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Everything posted by salmonite

  1. www.lazykrvranch.com this is where we stay. Don't know if it has everything that you are looking for but we enjoy it check it out. yes on electric and water though. The lady is a little spacy but what are you going to do?
  2. +2 who really can tell where these funds will be going? If i had certainty that it would get put back into ny conservation i wouldn't mind paying 100 but there is no certainty at all! hell...he wants to tax non diet sodas too, i am sure he wants protect people from obesity???
  3. nice job ray and the hunting story is even better!! Did ya get him in ny? nevermind just saw the ny tag in the pics. Nice job ray
  4. tank is correct, that pics been on archerytalk for ever....
  5. good cheap way to add a little flavor to a man cave too!
  6. its really weird that we have been getting more and more negative posts by new members. Hopefully this site keeps up the high standards that most forums sites do not keep up. aka.... Archerytalk.com!! so many guys with so many opinions with bashing on their minds. also well said blockead....
  7. what the hell???????????? fishing report page??????????? keep on posting chrome that is what this site is about.
  8. how long does it take to get to the bay from rochester?
  9. the first four years were no opportunities and the last year i popped my shoulder out of place when i was drawing on a nice 2 1/2 year old. My own fault, buck fever got the best of me and i forgot all of the fundelmentals. But i have been trying to do a qdma called "earn a buck" its basically shoot a doe before you shoot a buck. i think its been working.
  10. five long years and no horns but it finally came together last weekend. got a doe on saturday and this guy came to a 30yrd shooting lane on sunday. Not the biggest but i am sending him over to shawn (fx) to put him on the wall. Trophy in my eyes and i will remember it forever!
  11. toller, what township is wyoming rd. I think i might hunt right by ya!
  12. thanks woody hopefully i will see you on tuesday night!
  13. also check out bowsite.com they have outfitter reviews on there.
  14. oh yeah it can get rockin and rollin out there. Beware of the west winds. It wips across that lake and really gets moving out there. I used to fish it with a 14ft fiberglass and i was just weary of the pure west wind or pure east winds. Just watch the weather and enjoy! great fishery!
  15. i have two pieces of property and the one is like what i stated before but you go over to the other side of the valley and little 6's will have nice three to 4 inch brows. That whole hill is filled with acorns though, it might have something to do with all that protein!
  16. is the small brow tines common on your land because my property it is. My uncle killed a 135inch 10 point with a 20inch inside spread and it had two inch brows... Its really disappointing that the genetics are like that.
  17. hopefully you see that last one during shooting hours!
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