 70 degree water, some in the 50's and some down in 42 degree water. Lots of big hooks up high in that 70 degree water that were mature kings. Stagers can be frustrating but you need to stick with them and grind it out. As for colors, GREEN GREEN GREEN!
  10. For sure! Saturday, everyone blasted offshore and we had the inside pretty much to ourselves!
  11. Keith and I decided to fish the Bald Eagle Tournament with our sons on Saturday for the first time. We left the dock around 5:45 and headed East and set up in 90'. Not long after setting up, the bite started and was fast and furious until 9:30am. We started out with three skips and dumped our first two mature kings. The last one we dropped, ran 540 on the first run and came unbuttoned with 25' left on the counter. When Brayden got the spoon in the boat, the split ring and hook were gone! I haven't had that happen in years/ After losing them first two matures, we put three matures in a row. When the bite totally died around 10:00, we put some cowbells down and tried to upgrade a mid teens king in the box. We put a ton of lakers on the floor with nothing bigger than 15 and change. We went to weigh in hoping for a placing box and we did it. We ended up taking 3rd overall. All in all, it was a great first tournament with for boys and hopefully we can do it again this Saturday. 55',70' and 80' riggers, divers at 210 and 225, 300', 350' and 400' coppers wit mostly spoons took our fish. Green Jeans mag moonshine was the star of the day. IMG_2586.MOV
  12. For decades, Lake Michigan captains had easy king fishing with huge numbers. Stocking cuts made their job harder and they boat very few kings. Clients went from huge numbers a trip to coming home with a couple fish. They are leaning on the lake trout fishery but most clients that have caught kings don’t want lakers. When clients spend hundred of dollars on a trip, they don’t want to only catch a couple kings a day.
  13. Its easy to sit here and feel this way. When you are a charter captain on Lake Michigan, you might have a different opinion.
  14. Talk to Michigan guys about how many kings they catch a day.... I will take 30lbers as a big one and teen to mid 20's kings in numbers over a 40lber as a big one.
  15. 2010 we put a 33.0 and a 31.12 on the board. Neither of them were in the top 20 at the end of the Fall LOC that year.
  16. 16 years of pounding that stretch and I have never snagged bottom! I have pulled some large branches / logs off the bottom in that stretch.
  17. What amazes me is the amount of guys that say Seneca is dead yet guys do decent. Yes it had some down years but it seems to be coming back. We can all sit here and say the old timers say this and say that. Look what the old timers say about Lake Ontario! Some old timers complain that we don’t see 40lb kings anymore yet catch rates are through the roof over the last 10 years. Laker size is not something that happens in one year. Lamprey predation has caused big issues and it seems to be getting better every year. Again, lamprey control isn’t something that works in one year. Guys like Nick have figure out how to succeed on a lake that is tough. Those who haven’t shouldn’t be slamming him, they should be learning from him. Nick has given people my product and showed guys what he is doing and they figured out how to help out more fish in the box in Seneca. All lake have their ups and downs. Seneca will come back. It has the bait to support huge healthy lakers.
  18. Classy...... And before calling someone an idiot, you might want to proof read your post before clicking submit.
  19. The Gambler Rigs prize donation isn't a traditional prize pack. The winner will get a $100 shopping spree at Gambler Rigs on Gambler Rigs product only!
  20. No crimps. Use the wire knot.
  21. Here is my favorites Mixed Veggies Froggy Glow Chicken Wing NBK Green Jeans UV Cant afford it
  22. They must have changed it today. When I looked this morning, it said they would be back in 2022.
  23. I would check back when your trip gets closer. With the inconsistent winds we have had all summer, it changes every day.
  24. FISH USA, or check with Rick at Krenzers to see if they have any in stock.
  25. Everything on my website is in stock ready to ship. Right now, every spin n glo rig color I stock is in stock (even my new colors for 2023 that I released early!). Cowbells have been tough to keep in stock in the Aluminum Series from Hammerhead. They sell out quickly and it takes a while to get restocked by Hammerhead.
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