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Everything posted by stan

  1. Shawn may this day bring you all you wish for and some
  2. Ok , this is my friend Capt Grizz. It's just the start of the season and the big boys are not in yet. Yes in weighted out at 42 lbs. But I am not going to be up north till Aug with grizz and Capt Brian
  3. Justin Great looking fish, out west here they would both be called hogs . Thanks for the pictures and 1st place
  4. What a great way to waste a whole day, watching fishing shows. 3 or 4 times over and over. Man can they set out a Dipsy and I got a couple of pointers out of it
  5. Great Job Uncle Bill, take a kid out of the sand and onto an Ocean , he will never be the same. Fishing always makes a close family .As always thanks for another great video .
  6. Great job, Out west here in California that would be a toad, hog . Way to rip some lips
  7. Nice looking fish, we call them Mackinaw out west here. Thanks for the picture and report
  8. Couple of happy young ladies there, keep it up Dad. Can not get any better than that
  9. Looks like one happy little guy, Dreams for a life time with dad. Don't get any better than that. Thanks for the pictures
  10. great job , thanks for the report and picture
  11. Congratulations! Tom I will have to agree with you on how to get even with your kids I have 13 grand kids and spoil the hell out of them , get them all jacked up on candy , ice cream , soda about an hour before there parents come pick them up . it's the greatest way to get even plus it's a grandparents responsibility to spoil there grand kids. again CONGRATULATIONS
  12. great looking fish, thanks for the release
  13. Being an old guy from California and just getting into everything back east. I used the church Walleye boards for one season and caught plenty of fish off them. I used a 30lb braid and 50' 10lb leader, never had one line brake. I always hooked the braid to the release. But have now gone to a mast and 34" boards and catch twice the fish as I did with the in-line boards. Are lakes are vary small compared to yours out there . Now I have a number of friends that are getting into in-line and the mast set up with great success with both. On boats that are 12' to 22' One thing I can say , I never picked up a brown on the in-line boards , but the mast set up I sure have bagged my share if not more. Good luck on ripping some lips out there
  14. May this day bring all you wish for
  15. May this day bring all you wish for
  16. Well that time of the year we all have been waiting for has returned. Now remember under California new fish and game regulations , you must use your punch card. One of the new regulations is snagging is allowed . No more than twenty five in possession There is no weight or size limit this year.
  17. Well some one has to keep course while everyone is fishing. Looks like she has everything under control. Great pictures thanks
  18. Great job Matt, but where are the browns ? Thanks for the pictures and report
  19. That is a fact on what Tom just stated , Nothing better in life than share an experience like that with your children . Thanks for the report and pictures are great. With out them the story just would not be the same.
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