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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Add another boat launch lane.
  2. Since the DEC is not going to open Caledonia to Kings any thoughts about putting more pens in along the Lewiston launch on the Niagara? If the south shore is losing out on the natural reproduction returns due to warm September and October stream temps, any thoughts about trying to "engineer" the run timing to make it later in the fall when temps are better? Perhaps selective stripping of late-run fish kept separate and used to stock south-shore streams?
  3. To answer the question I think you are wondering about.....yes your divers are under your copper. Because the dive curves are different per line out they don't usually get together unless the driver makes a sharp turn and the inside copper drops into the diver on the same side or when deploying you don't let the copper settle a little before sending out wide on the board.
  4. In the end it does not matter. No REAL difference will be realized in depth of the diver over a couple of feet of line out.....unless you are trolling in 8' FOW.
  5. Mag dispys with no ring set on 1 with braid on inside. Mag or regular deeper divers on outside with wire at a 3 setting. I keep the braid on the inside diver rods to add a little protection during netting to guard against a fish making a late move lateral....I would rather mono be scraping on braid rather than wire.
  6. I will be at the R&R tackle booth. Stop by and say hello. Dave will have his famous ultra-light spoons. This year he will have you pick the blanks you want and then give you the stickers you desire to dress them up custom. See you all Sunday.
  7. Nice Jeff, looks like some young-of-the-year birds? Need some thaws here in WNY to get the birds out of the pine trees and into the coverts.
  8. I have been out west in Wyoming and Utah the last two years and they have similar regulations already in place......kind of a difficult regulation for the reasons others have stated. What do we do with Blue Herons or other waterfowl that can transport weeds on their feet or seeds in their feces????
  9. Boundaries would be too difficult to enforce. Given June can be a tough time at the Oak esp. with east winds that like to kick up....it would be nice to run to Niagara County or near the Genny to find good water. The marina gas pumps like the additional business of no boundaries LOL.
  10. Only set the hook if you want to lose fish and/or gear.
  11. My 10' ugly sticks would be overkill for Finger lakes fish IMO. You may want to look at Rapala.....they make a nice long soft action copper rod that would be perfect. Hard to find but they carry them in Canada. Shimano Talora 10' 6" medium action dipsy rod might be good too (Cabelas has them).
  12. The problem is not the material, the problem is the short section of line between hooks on a tournament tie. A short section of stiff line will have no stretch. When pulled over the jaw line over the teeth.....el brake-o. I am using the old school single treble, stacked with beads + 40 lb Seaguar fluoro and have never had a break-off. The beads probably offer a level of protection on the initial strike and turn because I don't notice any wear or nicks on the leader above the hook. Hook-up ratio has not been effected. Save your fingers, money in hooks, and your sanity by going with a single treble tied with an improved cinch-knot.
  13. Sneaky duck, for perch try an emerald shiner tail section on a small ice fishing jig. Tingle it-pause-tingle-pause.....near bottom. Bites are barely detectable so you really need to concentrate on what you are doing.
  14. Have we gotten official confirmation that Niagara is still on??
  15. If you keep your big paddles close to the downrigger ball and place a barrel swivel 4' ahead of the flasher, you will have less tangles. The big paddles deserve a LONG leader to fly or meat....like 4-6' to be a consistent producer. Good examples of big paddles in use go to Vimeo and watch Lake Michigan's 333 tournament trail produce.
  16. Deer will go where the food is.....it is that simple. During winter food sources change. Standing corn and browse are king. Deer will go into energy conservation mode and plop down in a clearcut and not travel further than 50 yards in a day. Thick pine forests offer shelter during storms, but if there is no food around they will leave these areas as well. Huge tracts of continuous forest will become deerless if there is no browse around. Take a walk with your snowshoes and a coyote gun.....you will learn a lot as everything is spelled out in the snow.
  17. Crows are very smart.....very smart. They probably heard that NY was not a gun-owner friendly state.
  18. I have a mast on each side mounted mid-ship. Having the added height of the masts will allow your otters to perform much better.
  19. Smelt are invasive to the great lakes as well. http://www.seagrant.umn.edu/ais/smelt
  20. Dreamweaver action flies make GREAT Coho and Steelhead flies when trimmed down to 3". Because they are thin-cut flies, the bead color is important as they tend to show thru more. I like orange glow beads stacked with just a smaller treble and fished behind a 6" orange crush SD.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K45YcVyAATw Looks like pike on pike crime to me.
  22. I believe the pike you are holding got bit by another pike. Pike have been known to kill themselves by trying to swallow a pike of equal size. Very aggressive toward like-kind.
  23. That's hunting Ray. Good to have some back up "brown-down" areas for mental well being. One can go crazy chasing trophy deer year after year.
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