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Get The Net

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Everything posted by Get The Net

  1. Jim Nice to see you report. I was out on Sunday as well. Slow going at Sandy, boated a 15lb king and a 15 lb Laker. Lost 2 other nice fish as well. A lot of lakers over here. The kings were a little scattered. The bright sun did not help. I was off the water by 11:00... I was going to call you, but left your number at home. ER mail it to me when you get a chance. Lou
  2. Thanks for the reply guys... It was an awesome day.... Yankee, your right, My wife is waiting for the day that all three of us kids are out of the house for the day... You should have seen her trying to steer the boat and grab the net, I wish I had a picture for that!!!!!!
  3. Since the kids were asking to go fishing and the wife wanting to see the fall colors, I figured what better way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. We headed up the river for a nice fall boat ride to see the changes in the leaves and to catch my boys(5&4) their first king. Once I explained to them that they can not hold the rods while we were trolling, they waited paitently for some action. Within a few minutes, The starboard rigger fired. I grabbed the rod and he got off after a few seconds. As I was re grouping, the other rigger went. Fish On! I sat my 5 year old down and handed him the rod. With my help, my kids took turns fighting the crusty king to the boat. When that king was in the boat, the look on my kid's faces was priceless. It was truly a treat for them. Even though they do not understand that the fish was near the end of his life,( and nasty as can be) they thought it was the greatest thing ever. It was a great treat for their father too. In my opinion being able to pass on a legacy to the young ones is what fishing is all about. What a great day and a great way to end the season. To all LOU members: Have a good winter and we will see you in the spring. Capt.Lou "Get The Net"
  4. Hit the water around 6:00. Fished for 2 1/2 hours Nice night with a mild North West wind. Set up in 100ft and never went passed 110. Went 6 for 8 with a mix bag of kings/steelies/laker... A 22 lb king being the biggest. Lost a "major" on the wire 225ft. Took 2 other fish off the dipsies including a 15 lb laker. (Mtn Dew Spin Doc/Siggs Pulse Green Fly took 2 fish) Riggers were set 40-70 ft. Purple, green, you name it, it worked. Both Mags and NK 28's.....Temps moved up a little: had 48 degrees 50ft down over 110. All fish came right in front of the creek and east.
  5. Went almost the same for us. Started around 5:45 in 130 ft. It took us 45 minutes to get only 4 rods set. As soon as we would get one rigger in the water, it would fired... Went 4 for 6 all before 7:30. With a 24lb king the biggest.(off the wire 160ft) Most of our action was right in front of the creek. Green was the color of choice for us. Lost another good fish.. As we were fighting it, the line hit our starboard dispy and well lets just say there is a king out there swimming with a blue/green dolphin NK in his mouth!!!! GTN
  6. Nice report Jax. Sounds like things got even better after we spoke. Question is what the H.E. double hockey sticks are you doing in front of the pump house. I thought you were an east sider????? Oh, I know, you accidently left your auto pilot on and ended up there!!! I may be out Sunday eve. I need to redeem myself for my miserable trip on Wed night.
  7. Jax, Nice having autopilot huh, That is next on my wish list.... I should be out tomorrow night. Give me a call if you go.
  8. For Sale: (2) Cannon Multi-mount rod holders. They have only been used 1 season. They come complete in the original box. I also am including back up plates for mounting to gunwale(gunnal) of boat. The base swivels 360 degrees. The holder itself swings 180 degrees. I paid 70.00 each for these. I am asking 90.00 for the pair. You may contact me directly at [email protected]. Thanks Get The Net
  9. For Sale: (2) Cannon Uni-troll downriggers. They come complete with the swivel mount bases. They have only been used 3 seasons. One downrigger has the coated cable(for use with the speed n temp) but the original cable is included. I am asking 300.00 for both. You may contact me at [email protected] Thanks Get The Net
  10. Jax, nice to see you fishing in your own boat again. From the reports I have read( and the ribbing your taking) I don't think I would fish with anyone else again!!!!! I was out Wed night in a friends boat. It is nice not to do all the work for a change!! We went 4 for 5.. 3 of the kings were 24-27 range. Had a double on and managed to land both of them. With no one driving the boat, it made it interesting.... We found 150 ft range to be the best.... I should be out Sun am on my own vessel... If your out, give a shout.. Lou GTN
  11. Pat, Friday we had similar results... Found great fishing at the 30 line. Many kings/bows from the surface down 30 ft. Kept us busy most of the day...Saw Legacy out there. It was good to chat with him especially when we were surrounded by fog!!!! On Saturday I headed out to the same water, but stopped and turned around when I got to 300ft. Why? I really don't know, because I am still kicking myself. Fished the closer water and boy was it slow.
  12. Yes the fishing has been slow.. Either try in close for browns(35-85) or head out deep(250-400). There out there somewhere!!!!!
  13. Hijinks, try these sites......Good Luck! http://www.billsaiffoutdoors.com/saiff/article3.htm http://www.stevesfishingsupplies.com/br ... davis.html GTN
  14. I fished last night from 6-9pm. We went 4 for 5, loosing a nice steelie at the boat. The temps were inconsistent last night and yes much higher in the water column. 3 fish came on the wire. Siggs fly/Spin Doctors were hot. We stayed mostly west of the creek and fished between 100-150ft.
  15. Most of our hits last night were also on an east troll. We had quite a screamer on the wire(Siggs Fly, gotta love em) until we had a bite off... I also have down speed and noticed there were some times 3.5 on the surface to get 2.3 down below. If you want to know where the heavy currents are go to http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/ this is a very useful tool in finding strong currents. GTN
  16. Mike, off night for me as well. In less than 3 hours we had 6 fish on, only landed one. Not my best performance. We had 2 nice rips on the wire. Green was a popular color for me tonight. Fished mostly 100-150 with most of our hits were in 140. Your right, the temps were all over the place. We did find some nice pockets of 48 degree water west of the creek. Compared to Sunday the temp has moved up. Found 48 deg down 50 over 150. Sunday it was more like 80-90 ft over the same depth....
  17. LTtroller, Good Report, I hope to be out tonight..... If you have not already, try Cortland Flea Flicker line. It works great against the fleas. GTN
  18. Pops, At least you had some action, even though you only boated one fish. Just think if you caught every fish that hit, there would be no challange I met JAX last week at Sandy. Nice guy. It seems that Sandy Creek brings good people together. I hope to be out this weekend.... Good luck next week.... GTN
  19. Gambler, Nice report... I have heard the fishing out of Sandy has been good. A buddy of mine has been doing well. On Wed, they boated a 25 lber but the guy he was with was not in the derby!!! :shock: I have not fished there in a week. I was in Fair Haven.. We did ok up there. A few kings with some nice steelie action. I hope to be out on Sunday.... GTN
  20. Gambler I do remember now you telling me you were coming to this side of town. I am glad you hit the kings.. SO far Sandy this year has been pretty decent for me. I should be out Sun am.. If you are out, give a call on 72. GTN
  21. Gambler, Nice to see you on this side of the lake..You usually fish Irond. no?
  22. Rebel: I was out deeper las night... I saw some boats in close, I was wondering how the fishing was in there. I normally get out on Wed nights, but changed this week to last night. It was a good night going 3-4.... I should be out Sun am. If you are out , give a call.. I 'll be on 72........ GTN
  23. Got lines set around 6:15pm. Fished the 180-220 range. By 6:35 the first king hit the dipsy: 280 ft of wire on a Siggs Maui fly/Spin Doc. Then around 7:45 we had 2 back to back. These came in 60ft over 190. Both fish came on Nk baby shower.. It was a good night. I had 2 rookies on the boat.... Another 2 people "hooked" on Salmon fishing. Went 3 for 4 total.. 18,18, and 20 lbs....
  24. Rebel, Were the kings mostly out in the 200ft range or less? I missed a good day on the water yesterday, I am trying to make up for it by going tonight. A buddy was out and had some action in the 180-250 range.
  25. Jax, I assumed it was a king, but I did not get out of the truck to get a close look. Either way what a waste of a nice fish. I can't figure out why someone would do that... I can't get out this weekend, Wedding in Albany We marked a lot of bait in the 100-130 range, but no marks in the 170 range( where most of our action happened) We had good luck on the east troll as well..... Good Luck this weekend if you go.
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