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Everything posted by Gator

  1. If Rage failed every time, then nobody would use them. I suspect every dog has its day lol.. Nice buck.
  2. You probably want to call first, wherever you take it, to check whether they have a dumpster. Apparently there's a new permit requirement? Not sure whether it's statewide or local. I picked up a deer a few weeks ago and got two bags of carcass along with my meat. The juices looked great on my work clothes, and the folks I met with afterwards appreciated the smell. Just an FYI. It's all good, so long as you're prepared to dispose of the remains.
  3. Saw my first real deer in four days from the stand this morning, then still hunted and had a close encounter with a (non-shooter) eight point. My buddy I was hunting with saw a bunch of bucks on doe. So, you're saying there's still a chance... My wife says that's it's tipped the scale from hobby to obsession. I asked her how it took her 25 years to figure that one out.
  4. Can you tell IT'S ON!! Nice bucks, boys! I saw 2 minutes of chasing yesterday evening, and otherwise my hunts have been bird watching. It's going to change momentarily though. Can't rain forever...
  5. Like most on here, this stuff really burns me. I can't believe that the DEC is providing guidance that plastic lockable gun cases will suffice to meet the law for storage in a vehicle, when the language clearly states that you need a "lockable, fireproof gun case". If you don't want to spend $1K on a gun case that fits the bill, then you're in violation, regardless of what DEC says. Details matter when you're writing laws, legislators!! It doesn't matter what you mean, it's what you put on paper. And Strong Hospital has now posted signs that state, "No weapons allowed, in accordance with blah, blah, blah". Because signs prevent criminals from carrying already-illegal firearms. I did hear an interesting take on that part of the law which states that you need to post signage making guns welcome, and by default they are illegal to carry into a privately held building. Seems silly to me, but a friend suggested that this might be a tool to be able to prosecute some bad dude who they can't get otherwise, but who they know is always carrying. Like Al Capone was nabbed on tax evasion charges. I'd love to hear our law enforcement brethren's take on this....feasible or not? Is this law a tool that will be used to nab otherwise untouchables?
  6. Very cool! My evening sit consisted of having a big buck watch me climb into my stand, then walk away slowly. Priceless. That was the only deer I saw. It must be the rut...boom or bust.
  7. Every small buck in the woods in walking around with their noses to the ground, searching. But no chasing, and no monsters run amok in my neck of the woods. Where's Rob? MIA with work earlier in the month, I know, but his absence is felt.
  8. Heck, no!! Science. like fishing, is for everybody. Most days on the lake, I feel dumb as a box of rocks, but I've got good friends who steer me right. Gotta go shoot a big buck with Gambler.
  9. I wasn't able to make the meeting, but agree that they're doing what they can given the budget and staffing. The comments on mitochondrial DNA are interesting. My lab studies mitos, and we published a paper a couple years ago where we identified a protein expressed on the outside of sperm mitochondria, but not oocyte mitochondria, which is responsible for initiating selective degradation following zygotic fusion. Hence, Morgan-E's comment that by looking at mito DNA, they're be definition following the female lineage resonated with me. I'll take a look at that study. Molecular determinants of mitochondrial heteroplasmy is a fascinating topic, and if you want to build a bigger, badder salmon, that's a great place to start.
  10. Quick sit before work yesterday netted absolutely nothing. Beans are harvested at the Albion property - cell cams are dead, but I know that there's been some chasing. The next four days could be interesting. Historically, the week leading up to Halloween has been my #1 for sightings and opportunities. I generally can't make myself pull the trigger until the last week though, unless it's a beast.
  11. Well, I thought I'd screwed the pooch when I busted a nice buck from under the stand on the way in. I got a picture of him 150 yards away 20 minutes after he was telling the entire woods that danger had arrived. Surprisingly, around 8 am, I had a nine point come in and hang out for half an hour; he started to bed down, then came right under the stand. He seemed to think that something was up, but couldn't get a handle on it. I think that the ozone I'd hit my outfit with on the way over confused his nose. Anyway, I got some great video of him under the stand - he was your typical 3 1/2 year old eight point with a crotch on the right antler.
  12. Slow, slow, slow with this heat, but I did manage a coyote yesterday morning. It's going to be like this all week...
  13. Nice deer to pass on...he'll be a beast given time. I just got back from the ADK, climbing and paddling with the wife. Great break before the real season kicks in, but it got me to thinking about how lucky we are in terms of deer numbers down here. We've been visiting the Saranac/High Peaks region for many years. We finally saw a buck (not a town deer like near Old Forge, but a real ADK buck) with two doe just this year. There's never any sign in the woods, at least on the trails. Or maybe I'm just so spoiled that I miss it lol. Hard to beat the views, and when you're miles from the nearest road - well, that's special. But deer? We are truly blessed.
  14. Young bucks nose to the ground, couple fawns wandering aimlessly, it's starting!
  15. My neighbor who lives where we park to access our property was down the street looking at those deer this morning. Interesting twins. The other one has a large white throat patch. I suspect that we know their mother well lol.
  16. lmfao could be that Billy is going to see and influx of folks this weekend...that's just evil. Nicely played.
  17. I wasn't in favor of mandatory lie detector tests for the top teams in our local tournaments, but I have changed my mind based on the recent spate of cheating. Nobody wants to think that a member of their fishing community could be capable of such, but who's to say what motivating factors might influence a decision like this...and just like that, our culture declines further. I hate to see it, but recognize the necessity.
  18. Hunted for two hours yesterday morning and evening and again this morning. First opening weekend that I remember where I was skunked on potential opportunities. I had a buck of unknown size that trapped me in the stand last night past dark, but he didn't show until dusk and I never had a shot or even a decent look at him. I did see some doe in the fields, but none anywhere close to the stand. As for today - I forgot my Dramamine this morning and was wobbly getting down. The neighbor shot a 2 1/2 year old eight point. There will be better days ahead.
  19. So, they're raising water so that folks who keep their boat in Lake St Lawrence can get them out? That isn't too helpful for all the rest of the sports up North. Can I walk back my walk back lol? Just call me Joe...
  20. That's not insubstantial, and more than I expected. I do hope that it's enough. Better than nothing - and it does show that there's at least recognition of the issue.
  21. Really? And just how much is a temporary reduction in outflows going to raise water levels? Enough to get boats out of the mud that they've been sitting in for the past month? I must be a dummy, because the math doesn't add up.
  22. Next time, tell him where he is on your hit list with one of these
  23. I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how hard it must be.
  24. Free to a good home lol?
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