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Everything posted by zipnzim

  1. Brendan; I see you are getting alot of postive feedback on your new store opening. I just want remind all of us the Anglers to support the local tackle shops accross the lake they are the ones who have made the history of fishing the lakes and the tournments. they are the ones who truly support the fisheries and the sport of Lake Ontario. They are also the ones who help solves problems with equipment, gives us the information for the fishing(where the bites are at). ANGLERS remember the local tackle shops lake wide. Good luck!!!!
  2. Brendan will you have fishing licenses & derby passes ,also what are the store hours GOOD LUCK !!!!
  3. RICK, I don't know but I wrote down the lon.& lat #s !!!!
  4. Dave if you still have trailer in march, I will talk to you about using it to trailer my boat to wilson
  5. RICK & CRAIG Thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. hope to see all of you in the spring at the Bar.
  6. DAVE /JOE that is a good price it probably equals about $1.00 for every fish cought off of that boat,at that price a charter capt. or a serious amatuer will get a GREAT BOAT good luck
  7. Here is a list of some special prizes in the YOUTH DIVISIONS a salmon & a brown trout lets start with salmon divison, 1st place a trip to fl. 2nd place a charter with CAPT. DAVE WILSON from spankmeyer charters, 3nd place a river trip with capt. KEVIN DAVIS from catch the drift guide service. now brown trout divison 1st place trip to fl 2nd place a charter with capt WERNER from popeye charters 3nd place a river trip with capt. ANDY BLISS from chasin tail adventures. just turned over to rules committee for review GET YOUR YOUTH TEAM TOGETHER, details to be announcedat 1st challenge Lester & cheryl and as always Tom from A-TOM-MIK
  8. Big Fish Awards/Triple Crown Award Squares are now available on A-tom-mik web site: http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com To access these squares scroll down and click on Oswego Reports, Shane Zimmerman Memorial Big Fish Awards!!! Tom Allen from A-tom-mik is coming through again with Triple Crown Award. Lester and Cheryl Zimmerman are working on the Youth Division Prizes and with the help of the 3 Challenges: Oswego Mustad Challenge: June 27th, The Little Salmon River Challenge: July 25th The Fair Haven Challenge: August 15th Come and participate and let us make these Challenges a BIG SUCCESS. It is our goal, to provide the Youth Division with the Biggest and Best Prizes on Lake Ontario and with your help we will be able to accomplish these goals. Any suggestions you can contact me with a PM. Thanks to all and all who made this a success last year, we had many a smiling youth on the stage. Lester Zimmerman
  9. observer found THANKS for the replys
  10. Observer needed for niagara and orleans pro/am send E mail to [email protected] give phone #--- or send pm. TEAM EAST COAST BOYS
  11. Paul thanks for the update see you at the pro/ams !!!thanks again kicker
  12. Brian the name of the bags are (fisherman freinds trolling bags) pequod charters capt. FRED MAFFEO phone #315 573 2139 email [email protected] KICKER!!!!! (Lester)
  13. PAUL: I'm not here to start any fires and I'm very appreciative for all the work you and the other people mentioned in your previous post put into the Pro AM program and tournaments to make them a success: But let's be honest. Paul, in previous years, refer to Rule 6- Boat Size and Identification. Boat size will be limited to a minimum length of 18 feet. Each team will be issued a pennant to be affixed to the boat's antenna. I don't believe the Rules Committee put us in jeopardy or hurt the integrity of the tournaments. Now, let's talk about a true amateur. I believe an amatuer is someone other than a professional charter captain or a professional guide. If they desire to decorate their boat with decals, that does not necessarily say they are sponsored by that company. Example- All the pick up trucks driving down the road with Notre Dame or Penn State football stickers does not mean they are being supported by that school. It's just their choice to show people they believe in what is beyond that decal. A true amateur is a person who spends endlesss hours on the water of Lake Ontario fishing, trying to improve his sport. It is very beneficial to New York state and all the communities where PRO Am's are held or where the amateur docks his boat and fishes out of. It costs alot of money to be competitive as an amateur to fish these tournaments. So whether we are in an 18 foot boat or a 31 foot boat, is immaterial. I'm proud to say that I am a true amateur and I fish Lake Ontario derbys, Pro Am's and weekends when there are no chances of me winning any money. So, let's just say A TRUE AMATEUR IS AN INDIVIDUAL WHO FISHES FOR THE SPORT AND NOT THE MONEY. That is the difference between AM and PRO. Paul, again, these are Pro AMs. The seven people you mentioned in your previous post- we have four tournament chairs- Bill Hilts Jr., Mike Waterhouse, Chris Kenyon and Dave Turner. And three Charter Captains- Bob Cinell, Greg Gehrig and Paul Czarnecki. Give an amateur a spot on this committee to work alongside the seven mentioned above. Let's keep united and move forward and make these tournaments stronger.
  14. Gambler on sat. june 30 th while my son weighed his king in here is your answer, I ASKEDto have my boatname put on the leaderboard do to the fact that the LOC HOMEPAGE gets over1800 hits a day from crountrys worldwide and children view this page,some of the amateur boatnames were not appropriate ,after hearing some of the names I would say DAVE from the loc derby is making the wright decision so lets support his decision [be a true sportsman and take akid FISHING]maybe next year if we talk with DAVE we could turn this around kicker
  15. my son and I were out of fairheaven sat june 30 put a nice king on the board !!!!!!!! kicker
  16. Del,I talked with PAUL from orleans pro/am commitee.about the am division on monday after niagara pro/am I know how you and team screamer feel I ask Paul if it could be possible to get an individual from the am side to be a liaison,work with am teams and also the pro/am rules commitee this way the am division will have some a voice I TOLD him i would like to discuss with him and the pro /am commitee,also you and your team and the rest of the amateur teams. see you in oswego lets work together and things can only improve. //////LESTER //////kicker
  17. UPGRADY I got an email from LOTSA President Joe Yeager two early march meetings to put on your calendar are the annual DEC State of the lake set for march 1ST AND OUR MARCH membership meeting on thursday the 8TH,I do not atend alot of meetings but for the $10.oo dollars membership fee; I have the chance to a lot of information .as a sportmen I wish every person that spends one day on LAKE ONTARIO would join for information WWW.LOTSA.ORG
  18. 56 Looks like iam an oldie but feel like a kid when on the LAKE!!!!!
  19. called the phone# for using credit card for canadian fishing license 1-800-667-1940 today,I was told it would arive in about 4 to5 days/ unless feds inspect this package then it would be 5 to6 weeks
  20. BRIAN I have a 9.9 merc. pro kicker 25inch long shaft on my 24foot thompson it works great even in 2 to 3 footers.a couple of things you need to know,before you can purchase the right motor,you needtoknow the vertical lift or drop on the mounting bracket the floor line also the water linethis will allow you to mount bracket once you know distance from top of bracket to cavitation plate,I belive when motor is in down position the cavitation plate should be 1 inch above bottom of boat at the centerline of your kicker motor this should all be spelled out with the instructions when you purchase your mounting bracket keep kicker as close to center of boat 20 to 23 inches
  21. PAUL / BOB /and the rest of the tournament directors iam glad to see the committee is making some progess, but is there still time to take all entrants into consideration on registration forms, list some purposed rules and let the teams have final say, this may keep them from taking there BALL and going home , lets keep them involved with all aspects of the PRO AM TOURNAMENTS, andGO FOWARD!!!!!!!!!KICKER
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